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Post:New Adventure Question - 01/04/2012 - 17:49
Re: New Adventure Question · on 01/04/2012 05:49 PM CST | 1054 |
There will be at least one other addition to the box office, that will make it a little easier for you all to form your own groups. The next step is that folks will be able to "reserve" any group that's still empty and the system will assign the group a password and give it to the person who reserved it. Then they'll be able to give that password out to the people who they want to quest with. Any reserve tickets not sold within some set amount of time (48 hours or so) will open back up to anyone to buy.
I wish there was a way to limit a run to characters of a certain level, but not sure that's possible. The Box Office doesn't lock in the character you select as the attendee, so we'd have to put that sort of mechanic into the quest system inside the game and I'm not sure how we'd go about enforcing that, other than just messaging the person if they have a character that's too high. The problem with that would potentially be that someone might sign up for a quest run "restricted" to 50th circle or lower, and in the time between the day they signed up for their ticket and the time of the run, they might advance above 50th and then we'd be in a pickle. If you're wanting to try to get folks to sign up for a special run with certain restrictions (circle limit, Dwarf only, Female Halfling Rangers only), maybe we can set up a "Looking for Group" topic so people can post there. Until then, I'd say post here. In regards to the quest itself, it's pretty much going to adjust itself to fit the group, so if you're questing with a bunch of 10th circle players, you aren't going to run up against 150th level prisoners. As for what you might expect, it can (and will) vary with each run. There are tasks ranging from "Locate the lost item" to "Free the NPC being held hostage" and from "Resupply X guards" to "Take out X rioters". As someone else asked, the "purple drops" are not likely in general quest loot, as this is a 1 hour quest for 10 bucks, however in addition to the items you get to pick from if you succeed, there is another layer to this, similar to what we did for HE. Prisoners don't walk around carrying gold and plat coins, but they do carry Prison Scrip. Scrip is "fake" money that is/was often given out as "company payment for employees and also as a means of payment in times where regular money is unavailable, such as remote coal towns, military bases, ships on long voyages, or occupied countries in war time." What will happen is that you'll collect this scrip, like you did Hollow Eve tickets. You can save it up and we'll have up a merchant/shop with items for purchase using the scrip. Any scrip left over will be saved, so if you ever go on the quest again and get more, you'll add to your total. There may likely be "purple drops" at the scrip store and even when the Adventure isn't running, we can always bring in a wagon or caravan selling things for Prison Scrip later on down the road for funsies. | |
This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Responses to GM/Official Announcements, by SIMU-SOLOMON on the forums. |