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Post:Naarg for food - 4/28/2010 - 00:11:07
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Re: Naarg for food · on 4/28/2010 12:11:07 AM | 4987 |
Naarg drank brown ale with a cranky old ogre. He spoke of a fire not being good in the winter. He really did not seem to have anything new or useful to say this time. Just that he once ate a person's leg in bad times, he normally doesn't eat people, he claims. more people try to bring him food, Zukir puts a stop to it. Cyiarriah is killed at one point.
Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg think that bad idea. Instead, Naarg think that angry Human should leave food at bottom of cliff. Naarg get later." Your mind hears Xixist thinking, "poison food?" Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "How Naarg know Ryain is human? Naarg stalking? Naarg must die, en route to deliver." Your mind hears Iskhhr thinking, "This will end poorly." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg know that all Human angry. Naarg makes lots good sense." Your mind hears Akei thinking, "Any moonmages around willing to open a gate to crossing for me? I think I just found a deader in vipers." Your mind hears Valherun thinking, "no moons Akei" Your mind hears Xixist thinking, "Human like rocky outcrop .. you move west" Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "Why do you run, Naarg? Are you not a great chieftain?" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg not run. Naarg too fat and lazy to run. Naarg sit instead." Your mind hears Xixist thinking, "Naarg will lie down then" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg say that Naarg already have nap. Naarg need new boot. Leave at bottom of cliff and Naarg get later." Your mind hears Trarbolos thinking, "just one boot?" Your mind hears Wimgel thinking, "I can think of a better place to put a boot, Naarg." Your mind hears Iskhhr thinking, "A single boot? That seems lacking." Your mind hears Trarbolos thinking, "Naarg have a peg leg?" Your mind hears Xixist thinking, "I got a boot for yas...hehe" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg say other boot lots good still." Your mind hears Cyiarriah thinking, "Gotta love fire" Your mind hears Valherun thinking, "Naarg just stepped in some of the bloodwolf poo up there I thinks" Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "Naarg, what if Ryain give you 50 haunches of spiced ham? Would Naarg care to take my offer and leave town for now?" Your mind hears Xixist thinking, "Naarg not smart .. Naarg not camp near water to put out hotfoot" Your mind hears Wimgel thinking, "Naarg You do realize Naarg isn't in town, right?" Your mind hears Cyiarriah thinking, "Naarg isn't going to be bought off.. he wants what he wants. " Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg agree to deal. Naarg say leave food at bottom of cliff and Naarg leave town. Lots good for both." Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "Ryain say what cliff? I come to leave haunches in haste. Must meet Naarg to make sure he gets haunches of meat." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg cliffs. By other Naarg land and little river." Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "Bringing ham for Naarg, meet at the cliff bottom?" Your mind hears Xixist thinking, "Naarg dosnt have land.. only a camp" Your mind hears Zawarudo thinking, "Naarg too fat and lazy to meet you there" Your mind hears Miraeven thinking, "Miraeven rename gwethdesuan to Naarg-desuan soon." Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "Naarg never too fat and lazy to meet for ham. I await you Naarg, to make this deal" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg think that lots good idea." Your mind hears Akei thinking, "Got a deader comin into clerics guild in a moment if we have any healers near by" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg make truth. Naarg not really in town. Naarg make bad deal. Leave food still." Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "I'm not in town, ham pile sits at bottom of hill. Must shake hands to make good deal for 50 haunches of ham." Your mind hears Bric thinking, "Is anyone selling thorn-embedded thick leather wristband" Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "I am in your turf Naarg, come get ham, claim good deal." Your mind hears Zawarudo thinking, "does Naarg like some jet black snakeskin boots?" Your mind hears Segg thinking, "Anyone about able ta teach da phoenix er web images?" Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "I throw in four human corpses from cleric guild, good lean meat. Barbarian muscle if I assess them right." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Lots bad angry Human on Naarg land. Naarg not make angry now. Lots bad winter come. Make lots good food stuff now." Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "Aye, make good food store. Come get ham, human's meat free incentive" Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "If Naarg wishes, Ryain even throw in special seasoning for food stores. Makes nasty Naarg food not taste bad after winter. At bottom of hill for handshake and trade." Your mind hears Ellani thinking, "Do you always talk this way or is just for Naarg's benefit?" Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "it's so he can understand my dialect. Give me a break." Your mind hears Cyiarriah thinking, "Apparently Naarg makes everyone act the idiot" Your mind hears Ellani thinking, "Well he doesn't seem to have trouble understanding anyone else..." Your mind hears Xixist thinking, "I be an idiot all the time though" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Haha! Naarg think that lizardguy almost not smart like Naarg." Your mind hears Andoon thinking, "naarg take pieface with lime cupcake?" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg say leave cake at bottom of cliff. Get later." Your mind hears Wimgel thinking, "Why so quiet all of a sudden, Naarg?" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg say Shh. Lots good sneaking." Your mind hears Valherun thinking, "he with chiefteness to make more young ogres for us to kill" Your mind hears Wimgel thinking, "Where are you sneaking to, Naarg?" Your mind hears Bukuma thinking, "prolly to kill someone" Your mind hears Valherun thinking, "haha, what are the odds of thata" Your mind hears Zawarudo thinking, "well apparently he has too many wives so I wouldn't think your assumption too far off center" Your mind hears Wimgel thinking, "Odd, Bukuma is in vipers and alive, it appears." Your mind hears Valherun thinking, "I might just bring him a bullwhip" Your mind hears Walcar thinking, "I wonder how that could happen. Must be a cleric or something" Your mind hears Bukuma thinking, "hmm?" Your mind hears Wimgel thinking, "How is Naarg so sneaky when he is so fat?" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg think some things Naarg not forget from skinny time." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Oh! Naarg think instead that shh. Naarg be sneaking." Your mind hears Bukuma thinking, "come on naarg we know you were never skinny" Your mind hears Zukir thinking, "Are you back on your feet, Goon?" Your mind hears Terra thinking, "Who's this Naarg fellow? I've been in the desert for...awhile." Your mind hears Cyiarriah thinking, "Yes." Your mind hears Bukuma thinking, "sneaky assassin is who he is" Your mind hears Wimgel thinking, "If anyone feels the ground shake, let us know. Naarg must be near by!" Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "Naarg, I kill the person after your life in defense of your ham. You make deal now? Bottom of hill?" Your mind hears Cyiarriah thinking, "He's a nasty fat ogre Terra" Your mind hears Terra thinking, "His thoughts don't sound very sneaky." Your mind hears Zukir thinking, "I would highly suggest you not keep along that line of thinking. Or I'll happily place you back in the jail. Fair warning." Your mind hears Styllian thinking, "anyone have a pair of gold earrings set with tiny lion's heart topazes, looking to buy a few total" Your mind hears Zukir thinking, "You continue to offer the ogre food or worse, corpses, I'll have the Hounds deal with you instead." Your mind hears Walcar thinking, "Is there a way to heal a person who is avoiding?" Your mind hears Terra thinking, "Ahh, charming. Thank you Cyiarriah. So what is all the hype about? Are they playing Win a Date with Naarg? " Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "Zukir, you have no idea of my motives sir. I serve this city proudly." Your mind hears Wimgel thinking, "Finally, a voice of reason. Thank you Zukir." Your mind hears Nehahra thinking, "Ahh crap who let Zukir out of his cage?" Your mind hears Zukir thinking, "I don't care what your motives are." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Haha! Naarg think angry Human lots angry." Your mind hears Walcar thinking, "There is about to be a dead Kaygar in rock trolls once I stop protecting him if anyone cares." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Oh.. Naarg shh..." Your mind hears Terra thinking, "Good luck with the big and nasty. I'm going back to deal with Velakas problems." Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "You got it Naarg, humans very angry. I try to make peace with you and they get angry with me. I give you ham for free" Your mind hears Zukir thinking, "Do me a favor and make sure those blasted coin-chucking Traders stay up there." Your mind hears Cyiarriah thinking, "Shut up Naarg or come show your face" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Shh.. Naarg not show face when Naarg sneaking. That whole point." Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "Naarg, where we meet sneaky? I meet behind camp if you bring me." Your mind hears Wimgel thinking, "I'd be happy to help you locate the traitor if you desire, Zukir." Your mind hears Zukir thinking, "Thank you, though we've got it in hand." Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "Naarg, ale and meat is at the hill. I can find more secret place for us if you wish. We drink ale and have merry time. Humans angry at me for giving Naarg food." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Haha! Naarg not need wife. Naarg too busy." Your mind hears Cyiarriah thinking, "Busy doing what, thought you were too fat and lazy to do stuff" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "That what Naarg mean!" Your mind hears Ryain thinking, "But Ryain have many pretty women for Naarg, and we get drunk and pick one out for him as your soldiers eat on lean ham." Your mind hears Zukir thinking, "You were warned." Your mind hears Nehahra thinking, "Now you did it Ryain, you got his panties all in a twist!" Your mind hears Walcar thinking, "Hey bro. Whats up?" Your mind hears Nehahra thinking, "Nothin just sitting here." Your mind hears Walcar thinking, "We heading north now? Don't think Naarg's going to order his clan to the slaughter tonight." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg think that not lots good. Just as Naarg get there ugly Human take Naarg target." Your mind hears Walcar thinking, "Just save it for later." Your mind hears Wimgel thinking, "You came all this way Naarg, you might as well show yourself." Your mind hears Walcar thinking, "If he did we wouldnt be able to have these wonderful thoughts in our heads." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg say all done be sneaking. Lots good time for nap." Your mind hears Vahlissa thinking, "I'll bite. Sneaking what exactly, Naarg?" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg not for eat. Lots big fat not lots good meat." Your mind hears Cyiarriah thinking, "I'm surprised you didn't stop and say hello Naarg" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Haha! Naarg think angry Human lady already have lots bad hello already." | |
This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia (13) \ Zoluren Events (14), by LERASHA on the forums. |