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Post:PPPP Log - 10/29/2015 - 10/31/2015 - 05:28

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PPPP Log - 10/29/2015 · on 10/31/2015 05:28 AM CDT 4080
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Here is the record from Thursday!

Have fun at the festival! :D

A towering wood troll wearing a pink bodysuit rushes into the tent, the ribbons in her hair bouncing wildly! She pauses regains her composure after just a moment.

Ergripta steps up onto the platform and sets a box off to one side, her towering form somehow managing to be graceful in its movements.

Ergripta says, "I am Ergripta. Not be scared, you, even though I am troll, okay? I leave others for reasons!"

Ergripta says, "Many things are twisty, like trees growing to catch bits of sun. I am twisty, too!"

Ergripta says, "Twisty is good for things! I show you how now, okay?"

With a nod that sends the ribbons in her hair into a wild fit of bobbing, Ergripta begins to stretch backwards, bending at an extreme angle that ultimately leaves the back of her head touching her heels!

Ergripta says, "Now, you move head more, so can see everybody still!"

Hair and ribbons wiggle between feet then fall into place as Ergripta's face come into view when she curls her neck forward and up. She smiles broadly out at the assembled crowd and waves.

Ergripta says, "Hi!"

Ergripta says, "That is how to be first twisty. There are many more twisties. You want me show?"

Ergripta says, "I make a joke! I am to show no matter."

Ergripta giggles oddly.

Suddenly drops backwards, rolling her torso across the platform then springing to her feet!

She pulls one long leg out to the side, parallel to the ground, while balancing upon the other with what looks to be no effort at all.

Ergripta says, "Not very twisty yet! Keep looking!"

Ergripta rotates her leg behind her then up yet more until her toes extend beyond her head!

Ergripta says, "Part twisty!"

Ergripta wiggles the toes on her aloft foot, showing off the glittering lacquer on their pointed nails.

Ergripta says, "Always shiny!"

Ergripta giggles oddly.

Ergripta says, "Now watch, okay?"

Pushing off from the platform with her other foot, Egripta leaps into the air and catches a trapeze bar in one hand! She deftly hauls herself up, and wraps her free leg around the bar, leaving the foot of the other still wrapped around her neck from behind.

Ergripta says, "Twisty!"

Ergripta beams happily while fluttering her over-long pink eyelashes.

Ergripta then wriggles both arms through the tiny space left between her legs and torso, somehow pulling her entire body forward at the same time.

She makes several mighty swings in the air, flying back and forth in her contorted position before suddenly falling from the trapeze in a tangled jumble of long, sparkly pink-clad limbs ...

... then tucking herself into a perfect, rolling aerial tumble!

Ergripta bends and turns, pulling her large body into a tight ball, then, just before impact, thrusts both feet behind her head and both arms outward, landing squarely on her hands! She walks around the platform in this configuration, her beribboned hair swinging back and forth as it dangles.

With a high-pitched giggle, Ergripta bounces first on one hand, and then the other, balancing her contorted mass with ease. Finally, with one powerful push, she propels herself into the air once more, gracefully arching her body into the motion as she unwinds her limbs!

Ergripta lands with surprising delicacy and bows.

Ergripta says, "Now you know how to be good twisty! Best thing for happy life."

Ergripta nods, sending the ribbons in her hair into a wild fit of bobbing.

Swinging his arms in time, Munchausen sticks each foot outwards across his body before tucking down into a tight forward roll. Performing a single full rotation, he stops and spring back to his feet with a dramatic flair.

(Larienna twists her arms ito a figure 8 and touches her bog red nose)

Ergripta says, "I not feel good because bad hair day. I come back for game, though, okay? When feel better again. I no could make audience sad, though! I say when come back."

Atazai performs a few simple tricks conpared to Ergripta, starting by putting one leg behind her head, and then both, and then walking around on her hands!

Ergripta pouts and covers her head as she rushes out of the tent.

Atazai hiccups.

A Gor'Tog clown says, "I heard Ergripta finally got her hair together! Means I gotta get myself packed back up. Probabbly be 'round again 'fore the circus leaves. Get your last darts in now!"

Ergripta came back for some alterations!

[Carnicats, Performance Ring]

A voice is heard from behind the curtain saying, "Everyone, remember what we practiced! I hear people out there!"

Ergripta is hugging herself.

Ergripta exclaims, "Shhhhh, is cats time!"

Ergripta covers her mouth with both hands and giggles oddly.

A cat hops out of the pen, sprints around the area then hops back in to the pen and disappears behind the curtain.

Nyamii comes out of a curtain from behind the holding pen.

Nyamii exclaims, "Hello everyone!"

Nyamii exclaims, "Welcome, welcome!"

Ergripta exclaims, "Shhhhh, cats!"

Nyamii asks, "Who is here to see some cats?"

Ergripta points at herself.

Ergripta bounces around happily.

Nyamii beams!

Nyamii says, "I love my kitties and I hope you will too."

Nyamii exclaims, "Just one moment while I check on my kitties and make sure they're ready!"

Nyamii disappears behind the curtain.

Alecz says, "They may be catatonic." Alecz asks, "Wouldn't that be a catastrophe?" Rhodium says, "Or catastrophic, if you get too close to the pen." Aislynn frowns, shaking her head with an expression of exasperation before resting her face in the palm of her hand. Jessalyne says, "That'd be purretty bad, yep." Powerhaus says, "Cat-aclysmic." Maezi says, "You are all unCATagorically horrible." You say, "I have a feline these puns will be going on for awhile." Malakye says, "You people are horrible. You should feel horrible. Just stop." Orphne says, "Purrsonally I am enjoying myself."

You hear a plaintive meow coming from the pen.

Nyamii comes out of a curtain from behind the holding pen.

Nyamii beams!

Ergripta beams!

Nyamii exclaims, "Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls! Thank you for coming! Prepare to be amazed! Prepare to be astounded! They said it couldn't be done! But tonight, you shall see the world's best trained cats!"

Nyamii asks, "But first, a warm-up! Does anyone here love kittens?"

Nyamii beams!

Nyamii leans over into the pen and gently picks up two kittens.

Everics asks, "Twisty kittens?"

Nyamii places the kittens on the floor alongside a ball of yarn. The two tiny creatures start batting at it, barely making it wobble.

One of the kittens pounces on the loose end of the yarn, while the other tries to crawl on top of the ball.

Just as the kitten manages to almost climb onto the ball, it wobbles and tips over, causing the kittens to fall over each other.

Ergripta exclaims to Everics, "Oh! That would be the BEST!"

Yawning, the kittens curl up together and close their eyes for a nap.

Nyamii whispers, "How about some applause for these future circus stars in training? Quietly though!"

Ergripta exclaims, "See look! They roll 'round twisty!"

Nyamii soundlessly brings her hands together a few times.

Ergripta exclaims, "Best kittens!"

Nyamii picks the two up and places them back in the pen.

Ergripta says, "Maybe for glitter them though."

Ergripta nods to Nyamii.

Nyamii exclaims, "Now, on to their older siblings!"

Everics says, "Glitter ribbons on them."

Nyamii snaps her fingers and calls out, "Frick! Frack!"

Ergripta nods to Everics.

Niktika says, "If you were dead those cats would just eat your corpse."

Ergripta beams at Everics!

Two tabby cats, one black, the other white, come prancing out into the center of the ring.

Ergripta says to Niktika, "Cause cats are smart."

Nyamii snaps her fingers again and yells, "Now!"

Ergripta nods to Niktika.

The two cats begin to prance in circles around Nyamii. They stop on either side of her and crouch low on the ground before jumping up and doing identical backflips!

Nyamii throws out another sardine to each of the cats. The cats gobble them up quickly.

Ergripta gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

The cats turn towards the audience and crouch with paws out before them, almost a bowing gesture. The cats then stand back up and leap back into the pen.

Nyamii applauds.

Nyamii exclaims, "Thank you Frick and Frack! For our next act, please draw your attention to our tightrope!"

Nyamii sweeps her arm broadly towards the tightrope suspended between two poles. She makes a clicking noise with her mouth and a long-haired fat cat leaps out of the pen and trots into the center of the ring.

Ergripta exclaims, "AIR TWISTY CATS!"

Nyamii throws a sardine to the fat cat, which hardly pauses to chew the sardine.

Ergripta looks overcome with joy!

The cat dashes towards one of the poles with a speed that belies its size. It pauses only briefly before climbing up to a platform atop the pole.

You say, "It's so fluffy."

Ergripta nods to you.

Nyamii makes the clicking noise again, nodding towards the cat.

The long-haired fat cat begins to cautiously cross the tightrope.

Nyamii exclaims, "Ladies and gentlemen, please be quiet as not to startle poor Fluffy! He needs all the concentration he can get!"

As if to prove her point the long-haired fat cat begins to wobble atop the rope about a quarter of the way across.

Ergripta beams!

The long-haired fat cat meows plaintively before regaining its balance atop the rope.

Ergripta covers her mouth with both hands.

Nyamii makes the clicking noise again.

The fat cat resumes its journey, only wobbling slightly at the midway point.

About three-quarters of the way across the fat cat stops, glances back as if considering going back the way it came. Possibly thinking better of it, the cat suddenly dashes the rest of the way across the rope! The fat cat meows loudly and climbs down the pole rather gracelessly, giving up and jumping down about halfway through its journey.

Nyamii throws the fat cat a good sized fish. The cat scoops the fish up before leaping gracefully into the pen.

Ergripta gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Nyamii says, "Fluffy everyone! I don't know why everyone calls him fat, he's just got a lot of fur."

Ergripta exclaims, "Is good cat! Yay cat!"

Nyamii applauds.

Ergripta beams!

Ergripta exclaims, "SO FLUFFY CAT!"

Nyamii exclaims, "For our next act, please keep your eyes on the trapeze! King! Queen!"

Ergripta asks Nyamii, "Maybe make pink?"

Aislynn quietly says to Ergripta, "Not pink, though."

Nyamii whistles loudly. A pair of tortoise shell tabby cats prance out and proceed to climb up to the platforms atop each pole.

Ergripta nods to Aislynn.

One of the tabbies, it's impossible to distinguish them at this angle, jumps onto the trapeze.

As it swings, the tabby on the trapeze leaps off and onto the other platform. One cat brushes up against the other and nearly knocks the other off the platform! Barely managing to hang on to its spot it hisses angrily at the other cat.

Nyamii exclaims, "You two knock it off up there!"

Nyamii whistles loudly, glancing up at the cats with scorn.

Ergripta grins.

Ergripta giggles a little oddly.

The two cats, now spitting and growling, bat at each other, completely ignoring Nyamii.

Nyamii whistles loudly again and thumps the pole the cats are currently atop.

Ergripta exclaims, "Fun happy cats! Play cats, play!"

Ergripta beams!

One of the cats, now shaken, deftly climbs back down the pole. The other cat follows behind, descending just as quickly. The cats chase each other back into the pen, yowling angrily at each other.

Ergripta bounces around happily.

Nyamii exclaims, "Ahem, King and Queen everyone!"

Nyamii smiles sheepishly.

Nyamii applauds.

Nyamii exclaims, "Now then, for our final act, we have my favorite! My bestest little kitty! Please everyone give a large hand for Whiskers!"

A large, yellow-striped tabby, obviously well fed, trots lazily into the center ring.

Ergripta meows then breaks into a fit of giggles!

Nyamii picks up a large hoop.

Nyamii coos, "Okay Whiskers, just like we rehearsed now! Who's my good little boy?"

Nyamii tosses a sardine to the yellow-striped tabby.

The yellow-striped tabby gingerly sniffs the sardine before glancing back up at Nyamii, seemingly expecting more.

Nyamii exclaims, "Through the hoop, Whiskers!"

The large tabby sits down, its tail twitching as it watches the hoop, which is being shaken vigorously by Nyamii.

Ergripta says, "Give rock? Rock better food."

Nyamii asks, "Come on Whiskers! Please?"

The yellow-striped tabby begins to groom itself vigorously.

Nyamii exclaims, "Whiskers! You behave yourself now!"

The yellow-striped tabby meows loudly.

Suddenly, the long-haired fat cat manages to push over a section of the pen and starts heading for the sardine being ignored by the tabby. The two tortoise shell tabby cats race past and snatch up the lone fish before he can get to it! With much hissing, all three dart through the archway, followed by a flood of yowling cats streaming out of the pen!

Nyamii exclaims, "No! My babies! Please, help me catch them! I'll see you're rewarded, please!"

Ergripta laughs!

Ergripta exclaims, "Cats funny!"

Ergripta bounces around happily.

Ergripta exclaims, "All cats!"

Nyamii frets.

(Herding cats, of course.)

Ergripta exclaims to Nyamii, "Twisty cats make fun game! You tell them they is smart cats!"

Nyamii exclaims, "They're very smart, but so very excitable!"

Nyamii says, "I think we've almost got all of them."

Linett asks Nyamii, "Are you ... um... restarting the show after we catch them all?"

Nyamii says, "Well, Whiskers was the grand finale, and he's still sitting there."

Nyamii glances at a large yellow-striped tabby cat.

A large yellow tabby continues grooming himself.

Nyamii says, "I don't think he's going to."

Nyamii sighs.

Jessalyne quietly says, "You literally got them to herd cats gods damn it."

Jessalyne sighs and drops her face into her hands in defeat.

Ergripta crawls down and rolls on the ground next to the tabby cat, twisting herself into a ball before rolling out of the archway!

Nyamii says, "I think that's it."

Nyamii sighs.

Nyamii sits down on the bench.

Nyamii says, "That is it, we've got them all. Thank you."

The large yellow-striped tabby wanders over to Nyamii and paws at her leg.

Nyamii asks, "Whiskers? What is it?"

The cat meows loudly before hopping through the hoop Nyamii is still holding.

Nyamii blinks.

Nyamii exclaims, "Whiskers, everyone!"

Nyamii exclaims, "Thank you all for coming and for the help. My kitties are usually much more well-behaved than this!"

Nyamii beams!

Nyamii stands up.

Nyamii bows.

Nyamii gestures to Whiskers, who has gone back to grooming himself.

Nyamii says, "Thank you everyone! I can't thank you enough."

Nyamii says, "They really are much more well behaved than that."

Erineta asks, "Um, can the cats do autographs too?"

Kerenelle exclaims, "Paw prints!"

Nyamii says, "I don't think they can do autographs right now. It's something I'll think about though! They tend to get... fussy."

Angry yowling comes from behind the curtain.

Nyamii exclaims, "Actually, I think it's time I go check on them. Thank you again for the help!"

Nyamii disappears behind the curtain.

The yellow-striped tabby gets up and lazily walks through the curtain.

This message was originally posted in an unknown folder, by BLADEDBUTTERFLY on the forums.