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Post:Q - Some Thoughts - 02/29/2012 - 03:11

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Re: Q - Some Thoughts · on 02/29/2012 03:11 AM CST 1992
>>1. Not sure if you dropped the "egg" whatchamacallit in the gypsy area, but any chance we can wrap up that RP? Pretty odd that we have some crazy potentially evil thing just hanging out in the back yard.

>>1 - This RP hasn't been inactive, and with some recent noticeable changes happening, several of us have been patroling and visiting that area on a regular basis.

Earlier tonight:

Ogdaro walked over to the chrysalis using a polo (invis) cloak. Coenrad was already standing there waiting...

[21:07] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "Now now you shouldn't be here."

[21:07] From out of thin air you say into the darkness, "Fancy meetin' yerself 'ere."

[21:07] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "You need to go or die." [21:07] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "Or I call the guard and they put you on a slow boat to Ratha."

[21:08] From out of thin air you say into the darkness, "Well bein' as it's a religious sorta matter, that sorta makes th' choice clear." [21:08] From out of thin air you say into the darkness, "I wouldn't advise on doin' that."

[21:08] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "You don't scare me I am armed and aware."

[21:08] From out of thin air you say into the darkness, "Th' protection a'yer Baron only extends s'far t'ward 'is people."

[21:08] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "These people know the risks." [21:09] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "And you can't win."

[21:09] From out of thin air you say into the darkness, "I come 'ere in peace. Lemme feed th' child an' I kin leave that sorta way too."

[21:09] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "No."

[21:09] From out of thin air you say into the darkness, "S'on yer head then."

[21:09] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "In a very short time this area will be barricaded."

[21:09] You say into the darkness, "That ain't gonna go no better fer ya." [21:10] You say into the darkness, "Call yer guards then, do yer thin'."

[21:10] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "Take off now." [21:10] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "Coward."

[21:10] You ask into the darkness, "I's th' coward?"

[21:10] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "Yes."

[21:10] You say into the darkness, "Explain that 'un ta m'self."

[21:10] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "You didn't so so well agaisnt the heir when he was looking."

[21:11] You ask into the darkness, "Ya mean when I had ta offer 'im m'own weapon? Er when 'e had a moonie teleport m'self inta an ambush?"

[21:11] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "Now leave before I kill you." [21:11] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "And we both know I can do it."

[21:11] You say into the darkness, "In th' words a'm'friend. No. You."

[21:11] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "With ease."

(at this point Ogdaro drew out some throwing blades and tried to throw them at Coenrad, but the chrysalis room is no violence) [21:11] You say into the darkness, "Seems Dergati dun want no violence 'ere."

[21:11] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "Or wait for the baron's guardsman." [21:11] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "And your boat."

[21:12] You say into the darkness, "Yer words ain't gonna end m'own worship. I serve higher'n yerself does."

[21:12] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "You serve nothing." [21:12] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "You are a boil on the butt of the world."

[21:12] You say into the darkness, "Ya ain't qualified ta speak ta what I does boyo, now stop tryin'."

[21:12] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "I at least serve an honorable lord." [21:13] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "You serve your own base self."

[21:13] You say into the darkness, "Ya serve an' scrape an' kiss boots. Ya ain't qualified ta try judgin' th' likes a'me."

[21:13] From the darkness you hear a voice say, "This is your last warning."

You grin at Coenrad.

A group of guards enter, looking grim. "Ogdaro," the captain growls, sizing you up. He nods curtly and the rest of the guards tackle you. After a short scuffle, they knock the wind out of you, carry you to a nearby caravan, toss you in, and throw the bolt.

After a short trip, the guards drag you out of the caravan and onto the deck of a waiting schooner, then toss you down through an open hatch. A moment later the hatch slams closed, the sound quickly followed by the thud of a bolt being thrown. A yell from the captain and the rattling slosh of the anchor being drawn from its watery resting place signals the beginning of your journey.

[A Cramped Schooner, Hold] ... etc.

Coenrad did gweth for the guard to come do the deport at one point during their conversation and got a player response, but the deport button was hit before any other players could show up to participate.

So yeah. Apparently players trying to help get other players interested in stagnated RP events need not apply.


This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Therengia Events, by NJP on the forums.