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Post:One guess what this thread is about! - 01/04/2015 - 10:31

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Re: One guess what this thread is about! · on 01/04/2015 10:31 AM CST 6998
There's really nothing more I can add here, except report if you see potential abuse situations and we can look into it. I know I'd rather not see someone get a potential mech abuse warning, personally. I thought someone might appreciate a heads up there.

There's really nothing more I can add here, this is from NEWS 5 24.

Friends / Spouses aiding the "victim":

It is not considered a violation of policy for a player to provide non-violent intervention and assistance to the victim of a crime (such as graverobbery). This will include the use of magic or skills to search for, delay, and detain the criminal in order to facilitate the victim exacting revenge and/or obtaining his/her belongings where warranted. A player's preexisting and recognized spouse may however, act on their behalf and be considered to have consent as well, through their relationship to the victim.

It remains against policy for a player to then bring in an "older" and more experienced character on their (or another) account in order to attack their opponent. This is considered mechanics abuse and will be treated as such. Interpretation: Your preexisting spouse falls under your umbrella of consent, but no way are we gonna buy that your 50th circle "brother" just "happened by."

However, you still can't get around policy if the spouse is your alt, period. That's abuse.

This message was originally posted in The Social Side of DragonRealms \ Conflicts - Strictly Out of Character, by DR-EVIKE on the forums.