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Post:Necromancers and the Playing Environment - 03/16/2015 - 13:38

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Re: Necromancers and the Playing Environment · on 03/16/2015 01:38 PM CDT 10836
>>Then, you are told that by having this one character (regardless of guild or whatever) in your ranks could cause your entire group to be disbanded or lose your position within the game. What do you do?

Of course, this comes down to "told by whom?"

Since we're playing hypothetical, let's expand the scene a little. If a player theoretically told this theoretical leader that his group could be disbanded over this, I'd say the appropriate response is to laugh in their face.

If a staff member theoretically told this theoretical leader that his group could be disbanded over this, I'd say the appropriate response is to go to Feedback with concerns about the staff member overstepping his or her bounds.

If someone tells theoretical leader to do something unethical, and theoretical leader complies... how do I describe it other than a form of cowardice?

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players \ General Discussions, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.