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Post:Rested Experience System is LIVE! - 02/02/2019 - 14:48
Rested Experience System is LIVE! · on 02/02/2019 14:48 | 1625 |
Hi guys!
We've got the REXP system loaded in DR Prime and DR Platinum instances (TF to follow)! DISCLAIMER: The numbers we're starting with here are a conservative starting point. We'll be monitoring the system actively, and making sure what we see is what we want. They are subject to revision based upon the results we observe! When does the bonus happen? The REXP system works at the time of Field Experience conversion to actual rank. Your EXP pools aren't any bigger or smaller, and you won't drain any more or less. What you do drain will simply be worth more actual ranks than when not effected by the REXP system by a factor of 3.
The pool cap is how much rested exp you can have banked on your character at any time. Simple enough. At this time, the pool cap depends upon your subscription type. Standard accounts will be able to bank up to 4 hours of REXP. Premium accounts will store up to 6 hours, and in the Platinum instance the pool can hold 8 hours. The usage cap is how much rested exp you can use. For now, regardless of how frequently you fill the storage cap, you can only use up to 4/6/8 rested experience during one cycle (dependent upon account type). The cycle is how long it takes for the usage cap to reset. After 24 hours your usage cap will refresh and you can spend additional rested exp. The timing of the cycle is personal rather than universal: it starts when you, personally, do something with the rested exp system and then runs its course. Information about all three of these features will be available to you in the EXP readout, immediately under the tdp/favors/deaths line. SLEEP - LIGHT AND DEEP Light Sleep is what we've always had - enter the SLEEP command, and you'll stop gaining new experience but continue to drain experience from your pools. You will use REXP in this state. Deep Sleep happens when you enter the command a second time. In this state, you will not gain experience NOR will you drain experience. Your REXP is not used. Entering SLEEP a third time, or using the AWAKE command, will return you to a state in which you both gain and drain EXP. Note: You will begin to accrue REXP after 5 consecutive minutes of not draining experience. This is whether offline, online without any EXP in your pools, or with the help of deep sleep.
Thank you to Armifer for his work on this code, and Zadraes for his time QC'ing it! ~ L | |
This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players/Game Master and Official Announcements, by SIMU-LYNEYA on the forums. |