Post:Prime Census: June 29, 2024 (Holder Mini-Fest Auction) - 06/29/2024 - 21:03

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Prime Census: June 29, 2024 (Holder Mini-Fest Auction) · on 06/29/2024 21:03 14975
This is a sampling of players who were online during the Holder Mini-Fest Auction, which started at 9:00 p.m. Eastern. (Percentages are rounded.)

Guild # Online Percentage
Empaths 66 14%
Thieves 52 11%
Clerics 51 11%
Warrior Mages 49 10%
Moon Mages 43 9%
Paladins 40 8%
Barbarians 40 8%
Rangers 40 8%
Traders 35 7%
Necromancers 27 6%
Bards 26 5%
Commoners 11 2%

Race # Online Percentage
Humans 119 25%
Elves 100 21%
Elotheans 54 11%
S'Kra Mur 48 10%
Prydaen 28 6%
Rakash 28 6%
Gor'Togs 23 5%
Kaldar 22 5%
Gnomes 20 4%
Dwarves 19 4%
Halflings 19 4%

Guild Humans Dwarves Elves Halflings Gor'Togs Elotheans S'Kra Mur Gnomes Kaldar Prydaen Rakash
Paladins 16 3 3 0 4 0 4 1 4 0 5
Barbarians 6 2 8 1 8 0 1 1 6 5 2
Rangers 13 3 11 1 1 3 0 1 1 3 3
Clerics 13 4 3 2 0 9 8 3 4 3 2
Empaths 16 1 11 3 2 12 7 2 2 6 4
Warrior Mages 16 3 10 2 1 3 6 2 1 1 4
Thieves 13 1 16 7 0 1 6 2 1 2 3
Moon Mages 9 1 6 1 1 15 3 3 1 1 2
Bards 1 0 10 1 1 4 3 2 0 3 1
Traders 6 1 13 1 2 5 2 0 1 2 2
Necromancers 7 0 8 0 1 1 6 3 0 1 0
Commoners 3 0 1 0 2 1 2 0 1 1 0

Race/Guild # Online Percentage
Human Paladins 16 3.3%
Human Empaths 16 3.3%
Human Warrior Mages 16 3.3%
Elven Thieves 16 3.3%
Elothean Moon Mages 15 3.1%
Human Rangers 13 2.7%
Human Clerics 13 2.7%
Human Thieves 13 2.7%
Elven Traders 13 2.7%
Elothean Empaths 12 2.5%
Elven Rangers 11 2.3%
Elven Empaths 11 2.3%
Elven Warrior Mages 10 2.1%
Elven Bards 10 2.1%
Elothean Clerics 9 1.9%
Human Moon Mages 9 1.9%
Elven Barbarians 8 1.7%
Gor'Tog Barbarians 8 1.7%
S'Kra Mur Clerics 8 1.7%
Elven Necromancers 8 1.7%
S'Kra Mur Empaths 7 1.5%
Halfling Thieves 7 1.5%
Human Necromancers 7 1.5%
Human Barbarians 6 1.3%
Kaldaran Barbarians 6 1.3%
Prydaen Empaths 6 1.3%
S'Kra Mur Warrior Mages 6 1.3%
S'Kra Mur Thieves 6 1.3%
Elven Moon Mages 6 1.3%
Human Traders 6 1.3%
S'Kra Mur Necromancers 6 1.3%
Rakash Paladins 5 1.0%
Prydaen Barbarians 5 1.0%
Elothean Traders 5 1.0%
Gor'Tog Paladins 4 0.8%
S'Kra Mur Paladins 4 0.8%
Kaldaran Paladins 4 0.8%
Dwarven Clerics 4 0.8%
Kaldaran Clerics 4 0.8%
Rakash Empaths 4 0.8%
Rakash Warrior Mages 4 0.8%
Elothean Bards 4 0.8%
Dwarven Paladins 3 0.6%
Elven Paladins 3 0.6%
Dwarven Rangers 3 0.6%
Elothean Rangers 3 0.6%
Prydaen Rangers 3 0.6%
Rakash Rangers 3 0.6%
Elven Clerics 3 0.6%
Gnome Clerics 3 0.6%
Prydaen Clerics 3 0.6%
Halfling Empaths 3 0.6%
Dwarven Warrior Mages 3 0.6%
Elothean Warrior Mages 3 0.6%
Rakash Thieves 3 0.6%
S'Kra Mur Moon Mages 3 0.6%
Gnome Moon Mages 3 0.6%
S'Kra Mur Bards 3 0.6%
Prydaen Bards 3 0.6%
Gnome Necromancers 3 0.6%
Human Commoners 3 0.6%
Dwarven Barbarians 2 0.4%
Rakash Barbarians 2 0.4%
Halfling Clerics 2 0.4%
Rakash Clerics 2 0.4%
Gor'Tog Empaths 2 0.4%
Gnome Empaths 2 0.4%
Kaldaran Empaths 2 0.4%
Halfling Warrior Mages 2 0.4%
Gnome Warrior Mages 2 0.4%
Gnome Thieves 2 0.4%
Prydaen Thieves 2 0.4%
Rakash Moon Mages 2 0.4%
Gnome Bards 2 0.4%
Gor'Tog Traders 2 0.4%
S'Kra Mur Traders 2 0.4%
Prydaen Traders 2 0.4%
Rakash Traders 2 0.4%
Gor'Tog Commoners 2 0.4%
S'Kra Mur Commoners 2 0.4%
Gnome Paladins 1 0.2%
Halfling Barbarians 1 0.2%
S'Kra Mur Barbarians 1 0.2%
Gnome Barbarians 1 0.2%
Halfling Rangers 1 0.2%
Gor'Tog Rangers 1 0.2%
Gnome Rangers 1 0.2%
Kaldaran Rangers 1 0.2%
Dwarven Empaths 1 0.2%
Gor'Tog Warrior Mages 1 0.2%
Kaldaran Warrior Mages 1 0.2%
Prydaen Warrior Mages 1 0.2%
Dwarven Thieves 1 0.2%
Elothean Thieves 1 0.2%
Kaldaran Thieves 1 0.2%
Dwarven Moon Mages 1 0.2%
Halfling Moon Mages 1 0.2%
Gor'Tog Moon Mages 1 0.2%
Kaldaran Moon Mages 1 0.2%
Prydaen Moon Mages 1 0.2%
Human Bards 1 0.2%
Halfling Bards 1 0.2%
Gor'Tog Bards 1 0.2%
Rakash Bards 1 0.2%
Dwarven Traders 1 0.2%
Halfling Traders 1 0.2%
Kaldaran Traders 1 0.2%
Gor'Tog Necromancers 1 0.2%
Elothean Necromancers 1 0.2%
Prydaen Necromancers 1 0.2%
Elven Commoners 1 0.2%
Elothean Commoners 1 0.2%
Kaldaran Commoners 1 0.2%
Prydaen Commoners 1 0.2%
Halfling Paladins 0 0.0%
Elothean Paladins 0 0.0%
Prydaen Paladins 0 0.0%
Elothean Barbarians 0 0.0%
S'Kra Mur Rangers 0 0.0%
Gor'Tog Clerics 0 0.0%
Gor'Tog Thieves 0 0.0%
Dwarven Bards 0 0.0%
Kaldaran Bards 0 0.0%
Gnome Traders 0 0.0%
Dwarven Necromancers 0 0.0%
Halfling Necromancers 0 0.0%
Kaldaran Necromancers 0 0.0%
Rakash Necromancers 0 0.0%
Dwarven Commoners 0 0.0%
Halfling Commoners 0 0.0%
Gnome Commoners 0 0.0%
Rakash Commoners 0 0.0%

Circle # Online Percentage
0 11 2%
1 to 10 27 6%
11 to 20 13 3%
21 to 30 16 3%
31 to 40 12 3%
41 to 50 16 3%
51 to 60 19 4%
61 to 70 12 3%
71 to 80 14 3%
81 to 90 18 4%
91 to 100 20 4%
101 to 110 7 1%
111 to 120 21 4%
121 to 130 18 4%
131 to 140 16 3%
141 to 150 38 8%
151 to 175 60 13%
176 to 200 142 30%

Of the 200th circle characters that were online during the snapshot:

Guild # Online Percentage
Thieves 18 18%
Empaths 14 14%
Rangers 13 13%
Paladins 12 12%
Warrior Mages 11 11%
Barbarians 8 8%
Clerics 8 8%
Moon Mages 6 6%
Traders 6 6%
Bards 3 3%
Necromancers 2 2%

Race # Online Percentage
Humans 41 41%
Elves 21 21%
S'Kra Mur 7 7%
Rakash 6 6%
Gnomes 5 5%
Kaldar 5 5%
Halflings 4 4%
Elotheans 4 4%
Dwarves 3 3%
Gor'Togs 3 3%
Prydaen 2 2%

GM Cordulia
This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players / General Discussions, by DR-CORDULIA on the forums.