Post:Smithing Armor - HP-LP HC-LC - 04/16/2012 - 12:37

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Re: Smithing Armor - HP/LP HC/LC · on 04/16/2012 12:37 PM CDT 4036
>>If you want greaves with lower hindrance they'll have to be made post changes. That way they won't take on the HC label and automatically have higher hindrance.

That is incorrect. Item stats as stored on the item itself will not be changing once 3.0 is out. Appraisals for how well YOU can wear the item may change, but that has nothing to do with the item being forged before/after the change.

You may see LC and HC appraising differently for YOU once they combine into just Chain, but that will be a result of new calculations for Guild to ArmorType % reduction for hindrance modifiers, and not because the item itself somehow changed.

This message was originally posted in Lore \ Smithing Skill, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.