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Post:Social Outrage - 12/03/2017 - 13:03

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Re: Social Outrage · on 12/03/2017 01:03 PM CST 9172
>>This one caught my eye. Will our perverse characters still be able to get alterations at pay events? I've always been unclear on where staff draws the IC/OOC line vis a vis microtrans/HE/etc style events.

It will entirely depend on the merchant. Some won't care (or maybe even be similarly aligned and hook you up), some will care and will refuse to work with you, many will have no way to tell and it won't be an issue either way (unless other PCs point it out to the merchant). This is the case with any live merchant anywhere, regardless of if it happens during a pay event or not. Live merchants are roleplaying events. Roleplaying considerations are always in play.

If you're playing a Perverse-aligned character, it might not go super well when you roll up to a religious Rakash merchant, and so forth.

As an aside, the same goes for other story-type events during a pay event. Your character might get a special perk from some similarly aligned GMNPC involved in the story. Your character might end up dead or excluded. It depends entirely on the personality and background of the GM-run characters involved, not the pay or non-pay status of being able to access the area the event is occurring in.

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players \ Responses to GM/Official Announcements, by DR-PERSIDA on the forums.