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Post:Something to check out Snippets.. and something interesting - 09/09/2006 - 17:27

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Something to check out Snippets.. and something interesting · on 09/09/2006 17:27 286
The gentle sound of harps and flutes arise from behind the walls, the instruments complimenting each other perfectly as they craft a gentle hymn to Hav'roth and his aspects.

From beyond the gate, melodious voices began to sing softly, almost like whispering on the wind.

The young S'kra woman returns, opening the gate slightly as she smiles at the crowd. "If it pleases you, I am honored to present Kapo Peri'el Shrada and Sara'pon Peri'el Vithhanami." Stepping aside, she allows two other S'Kra Mur women out the gate.

Kapo Peri'el Shrada just arrived.

You see Kapo Peri'el Shrada, a S'Kra Mur.
She has a sharp-featured face with slitted jade eyes, green-grey scales, a curving tail and a lithe figure.
She is aged for a S'Kra Mur.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a glossy ebony-black sheath with darkened silver fittings, an antiqued leather songbook brimming with pages, a silver tailband engraved with mystic sigils, a slender gold ring resembling a coiled king snake, a flowing silver robe trimmed in black, a black suede instrument case with highly-polished silver buckles, a small leather satchel and a simple pendant with three beads.

Shrada's tail undulates passively just above the ground.

Vithhanami recites:

"Thank you all for coming. I am Sara'pon Peri'el Vithhanami."

You see Sara'pon Peri'el Vithhanami, a S'Kra Mur.
She has an elongated face with a flexible ridged crest which follows the shape of her skull, slitted dark eyes, dark gold-edged scales and a slender tail.
She is venerable for a S'Kra Mur.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a simple pendant with three beads, a black suede instrument case with highly-polished silver buckles, a small leather satchel, a flowing copper robe trimmed in black, a slender gold ring resembling a coiled king snake, an antiqued leather songbook brimming with pages, a deep brown leather sheath crisscrossed with rawhide strapping and a woven silver tailband decorated with polished amber beads.

With a graceful flutter of her hands, Shrada sinks down in a formal curtsy.

Vithhanami raises a hand slowly.

Vithhanami recites:

"If we may please have some quiet."

Shrada bows to Vithhanami.

Shrada folds her arms and lifts her head, a proud gleam in her eye and her tail resting firmly against the ground.

Ur'Kapo Peri'el Renrosali just arrived.

Ronterias nods.

Renrosali folds her arms and lifts her head, a proud gleam in her eye and her tail resting firmly against the ground.
Vithhanami recites:

"Ur'Kapo Peri'el will be leading in a song praising Peri'el."

Renrosali smiles slowly.

You see Ur'Kapo Peri'el Renrosali, a S'Kra Mur Bard.
She has slitted violet eyes, red-gold scales and a slender tail.
She is archaic for a S'Kra Mur.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a dagger arm sheath, an antiqued leather songbook brimming with pages, a small leather satchel, a slender gold ring resembling a coiled king snake, a simple pendant with three beads, a flowing golden robe trimmed in black, a black suede instrument case with highly-polished silver buckles, a saffron cotton gamantang, a hammered copper tailband and a cord-bound canvas satchel.

Lashes lowered, Shrada sinks down in a deep curtsy before Renrosali.

Renrosali nods politely.

Renrosali says, "I would like to thank all who came. The notice was short, and for that I apologize."

Renrosali says, "I also apologize for the secrecy, but I beg to hope you understand."

Renrosali says, "Beyond our walls the Sisters of Peri'el have sung for generations, praising and, we pray, aiding the glorious Peri'el in her sacred duties."

Renrosali says, "For the first time since our Sisterhood was hunted down and slaughted by the creatures of that vile hag, we will sing in praise of Peri'el in the open."

Renrosali says, "No longer behind stone walls. No longer caged animals, trapped by fear."

Renrosali folds her arms and lifts her head, a proud gleam in her eye and her tail resting firmly against the ground.

Vithhanami gazes fondly at Renrosali.

Shrada bows to Renrosali.

Shrada's tail undulates passively just above the ground.

Renrosali says, "Please observe a moment of respect as we sing in honor of Peri'el."

Renrosali bows her head solemnly.

Renrosali removes a harp-like instrument from her instrument case.

Shrada bows her head.

Renrosali gently tunes her polished khurmary.

The song slowly begans to soften again, taking on the calm and gentleness of a soothing lullaby. The chanters, their voices quiet and serene, sing of the glory and wonder of Peri'el.

Renrosali sings in a soprano voice:

"Peri'el, dawning light,
We sing your praises now.
Blessed Lady, ray of peace,
Hear our solemn vow."

Renrosali longingly sings in a soprano voice:

"Your strength upheld the gods
And banished our despair --
For peace you sundered life and limb,
Sight and beauty fair."

The voices beyond the wall join in the song, as do countless harps and flutes. The music seems to come from all around you, carried by the gentle breeze.

Renrosali sings in a soprano voice:

"And so this day we bear you up
To offer fleeting rest
Our voices offered unto you
To keep the beast repressed."

Renrosali sings in a soprano voice:

"Peri'el, martyred teacher,
Rest your burden low
Valiant goddess, blessed savior,
Peace this day you'll know.
Peace this day you'll know."

The song slowly begans to soften again, taking on the calm and gentleness of a soothing lullaby. The chanters, their voices quiet and serene, sing of the glory and wonder of Peri'el.

Renrosali's tail undulates passively just above the ground.

Renrosali rises her eyes to survey the crowd.

Renrosali takes a deep breath, the sighs.

Renrosali says, "And now, I must speak to you frankly and honestly."

Renrosali says, "For the past year, our sisters have sensed something amiss in the Song. Those of us who sing in praise and honor of Peri'el have taken ill, and discordant notes have entered our song."

Vithhanami sighs heavily, lowering her gaze.

Renrosali says, "The priestesses among us have sought guidance, as was once done long ago. Answers we have not found, but we do know one thing..."

Renrosali's tail undulates in an agitated fashion

Renrosali says, "There are those who would see the Song of Peri'el silenced. Those who would see the Great Beast, the World Dragon, awakened."

Vithhanami gazes at Renrosali.

Renrosali says, "Yes, there are still fools such as that. A few linger around Ilithi, as we all know."

Renrosali says, "But..."

Renrosali frowns.

Renrosali says, "Of late, strangers have been seen here."

Ronterias gives voice to a high, troubled trill, glancing about anxiously.

Renrosali says, "On the docks, in the hills, even in the caverns beneath us."

Renrosali frowns deeper.

Renrosali says, "Yes, there are enemies among us. Even here. Now."

Renrosali casually observes the area.

Renrosali says, "I defy you to reveal yourselves, Servants of the Dragon."

The tendrils of glistening silver light swirling chaotically around the shadowy orb floating near Ipe strike deep into its shadowy depths, dissecting it into a fine grey mist. Seconds later, the mist converges and darkens, reforming as a more solid sphere.

Vithhanami recites:

"Reveal yourselves!"

Serzyn sneers.

Zaevas moves over to guard Serzyn.

Serzyn asks, "You fools think your pitiful singing can sustain the slumber of the World Dragon?"

Renrosali gazes at Serzyn with a grim look on her face.

Serzyn throws back his black silk cloak with a cold laugh.

Renrosali asks, "You think you can silence the Song, fools?"

Shrada's tail stands rigid against her back, the scales along it lifting to form an alarmed, serrated edge.

Serzyn exclaims, "The Dragon Priest Empire will rise once from the ashes, and burn the lands pure!"

A look of cold menace crosses Vithhanami's features, and her hands fall to her sides, her tail lashing at the ground with a sharp, angry slap!

Serzyn cackles deep in his throat, his voice rising in chilling laughter.

Serzyn exclaims, "Our allies rejoin us in our holy quest, and you shall be the first to suffer our wrath!"
Serzyn says, "The drawn of this new age shall be born of the most sacred among our blood. "

Shehhgi slings a bloodwood double-stringed crossbow carved to resemble a dragon off from over his shoulder.

Serzyn exclaims, "Come forward, Empress!"

The fiery remnants of an explosion and wicked bolts of dark purple lightning herald the arrival of Hhrsaraa!

Renrosali draws forth a fang-like curved steel dagger with a cabochon peridot pommel stone.

Serzyn laughs!

Hhrsaraa sneers.

Vithhanami draws forth a S'Kra scimitar.

Hhrsaraa says, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Hhrsaraa, Empress of the Dragon Priest Empire. Through my veins flows the sacred blood of Dzree."

Hhrsaraa exclaims, "Cower, for the silencing of Peri'el is at hand!"

Shrada hisses.

Hhrsaraa raises her arms skyward, calling for her loyal army!

Renrosali exclaims, "Speak not the name of that hag here!"

Serzyn seems to be wrapped in dark shadows, concealing all but his empty hands.

A few moments later..

Dragon Priest zealot just arrived, chasing Eoworfinia.

Shrada bows her head and chants a prayer.

Bard Eoworfinia just went south.

A Dragon Priest zealot begins to advance on Dragamar.

You hiss.

Sirise screams!

Sister Sirise just went south.

Shrada glances at a Dragon Priest zealot. > The Dragon Priest zealot closes to pole weapon range on Dragamar.

A Dragon Priest zealot snatches the triangular dagger attached to a fine steel chain dangling at its hip and begins spinning the blade wildly though the air. With a smooth snap of its wrist, the Dragon Priest zealot sends the dagger flying towards you in a blur of deadly steel!
Moving a moment too late, the triangular blade lands a heavy strike that rips into your chest! With a savage pull, the Leyhan yanks upward on the chain connected to the dagger, tearing the blade from your flesh with a shower of bone and blood, stunning you!
[You're badly hurt, very badly balanced with no advantage.]
[You're badly hurt, very badly balanced with no advantage.]

Bladesinger Useff just arrived.

The Dragon Priest zealot closes to melee range on Dragamar.

Bladesinger Useff just went west.

Etris gulps.

Shrada exclaims, "Please, stand back!"

Shrada gestures at Nilme.
A thin silver nimbus surrounds Nilme.


You see Empress Hhrsaraa of the Dragon Priest Empire, a S'Kra Mur.
She has darkly glinting emerald-green eyes set amidst angular features, the lines of her face beautiful and severe. Pale silver scales cover a body that is slim yet muscular, and her stance proud and unyielding.
She is slightly above average height for a S'Kra Mur.
She is a young adult for a S'Kra Mur.

She has faint scuffing to the head, deep cuts across the left arm, deep slashes across the chest area.

She is wearing an elaborate gryphon feather headdress and a matching tribal necklace set with a massive Ilithi emerald that sparkles at her throat. Heavy gold bracelets grace her wrists, and her long white robes fall to floor-length, hiding all but the very tip of her tail. Golden sandals set with spiraling emerald designs peek from beneath her elegant robes with every step.

Serzyn exclaims, "Come forward!"

Malzard just arrived.

Sinuous tendrils of opaque mist slowly creep from the ground, forming a writhing greenish-black cloud.

Shehhgi suddenly appears!
Someone snipes a sleek quadrello at Malzard. The quadrello lands a heavy strike that barely breaks the skin of his right leg!
The sleek quadrello lodges itself shallowly into Malzard!

Serzyn cackles deep in his throat, his voice rising in chilling laughter.

With a deafening WOOSH, a bone-chilling blast of frigid air sweeps through the area as the writhing mist ripples and distorts wildly, leaving a gaping greenish-black portal in its place.

A Dragon Priest crone hobbles from a greenish-black portal in a garish flash of sickly green light!

A Dragon Priest crone sighs heavily and hobbles east, softly humming a rhythmic tribal hymn.

Hhrsaraa peers though the greenish-black portal.

The surge of battlelust brought on by the chanting of "Rage of the Clans" fades away.

A Dragon Priest zealot marches into view with a vicious snarl.

A Dragon Priest crone throws her hands to the heavens as she completes her dirge hissing, "Saar'ati Dzree tanu saar'hhs oloh!" invoking the power of her pestilent incantation.
A globe of shimmering blue fire flickers into being around a Dragon Priest crone.

A Dragon Priest zealot emerges from a greenish-black portal in a garish flash of sickly green light!

Hhrsaraa says, "I will leave you to attend to the cleanup."

Hhrsaraa calmly steps though a greenish-black portal, and vanishes in a flash of garish green light.

Serzyn nods.

Small hot sparks of dark purple electricity begin to crackle about Hhrsaraa.

Dark bolts of lightning erupt from Hhrsaraa's body as she is totally encased in the blinding light! Suddenly, in a fierce explosion she is gone!

You hear someone hiss, "Asss you command Empressssss."

A Dragon Priest zealot searches the area.

Serzyn bows.

You hiss menacingly from the shadows.

A Dragon Priest zealot searches the area.

Serzyn says, "Yes my Empress."

A Dragon Priest zealot searches the area.

Serzyn cackles deep in his throat, his voice rising in chilling laughter.

A greenish-black portal collapses inward on itself and vanishes from sight with a delicate POP.

Serzyn snarls.

A blue-green pivuh hovers for a moment, searching the area for any threats.

You hear the voice of Shehhgi say, "There are two hidden here my brother."

You say, "I knew it. I knew you were a liar Shehhgi."

A Dragon Priest crone begins to chant a rhythmic tribal requiem as she draws a complex sigil upon thin air, which glows with a malevolent luminescence.

Serzyn says, "Find them, brother."

A blue-green pivuh hovers for a moment, searching the area for any threats.

Serzyn hisses.

You say, "You will pay Shehhgi. Know that."

You hear someone hiss, "I follow the path of the Sssh'kial."

You hear someone chuckling.

You say, "You lie."

Moving on...

Moving with powerful grace, Renrosali lunges a fang-like curved steel dagger with a cabochon peridot pommel stone at Zaevas. Zaevas fends off little of the dagger with a slender ashen staff with reinforced steel ends. The dagger lands a brushing hit to his left leg!

Shrada appears downtrodden.

You see Shadow General Zaevas, an Elite Adan'f Shadow Mage.
Slightly above average height, Zaevas is covered with dark-black scales. Slitted, red eyes observe the room cautiously, while narrowed fangs are visible along the sides of his tapered snout. He appears slightly less muscular than the standard adan'f, but moves with quick, preternatural grace.
His corrupted nature defies any attempt to place his age.
He is in good shape.

He is holding a slender ashen staff with reinforced steel ends in his right hand.
He is wearing a dark blue sorcerer's robe embroidered with black flames, a ragged leather satchel and a reinforced bone round shield.

Zaevas was soon killed and an Adan'f emerged from a portal to take away his body.


This message was originally posted in Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia/ Aesry Surlaenis'a, by LEYHANM on the forums.