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Post:Red and Gold - 3/26/2009 - 2:45:12

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Re: Red and Gold · on 3/26/2009 2:45:12 AM 1297
Found that segment of the log. Its the second half of the log, but i kept the first half for better context. Maybe its just another case of misinterpreted visions?

Naea says, "Bambina was not certain beyond all doubt but it was her belief that when the last elder passed the Barrier would come down"
Cerval says in Prydaenese, "no one knows anything for 'fact' about the barrier. that is one of the commonly held beliefs about the barrier. with the rakash emphasis on pack pack pack, i'm sure it's become fact for them."
Dzaou says in Prydaenese, "That is because no one knows what will happen."
Martyka says, "He states ...that we know not of its creation and that in fact its as much if not more a divine occurence of the gods, as it is the will of Elders."
Martyka says, "i hope im translating this ok."
Jaelia says, "I think recent Visions seem to indicate the Barrier is likely to fall in Winter or Spring, or at least to start to fall. I do not know how that related to your Elders, however."
Martyka says, "ok just a moment"
Cehiraeth says, "Please explain...these visions"
Cerval says, "not yet."
Cerval says, "there will be time for that after the speakers are finished."
Martyka says to Dzaou in Prydaenese, "the cleric Jaelia has stated that recent visions have indicated the barrier will fall in winter or spring, and she doesnt know what that has to do with Elders"
Cerval says, "the speakers will set the stage for the discussion to follow."
Martyka says, "ok sorry to interrupt, this translating thing is work"
Naea asks, "Shall I continue?"
Cerval says, "let's continue"
Martyka says to Dzaou in Prydaenese, "they will continue and we can ask questions after"

Naea says, "As I said, Bambina is the wisest of us but even she was not sure, but I will return to that in a moment"
Naea says, "The second reason for her concern was a series of visions she had received"
Martyka says to Dzaou in Prydaenese, "she says Bambina is the wisest of her people, and even she was unsure. The second reason Bambina held her meeting was a vision she had."
Naea says, "She saw two things. Firstly Lyras herself, looking to the East"
Naea says, "And secondly a song"
Naea says, "Son"
Mordibar asks, "explain?"
Naea says, "This was not something she was able to see clearly. She described it, and I will use her words"
Naea says, "Half human... half something else. Perhaps Prydean, but with red eyes"
Martyka says to Dzaou in Prydaenese, "she says Bambina saw two things, firstly Lyras gazing to the East. and secondly a son. Half human and ... half something else. Perhaps prydean but with red eyes. "
Martyka says, "pardon"
Martyka asks, "who's son? Lyras' son?"
Naea says, "That is what Bambina thought"
Martyka says, "Thank you."

This message was originally posted in The Necromancers (26) \ General Discussions (3), by BONECHEWER on the forums.