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Post:New Quest Comments - 03/27/2012 - 15:54

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Re: New Quest Comments · on 03/27/2012 03:54 PM CDT 3356
>Hilarious aside: the boss' leathers are cursed when you pick them up, ...

The leathers are nothing special. They're old school standard shop-bought stuff with a fancy TAP/LOOK. They also shouldn't be cursed -- if they are, it's due to something someone in the group cast on the boss.

>Did not find a single piece of incidental loot.

The most recent run, group 6, had 58 incidental items placed to be found. Of those, only 18 are still hidden. Well over half were found. You won't find any incidentals on the floor with the treasure hunt -- they use similar mechs and don't play well together, so incidental will be above and below that floor. Given the chaos of combat on the two floors above, searching can be difficult.

>Also killed maybe 20-30 critters, nothing but gems and coins.

The creatures don't drop anything special, just standard treasure system stuff.

> I tried the atmo verb and nothing happened.

The medallion is the vitality healer. You'll have to be missing vitality when it pulses for you to notice anything from it -- if you're at full health, it'll just sit there silently. Check ATMOSPHERE with it -- deactivate it and then reactivate it -- as long as it's active, it'll do its job. If you see messaging, it's working.

ASGM Zadraes
Logistics Lead

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Paid Events / Quests, by DR-ZADRAES on the forums.