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Post:Oane event meeting log · on 2/11/2011 9:55:56 PM

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Oane event meeting log · on 2/11/2011 9:55:56 PM 13198
The log cuts off around when Madigan was opening for questions since I had to leave.

Kattena says, "Alright, I'll try not to take too long. But there are quite a few small details I'd like to cover."
Kattena says, "Both for those of you who haven't heard any of it, and those of you who might have forgotten most of it."
Kattena says, "Like me."
Kattena chuckles.
Kattena says, "Most know that a messenger approached guild members here informing us that Guild Researcher Oane was wanted for treason. He was to be found and turned in to either Guild Leader Darius or Cleworth to be dealt with by the council."
Kattena says, "He was located in Emile's tomb under the Paladin Guild in Hib. He was clearly afraid, sometimes confused and borderline mad, but his relating of most facts regarding guild history was completely lucid."
Kattena says, "Before our organized guild existed, Immortals would choose champions. These were the earliest Paladins."
Kattena says, "They were champions of all of the Immortals, not just Chadatru or Rutilor, not even just the light aspects."
Kattena says, "There were attempts by these Paladins to organize, but they were not successful. The first such organization to succeed was called the Hounds of Rutilor. These are not the same hounds you think of today. They were Paladins and Clerics dedicated to opposing Dzree and the Dragon Priests."
Kattena says, "Those original Hounds succeeded in organizing but were ultimately destroyed. Oane did state that they were at least '...true to their calling...unlike the current iteration."
Kattena says, "Syal was the first Champion of the Immortals to succeed in forming an organized group. He and his followers were the original seven."
Kattena says, "It was Syal who created our Code of Honor."
Kattena says, "Who taught those who would listen what it meant to be a Paladin."
Kattena says, "But is that the Code we follow today? Oane seemed to imply that it is not."
Kattena says, "He spoke of the dragon priests and the monstrosities they have created. The adan'f, the creatures of the Dark Hand and, he said, something far worse."
Kattena says, "He said a great darkness of an unknown nature fell over the land, but that it did draw the attention and wrath of the immortals."
Kattena says, "Syal and his followers were charged with defeating this darkness. Their success is tied to 'The Bonding.'."
Kattena says, "The exact nature of The Bonding is also unknown. It is believed that Syal somehow sacrificed himself to allow his 6 followers to defeat whatever that evil was and unite the Paladins."
Kattena says, "One thing that Oane said that disturbs me to this day. He was speaking of his dreams. Nightmares really. He said in one there was a lone paladin fighting hideous, evil creatures. He said in his dreams, "I have seen the creatures he fights, and they are we." referring to Paladins."
Kattena says, "That's the basics of the history as I remember Oane explaining it. As to the reason for his treason charge. He claims it is because he 'stole' a journal. An artifact of Dreldan's."
Kattena says, "Dreldan was the founder of the Crossings guildhall. He was also a follower of Trothfang. He was not exactly what we might consider 'Paladin-like' today. Of note, Beren is a descendent of Dreldan. It was Beren who first found the journal of Dreldan among his possessions."
Kattena says, "According to Oane, Beren brought the journal to the Council to question them about the truth of Dreldan's writings."
Kattena says, "It was then that Beren was discharged from his Guild Leader position and he disappeared."
Kattena says, "Hriage, another of the original seven, also mentioned in his own journal that he didn't recognize the Paladin teachings in his later years. Some believe that was due to senility. Oane questions whether it was that or it was really because the teachings now are not those of Syal. Dreldan's journal seems to support the latter."
Kattena says, "Oane stated that the guild required the support, financial and otherwise, of the Therengian Baron and rewriting the code to his specifications was a way to ensure they would have it."
Kattena says, "When the first guildhall was being constructed in Theren, it was headed by Medern, another of the original seven. It is widely believed he was murdered after he discovered that Kraphae had stolen artifacts and documents from the Council library. Later that same year the unfinished Theren guildhall was burned to the ground. Kraphae is believed to have been responsible for both the murder and the arson. This was never proven."
Kattena says, "It is Kraphae, the first impeached Paladin Council member, who is believed to have rewritten Syal's original teachings and Code and handed it down."
Kattena says, "Back to more recent events, Oane was eventually captured, seemingly by the Council although I don't know that we know for sure who was responsible. He is, to my knowledge, still being held."
Kattena says, "Beren has not been heard from as of yet, though I'm not really sure that I blame him for not coming forward if even half of what they claim is true."
Kattena says, "During an odd twist of events Bard Guildleader Ezruh was purged by the Hounds of Rutilor only moments after Oane was captured. Ezruh was warned to stay out of matters that don't concern him."
Kattena says, "I've recently done some research trying to find some connection between the two. I did find in my notes a comment that Commander Fenhalut of the Emerald Knights made to us the night we first went to find Oane. I missed the comment when he said it, but it makes more sense now. Sort of."
Kattena says, "He said, "There are things that lie beyond our understanding. Beings such as the World Dragon, or Maedmaev."
Kattena says, "I was unaware of who Maedmaev was. I have a few details, but I will need to speak with a Bard to find out more."
Kattena says, "There was, still is actually, a Bard Karovaas. He and his followers were ordered destroyed by the Bard guild. Maedmaev was charged with this duty. Karovaas was believed to be studying sorcerous and/or necromantic magic in relation to Bards. Maedmaev did as he was ordered, killing the followers including his own twin brother Maedmaep. Karovaas was captured and imprisoned."
Kattena says, "Karovaas is still active in the Bard guild and some believe Ezruh may be tasked with 'keeping him in check' so to speak. It seems Karovaas has a close relationship with the Naga."
Kattena says, "Not a lot to go on, certainly. But it's clear there is some connection between what we've been experiencing and the Bards."
Kattena says, "That is all I have for my 'quick' summary. Sorry I dragged on a bit. I know for myself I'm both disturbed and fascinated by what I've seen and heard."
Madigan says, "Thank you Kattena. We will open up for some questions here."
Madigan says, "I have a few comments to add."
Madigan says, "Oane was indeed arrested by members of the paladin guild."
Madigan says, "Inside the West Gate of Shard."
Madigan says, "I will also comment that most of Kattena's history is from the traitors lips, so we really don't know truth from fiction at this point."
Madigan says, "However, absent any other form of is the best we have to go on."
Madigan shrugs.
Kattena says, "Commander Fenhalut confirmed some of it."
Kattena says, "But not all, by any stretch."
Madigan says, "Fair point Kattena."
Madigan says, "And, some facts can be verified."
Madigan says, "For example, the bard guild history."
Elfverhan says, "Well bard magic is what animates the shadoweavers and wormwood vines in the hand."

This message was originally posted in The Paladins (30) \ General Discussions (3), by ANOUSHKA on the forums.