Post:Staff Promotions - 10/22/2014 - 12:34

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Re: Staff Promotions · on 10/22/2014 12:34 PM CDT 6190
Crash course on the GM ranking structure:
GMA GameMaster Apprentice: These people are training to be Real GMs.
JGM Junior GameMaster: This is a newly-cleared-from-training GM.
AGM Assistant GameMaster: This is the average GM.
FGM Full GameMaster: These guys typically have an area or team they're responsible for, and have other GMs that report to them.
ASGM Assistant Senior GameMaster: These GMs generally have several areas of responsibility, and have many GMs that report to them.
SGM Senior GameMaster: These GMs are by and large responsible for the whole game, and all GMs report to them.
PM Product Manager: Solomon. The bosses boss.

Within the rank structure, we also have Team structures. Team members report to their Team Lead, then any A/SGM. It ends up being sort of strange sometimes, because there could be an SGM that is a member of a team an FGM leads -- Technically, the SGM reports to the FGM for the purposes related to teamwork in that area!

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players \ Responses to GM/Official Announcements, by DR-LYNEYA on the forums.