Post:Re: Something Stirs - 06/26/2024 - 08:47

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Re: Something Stirs · on 06/26/2024 08:47 2273
Surrounding a low, goldbark table, a number of darkened figures sit on velvet plum-colored divans. The lights are low, and dampened further by heavy silk curtains. An inordinately large figure stands flanking an exit curtain, bearing a large sword strapped to his back.

"Curator, the Little Scorpion and the Hatchet have no business in the affairs in my home. Recall them." A distinctively S'Kra voice speaks in hurried tones.

"It is a pleasure to see you, too." An Elven voice responds, clearly holding back some degree of levity. "We have had no activities within your city. The Hatchet and Little Scorpion do not act on our behalf, and you will need to take their affairs up with them."

The S'Kra pauses, before slowly responding, her words cold and careful. "We will." The S'Kra rises to her feet, before exchanging knowing glances with a seated Dwarf, and pushes her way beyond the curtain.

After some time, and after the seated Dwarf makes his way out, the Elf turns to the standing guard.

"The Viper has been drawn out of her nest, and has shown her venom. Perhaps it is time that the Hands remind the Viper who keeps her young safe."

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia / Ilithi Events, by DR-IRENOS on the forums.