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Post:Plixbraggle's Goat-Werx, no larking roight? roight. - 1/28/2011 - 16:11:25

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Plixbraggle's Goat-Werx, no larking roight? roight. · on 1/28/2011 4:11:25 PM 8656
I heard this guy the other night at the raffle, and was curious who he was. Was checking my inv of an alt and came across his tent outside Haven's Temple. Figured I should check it out, and ended up running into him.

He has longjohns and a goat toy's whose eyes bug out. He also had a catch the goat game(pig cart, harawep cart, weasel shrine) for prizes and this 'be like a goat' game where you can win a wonder goat, when he's running it. Wonder goat is named and a had a few verbs the other toy goats didn't have.

He showed us some of it, then goats got out later, and I tried to steal one. I brought it back, should've kept it...

I think it was a tent painted with dancing goats or something...

"[post relates to" contains a listed "[" character as part of the property label and has therefore been classified as invalid.] The floor of this large, airy tent is covered with a thick layer of sawdust and wood shavings. The aroma of cedar permeates the air. Three large poles and a complex rigging of heavy ropes support the tent. You also see a goat pen, a tent flap, a wobbly refreshment cart with several things on it, a wobbly stack of crates, a tall thin pole with a tiny platform at the top, a large log precariously balanced in an upright position, three old wooden trunks stacked end to end, a whiskey barrel perched on an ale keg balanced on a wine cask, a large canvas banner and a large sign hanging next to a rope ladder. Also here: Steel Heart Cyiarriah, Gheminii and Plixbraggle. Obvious exits: east.

[Plixbraggle's Goat-Werx, Memorabilia and Collectables] Multi-colored streamers hang from various poles and hooks and criss-cross haphazardly overhead. Several goats wander aimlessly, glancing into various crates and boxes, and sniffing at the browsing clientele. You also see an iron wall hook with a sturdy canvas goat-herder's satchel on it, an oak cloak rack with several things on it, a rickety table with a goat toy on it, a large wooden box and a large weathered crate. Obvious paths: west.

You unwrap the strings holding your goat-herder's satchel shut and lift the flap to access its contents.

You pull the flap over the top of your goat-herder's satchel and tie it down tightly by wrapping its strings around the satchel's stout metal hooks.

a goat toy You squeeze your goat toy tightly and its eyes bulge out alarmingly.

some purple woolen longjohns beaded with stars and moons
some blue woolen longjohns with a sagging backflap
some light blue linen longjohns embroidered with jousting knights
some black woolen longjohns with an ivory button backflap
some grey flannel longjohns embroidered with racing caravans
some pink satin longjohns with an onyx heart button backflap
some bright red flannel longjohns with a heart shaped button backflap
some yellow woolen longjohns patched with brown felt teddy bears
some pink flannel longjohns with a ruffled backflap
some green woolen longjohns with a stuffed dragon's tail sewn to the backflap
some ivory woolen longjohns embroidered with river fish and sporting a cork button backflap
some mint green flannel longjohns patched with colorful felt ice cream cones
some black satin longjohns embroidered with skulls and cross bones
some deep brown flannel longjohns stitched with raccoons and oak leaves
some orange flannel longjohns with a yellow flame-embroidered backflap

You see Plixbraggle Geftazmae, a Gnome Commoner. Plixbraggle has violet eyes. His honey hair is shoulder length and curly, and is worn tied back. He has copper skin. He appears to be an adult. He has some light stubble on his face. He is in good shape.

He is wearing a shabby tan cloak covered with oddly-shaped holes, a sturdy canvas goat-herder's satchel, a rough leather tinker's sack, some homemade patchwork leggings and a shrunken puce hide jerkin.

Plixbraggle says, "Seen eny goats? Dey keep gettin loose."

Plixbraggle says, "Dems crefty...keep a eye out."

Plixbraggle says, "Come see if'n ya ken think like a goat."

>r bann Plixbraggle's Goat-Werx Agility Test Enter at yer own risk!

Roight. Here's me rules. 1) larkin' about!. I hates larkin' about. Two...don't nobody go up the ladder les I says, see? C...NO LARKIN' ABOUT! Sixt...don't be castin' yer magics in here. If yous wants magics, go outside. Dis place is noisy enough as it is. And de last an most import'n rule is dis--what I says, goes. See? ROIGHT!

You say, "Roight." > Plixbraggle says, "S'dangerous." > Plixbraggle nods to you. > Plixbraggle says, "Roight."

Plixbraggle climbed up a rope ladder.

Plixbraggle teeters unsteadily on the ladder for a moment, then takes a deep breath...and jumps for the barrel!

Plixbraggle lands on the barrel, totters back and forth briefly, then regains his balance. Nicely done! > Plixbraggle bounces up and down once, then launches himself from the barrel toward the stack of trunks!

It's a spectacular goat-like leap and he lands lightly on the stack of trunks. Nothing to it.

> Plixbraggle rocks back and forth three times then nimbly launches himself from the stacked trunks toward the upright log. With goat-like aplomb he lands gently on the log.

Plixbraggle does a couple of steps of the Goat Dance in celebration! > Plixbraggle eyes the gap between the upright log and the tiny platform on the thin pole. Abruptly, he hurls himself into the air!

Plixbraggle lands on the tiny platform, teeters briefly on his tiptoes, then gains his balance. Piece of cake. > Plixbraggle makes a graceful goat-like leap from the tiny platform to the wobbly stack of trunks!

As he lands the trunks rock dangerously, but somehow he maintains his balance. Well done! >

The air is filled with the loud clanging of a big brass bell, followed by the loud bleating of several goats. Plixbraggle is knocked onto the backs of several awaiting goats and with much bleating and clopping, the winner arrives in style!

Plixbraggle says, "Simple." > Several goats arrive, carrying the hapless winner on their furry backs. With a snort, each goat bleats, "Baa Baa!" and trots away.


>go barrel

You steel your nerves, take a deep breath, gather all your strength and leap for the barrel!

Ooohhh...should have taken more time to aim! You sail right by the barrel and hurtle headlong to the floor!

You smack the floor with a muffled thud.

You ask, "I win?" > Plixbraggle says, "NOt even close."

Cyiarriah leans forward as she prepares to jump from the ladder to the barrel. Suddenly her foot slips on the rounded edge of the ladder! You watch as Cyiarriah tumbles forward!

Cyiarriah smacks the floor with a sickening thud, creating a cloud of sawdust and wood shavings!

>go barrel You grin confidently and wave to the people below. With magnificent goat-like grace you hurl yourself into the air...only to fall short!

You watch helplessly as you hurtle toward the sawdust-covered tent floor!

You smack the floor with a loud BOOOF!

Cyiarriah squats slightly then makes a glorious goat-like leap from the ladder to the barrel. It's a magnificent effort and she lands directly on the barrel...and tumbles directly off again!

You teeter unsteadily on the ladder for a moment, then take a deep breath...and jump!

You land on the barrel, wobble back and forth briefly, then regain your balance. Nicely done! [Plixbraggle's Goat Agility Course, Barrel Top] The barrel under your feet is perched on an ale keg which, in turn, is balanced on a wine cask. The entire assembly feels rather unsteady. The sound of the people below seems very distant. The floor of the old tent seems very far away. The roof seems all too close. You also see three large trunks stacked end on end. Obvious paths: none.

You squint at three large trunks stacked end on end. >look [Plixbraggle's Goat Agility Course, Barrel Top] The barrel under your feet is perched on an ale keg which, in turn, is balanced on a wine cask. The entire assembly feels rather unsteady. The sound of the people below seems very distant. The floor of the old tent seems very far away. The roof seems all too close. You also see three large trunks stacked end on end. Obvious paths: none. >go trunk

You take a long look at the stack of trunks, hold your breath...and hurl yourself toward them!

You land on the trunk, but your feel slip out from under you! You sit down heavily. Roundtime: 10 seconds. [Plixbraggle's Goat Agility Course, The Trunks] You are perched precariously on top of three trunks stacked end on end. Despite the narrowness of the space, it feels remarkably sturdy. However, you notice that the trunk beneath your feet is made of wood...and beginning to show small cracks. You also see a large log precariously balanced in an upright position. Obvious paths: none.

>go log >

You let loose a yelp of joy and throw yourself at the upright log. Your yelp of joy becomes a howl of alarm as you miss the log by inches.

You fall heavily to the floor! Your howl of alarm becomes a groan of pain as you smack into the floor!

Plixbraggle says, "If'n there's people up with yas, you ken always shove em off...but not verr nice."

>grin You grin. >cli lad > [Plixbraggle's Goat Agility Course, Ladder] You are standing at the very top of a tall, rickety ladder. Not far above you is the roof of the old tent. Below is a crowd of people, most of whom are gazing up and watching with interest. The air is very still and smells of new sawdust. You also see whiskey barrel perched on an ale keg balanced on a wine cask. Also here: Gheminii. Obvious paths: none. >push ghem You attempt to give Gheminii a shove. Unfortunately, she steps to one side at the last moment.

You tumble off, shrieking in alarm! You slam into the tent floor! That's what you get for larking about.

Gheminii attempts to give you a shove. Fortunately, you step to one side at the last moment.

You watch Gheminii tumble off, shrieking in alarm! Gheminii attempts to give Powerhaus a shove, but Powerhaus steps aside at the last moment.

Gheminii tumbles off, shrieking in alarm, and slams into the floor of the tent. That's what you get for larking about on an obstacle course! > Gheminii babbles incoherently.

You lean forward in preparation to jump. Your foot slips on the rounded edge of the ladder!

You tumble forward, falling headlong toward the floor!

You smack the floor with a sickening thud.

Plixbraggle says, "Once more each...den I gotta feed da kids."

You say, "Oh goat." >'i am a goat You say, "I am a goat." >'moo You say, "Moo." >'moo... You say, "Moo..." >'bah > You say, "Bah."

The air is filled with the loud clanging of a big brass bell, followed by the loud bleating of several goats. Gheminii is knocked onto the backs of several awaiting goats and with much bleating and clopping, the winner arrives in style!

Plixbraggle gets a goat toy from inside his tinker's sack. > Plixbraggle asks Gheminii, "What's yer goat's name?" > Gheminii says, "Feldergard."

You babble unintelligibly for a while. > Gheminii fixes you with an acute, keen-witted stare. > Plixbraggle exclaims, "Roight!"

Gheminii shows you a goat toy, which she is holding in her right hand. Covered with real goat hide, this toy goat has an almost lifelike appearance, complete with floppy ears, warm brown eyes and a stubby little tail. Only the subtle glint of metal beneath the hide betrays the fact that this goat is mechanical in nature rather than biological. A wide leather collar with a small copper bell surrounds the animal's neck. Tooled upon the collar is the name, "Feldergard the Wonder Goat."

Then some goats got out a bit later, and we chased em around for stuff, I tried to steal a scruffy billy goat and got it halfway down the river before I brought it back... I should've ran with it until it exploded.

a shiny goat charm-

A shiny goat charm reads: You got my goat! Love, Plixbraggle

You can also mess with the pen you put the goats in.

With a crazed shout, Plixbraggle climbs atop the goat pen. A sharp set of horns barely misses his hindparts, and he quickly clambers back down.

Plixbraggle leans over to sniff the goat pen, then reflexively draws back, eyes watering.

>smell pen The odor of goat wafts from inside the goat pen, making your eyes bleat. Pungent!

You bare your teeth menacingly at the goat pen. The goats are unimpressed and bleat at you in a derisive manner.

>shake pen You grab the goat pen and shake it vigorously. A bearded muzzle slips out, snapping at one of your fingers before pulling free as you jump backward.

Plixbraggle leans against the goat pen, which shakes violently as a goat tries to headbutt him in the pelvis.

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia (13) \ Therengia Events (15), by POWERHAUS on the forums.