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Post:One guess what this thread is about! - 12/29/2014 - 21:19

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Re: One guess what this thread is about! · on 12/29/2014 9:19 PM CST 6958
>Guarded is a pass to attack on YOUR terms, while running your mouth. And all this talk about, "Well if they're acting open, we'll force them open" means, that an OPEN player needs to run the risk of getting a PVP warning and deal with an assist and out of character drama if he or she decides that someone GUARDED needs a beating. Even if said tears and sniffles GUARDED player deserved it.

>This isn't about the specific Lithrell, Netherlich courting/love dance that spawned the thread. Its about the consistent situation which ends in a warning/lockout, an assist drama fest, a post on the forums, or as usual just having to suck it up. Just because we suck it up for the most part doesn't mean we're not frustrated as hell. The concern is legitimate and it really sucks to hear, "Well, we hear more people whine on the forums about Guarded than we see assists in the game about it". That's turning a blind eye to the situation.

Considering we don't get involved in situations unless a player indicates they'd like us to, I don't know how we can monitor and rectify someone not playing to their profile without it being brought to our attention. If you guys have ideas on how to get this to work without any interaction from a GM, please post it in the appropriate thread (not here, because this is conflicts).

Turning a blind eye would be outright ignoring the situations as they arise, which I assure you isn't the case and its extremely disingenuous to suggest that this is what GMs are doing, since (and let me be blunt) you aren't a GM and don't have access to the tools we do. Not one person is saying the concern about people not "playing to their stance" isn't legitimate, I think all the GMs who've posted here (even the fake ones!) have said that it is something we acknowledge and want to be made aware of, but we need to be just that. Made aware of it.

And guys, remember one incident isn't indicative of someone abusing the stance either.

I don't think I have to remind anyone that GUARDED players aren't the only ones that exude tears and sniffles on getting beatings either, so let's not tar everyone with the same brush.

Otherwise, I could be indicating several posters who have RP statuses set to HEAVY who have mentioned they want to take action on someone based on this thread, which isn't very much in the spirit of THAT stance setting either, is it? Something to think about.

But, please -- in all seriousness, without the ARGUMENTS, post ideas in the PROFILE folder. We can't ever promise implementation but we aren't adverse to discussing ideas that would benefit the system. <--- Post ideas here.

With that, I think the conflict here has gone pretty circular so why doesn't everyone try to focus on CONSTRUCTIVE NON ARGUMENTATIVE POSTS with IDEAS?

This message was originally posted in The Social Side of DragonRealms \ Conflicts - Strictly Out of Character, by DR-EVIKE on the forums.