Post:Summon messaging reversed? - 01/27/2013 - 16:49

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Re: summon messaging reversed? · on 01/27/2013 04:49 PM CST 1080
>>So if Aether is on the same plane as us, then what is the difference between being aligned and carring a heafty charge to aether and simply not being aligned to anything? If you summoned imped Aether, would you be pulling youself closer to the Plane of Abiding where Aether already is?

There's Aether which is woven into the Plane of Abiding as its foundation, and then the Elemental Plane of Aether that is nothing but Aether. The sky is Aether, the ground is Aether, time is Aether, you try to breathe but you Aether instead and die.

Charge of all sorts comes from those extraplanar sources of "pure" elements. You don't get charge from the aetheric structure of the Plane of Abiding anymore than you get Fire charge from a nice bonfire.


This message was originally posted in The Warrior Mages \ Bugs - Warrior Mages, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.