Post:On Aether - 11/15/2016 - 08:48

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Re: On Aether · on 11/15/2016 08:48 AM CST 4975
>>Too bad we don't have the symbolic representation of the Plane of Aether from the Planar Telescope documented.

There is a symbolic representation of Aether in the planar telescope, but it's one of the few objects that have the potential to not be within the telescope's range (likely why it isn't on the Wiki, if that's the case).

>>From Lay of the Elemental Planes:

A point I tried to make back then is that the oldest "maps" of the Elemental Planes exclude Electricity, which is sort of off doing its own thing. Aether in this context is a singular sublime element that holds the plane together.

Then at some point Electricity was discovered and the diametric pairing between the two came to be understood. Somehow.

Like the Cylons, I have a plan but the series may end before I ever get around to articulating what that plan is.


This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic \ Magic - Suggestions, Discussions and Thoughts, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.