Post:Why does Holy hurt so much? - 11/03/2010 - 12:25:08

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Re: Why does Holy hurt so much? · on 11/3/2010 12:25:08 PM 747
>>Keep in mind that, ICly, the only evidence that Immortals are involved in holy magic is that the Temple (and the Immortals) say so.

The complication there is Holy attunement. No one uses Holy mana without some form of spiritual "interface," either the direction interaction between a mortal and his gods of Devotion, or the soul-augmentation of the Paladins.

The Immortals don't explicitly need to be directly present, but you'll never see a Holy magician without some supernatural expression of divinity which makes it possible.


This message was originally posted in The Necromancers (26) \ Necromancer Ideologies (9), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.