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Post:Simucoin Store - 02/06/2014 - 22:56

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Re: Simucoin Store · on 02/06/2014 10:56 PM CST 8923
As a player I tended to go on quests with friends interested in taking it slow and letting everyone have a good time. New quests are also a blast even with strangers, because nobody has learned how to "rush" it.

Game developers tend to have little control over how players use the tools provided. For example, I am not really sure how we could improve this. It weighs heavily on my mind when I consider how to properly implement random adventure quests in game. It won't take but 24 hours for the .doquestfast scripts to start flying around ...

A new quest I am picking away at involves a more "choose your own adventure" approach. Your party composition and patience help dictate what options are available. It will also have a little roguelike aspect to keep things a bit random (but I promise, no teamwipes from opening a box :)

Even with this, an epic endeavor that will be completely different than past quests - I am sure the vast majority of people will distill it down to an "optimal" solution and grind/script it to death. That is fun for many people. Just like RP and adventure and mystery are fun for others. Hopefully we can cater to both groups :)

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players \ General Discussions, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.