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Post:Su Helmas - 08/02/2011 - 14:55

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Re: Su Helmas · on 08/02/2011 02:55 PM CDT 1248
>>I came across mention of Su Helmas in some of the reading I've been doing, and I was kinda intrigued by the sound of it from what limited information I could find. If any who's been around for a while and has some background to share regarding it could share, I'd be much appreciative.

Su Helmas was the temple compound of the original G'nar Pethians, built in the blasted wastelands that they held were sacred and beautiful in their mysticial sight.

At some point, Something happened and the G'nar Pethians disappeared from history, leaving Su Helmas abandoned. The Followers of G'nar Peth are spiritual [ descendants ] of these people, a modern mystery religion focused on attempting to recover the hidden teachings of G'nar Peth.

The Moon Mage Guild discovered the location of Su Helmas a long time ago and has been slowly excavating the site.


This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ General Discussions - Moon Mages, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.