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Post:Subdued riots objective - 02/26/2012 - 14:55
Re: Subdued riots objective · on 02/26/2012 02:55 PM CST | 2914 |
The average expected [scrip per Quelling the Riot Quest run] is around 300.
<<At 200, it would take me an average of 7-25 runs to afford items in the shop. And 20+ runs for a 14 bolt repeater is simply insane. I would much rather hand Simu 100$ for the blasted thing and be done with it. Cheaper on my part, less time wasted, and no chance of failure due to malfunctions.>> Your math is a little off. Even at 200 per run, there are things that can be bought in 5 runs or less. Whether those items appeal to you personally is another matter entirely, but not something we can help. <<And 20+ runs for a 14 bolt repeater is simply insane. >> It's meant to be. I want to point out again that the items in the Commissary are extras, meant to make it worth while for you to go on the quest again (or again and again). The whole point of its inventory is such that if you choose to go on 5 runs or 10 runs or 100 runs, there's something extra you can get out of it. If the value proposition isn't there for you, then that's perfectly understandable. We're not going to make everyone happy with everything we release. I'm sure you're not the only one that wished the ridiculously overpowered crossbow was 1000 scrip, but regardless of whether you agree with the items' prices, would your preference be that the shop didn't exist at all and there was nothing to earn (however distasteful some of the items are you to, personally) if you chose to go on the adventure again? Or would you rather at least have the option there on the chance that you were able to pick up something special (and in many cases, only attainable in an auction setting for multiple thousands of plats) in addition to the end of quest loot you collected? | |
This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Paid Events / Quests, by SIMU-SOLOMON on the forums. |