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Post:Of Scrip and Loot - 05/09/2012 - 23:31

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Of Scrip and Loot · on 05/09/2012 11:31 PM CDT 3598
The Scrip shop has had a couple new items added and there will be three new items available for Moon Mages in future runs of the Prison Riot. They are live in all instances.

The Sapphire Prism is generally "good" and slightly weaker than the prism that was available at HE for 1000 plat.

The rat bones are pretty much identical to the 1000 plat bones from HE, which are better than player made.

The mismatched Tokka deck is generically good and slightly better than the best available storebought deck (but far shy of the Hollow Eve decks)

The gilt deck is generally "good" and slightly weaker than the deck that was available at HE for 1000 plat.

Now...please read this one carefully...

a set of pale bones: These bones are by far the most powerful bones ever sold, but they are strongly black aligned. Purchase and use at your own risk.


This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Paid Events / Quests, by SIMU-SOLOMON on the forums.