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Post:Some thing - 01/13/2013 - 21:55

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some thing · on 01/13/2013 09:55 PM CST 1875
so last night during the play(?) there was a vision abouta colorless grey light then the world turning black and white.

A hulking figure was seen entering the tower, and apparently Mortom and a Crowther had locked themselves up.

Later Mortom was seen walking by and then a tog Y'Shai named Daldruk showed and asked why there was a gathering of moon mages, and discussed what had happened briefly. I believe the figure was this Y'Shai.

Apparently there was a break in at the Moon mage's vault, a few workers, scribes, or whatever saw a gnome and a flash of light. Apparently he/she quickly disarmed the wards somehow, and stole a few items of historical signifigance. Probably for value, one he seemed he wanted returned more than the rest, as much as knowing how they did it.

The item is a icosahedron made of orichalum, called the Hand of Meraud, he said it was inert, but not to focus or mess with it, and to return it.

After he walked around a bit, talked at the West gate, said the guard there saw something, then headed west toward Hib, stopping at Mama's inn past the slopes.

It sounds like an inside job to me, some thought maybe the Children had something to do with it.

You see Daldruk Xiven, a Gor'Tog Y'Shai. His cambrinth armor blocks his face, but you can see he has crystal blue eyes. It is impossible to determine his age.

His state of health is difficult to determine because of his armor.

He is in good shape.

He is wearing a featureless black-cambrinth helm decorated by two gold bull's horns, a silver jadeite gwethdesuan, a silver kyanite gwethdesuan, an enveloping cloak of midnight black velvet, some glossy black-cambrinth armor engraved with an interlocking pattern of rising suns, an unadorned black targe, some glossy black-cambrinth gauntlets and some black leather boots bearing a bead pattern of a rising sun. >

Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "Nevertheless, in the interest of quashing rumors, I am permitted to say..." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "A few small items were stolen from our vaults today." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "They are nothing of great importance or value." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "I am given to understand that this person is a Gnome." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "We are most interested in learning how this person defeated our wards." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "An amulet, a few rings, probably mistaken for simple jewelry." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "And an icosahedron." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "Finely engraved, made of orichalcum." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "As I said, they are lesser things. Likely taken for the material rather than any historical or magical significance they might hold."

Miskton says to Daldruk, "There was a vision that might pertain to this. A small figure opening a reinforced door with runes around it. They appeared to already know the method for opening it. That still leaves the question of how they learned that, though."

(I believe there was also one of someone blowing the trap too?)

Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "It has been many years since I have seen the thing myself." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "But I am told the designs are self-similar. Whatever that means." You say, "But it sounds a bit like an inside job." Khiol asks, "Perhaps someone defected to the Children?" Renzar says, "Its certainly nothing new to have defectors in the guild." Daldruk glances about, his impassive armored mask disguising his emotion. Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "I understand that it is no longer functional." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "Whatever it was designed to do, Mortom did not see fit to tell me."

Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "They have been replaced, but nothing would stop him from removing them again, until we can discover how it was done." (the wards) Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "They were...dispelled." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "Several witnesses have mentioned this light." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "Mages who were here at the time, guild functionaries."

Renzar asks, "Our visions showed lack of color... did any of our intrepid investigators notice any use or Sorcery in removing the wards?" Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "They were simply gone." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "He seems to have made good his escape unscathed." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "It took some time for it to be understood what had happened. It was unexpected." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "The vault is not normally accessible to ... visitors." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "It is not for me to foment gossip and rumor." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "The leadership do not wish to upset the townspeople. It is truly a small matter." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "We have already wasted enough breath on it." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "There is no need, as yet, to involve anyone else. Saist was most specific." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "I will be searching for the Gnome." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "If you have any information that might be helpful, leave a note with one of the functionaries of this guildhall." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "They will see it reaches me wherever my search takes me." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "If you should recover the item..." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "Bring it here directly." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "Do not touch it, or focus on it, or attempt to use it. The icosahedron is what I speak of." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "Also, be very gentle with it. It is old and might be unstable." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "Yes, not functional." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "Relatively. We would like to recover all, of course, but the icosahedron is of the most historical significance." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "Some have called it the Hand of Meraud." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "I do not know why." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "It is not mine to question, only to act." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "I should begin my search." Daldruk suddenly fades away.

another vision- related? "A figure stands in a lush library, cloaked from head to heel in midnight black, its face hidden in the depths of a deep cowl. A wolf paces restlessly to and fro, searching for an exit. The figure lowers its hand with a soothing sound, but the wolf bares its teeth in a savage snarl, dancing away from the comforting touch."

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Ilithi Events, by POWERHAUS on the forums.