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Post:Naarg for food - 4/26/2010 - 21:23:44

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Re: Naarg for food · on 4/26/2010 9:23:44 PM 4984
Rocky Outcrop, Camp]

A narrow stony shelf runs along one edge of the rocky outcrop, winding among boulders and gaps and the occasional stunted tree. Lush green ferns line this natural basin in the rock. The soil is thicker here, with towering stone walls that rise high overhead in every direction, making this hollow well sheltered and a strong defensive postion. Centered within the small clearing is a stone-ringed firepit, a bubbling cauldron of greasy stew nestled deep within the red coals. You also see a sapphire-eyed black panther, a half-formed wooden barricade, some piles of rough-hewn timber, a dusk ogre, a scout ogre that is sitting, a young ogre that is sitting, a path leading into a nearby cave and some sacks of corn and wheat. Also here: Chieftain Naarg who is sitting.

Rocky Outcrop, Cave] The faint flickering of crude torches barely illuminates this vast cave. A glowing firepit at the center of the area has burned down to red embers. You catch climpses of movement at the edges of the darkness, but fail to make out any further details. You also see a path leading out of the cave and an old cranky ogre with no legs that is sitting. Also here: Chieftain Naarg. Obvious exits: none.

It seems Naarg dreams of killing his ugly wife, and stole his name from an old ogre he currently refers to as "Stumpy" who predicts a very bad winter, which is why the raiding is happening. Several people offer food, someone brought him a sack of spicy sausage rolls, another eggs, and another chicken. Cyiarriah kept taking the sacks of food offered him by various people, most doing so in hopes he might consider relenting his attacks. My only lament is not being able to fight or at least have a look at this raider.

Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg just say which." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Even Naarg smart and not let weird old lady touch Naarg." Your mind hears Ryber thinking, "Mellicent I can wait for you, Mellicent" Your mind hears Phii thinking, "She'd turn you into a weird old lady ogre." Your mind hears Mellicent thinking, "Thanks, Ryber. I'll gweth when I get to crossing." Your mind hears Rikulf thinking, "i thought Naarg was a powerful warrior... hmm i must be mistaken" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Or Naarg think dirty orc. Just as bad." Your mind hears Juulmon thinking, "Evidently... Rikulf... Evidently" Your mind hears Stilva thinking, "Any Empaths available for a body at the Clerics' hall?" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg say yes. Naarg fat and lazy and weak. Not strong warrior." Your mind hears Deaglan thinking, "Wanna take on a trader then Naarg?" Your mind hears Shaleenah thinking, "just old i think" Your mind hears Deaglan thinking, "a Prydaen trader" Your mind hears Rikulf thinking, "How do you stay chieftain if you're feeble?" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg say that Naarg already have little cat here. Not need more." Your mind hears Mellicent thinking, "Oh Deagers, I don't think you should volunteer to do that. Naarg may talk funny, but is foxy smart." Your mind hears Shaleenah thinking, "agreed melli" Your mind hears Shaleenah thinking, "juul rik is still having trouble with copperwood...where can he find it?" Your mind hears Juulmon thinking, "ranger guild" Your mind hears Rikulf thinking, "oh i just can't find it thats all" Your mind hears Rikulf thinking, "kinda surprising." Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "Naarg Naarg Naarg. When will you use your wits for good? " Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg think must find lots good wits first. Then Naarg use them." Your mind hears Mellicent thinking, "Naarg, you don't fool us you sly old thing!" Your mind hears Tremulous thinking, "Naarg is easily my favorite ogre ever. I could just listen to his thoughts for hours..." Your mind hears Tremulous thinking, "I do hope we exterminate him last..." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg too lazy for lots big thinks. Lots too hard." Your mind hears Phii thinking, "I don't recall you always being this lethargic. You've been around for awhile Naarg. Getting up in years." Your mind hears Phii thinking, "Hunters aside, I can't imagine ogres have a very long lifespan." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg agree. Old and fat and lazy." Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "Naarg is just being silly. We all know he is constantly scheming" Your mind hears Mellicent thinking, "Mujaki is right, he's just toying with us." Your mind hears Shaleenah thinking, "{faintly}" "if your old and fat why not go back to sleep then old man" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg take lots good nap soon." Your mind hears Cyiarriah thinking, "I'd agree with the last deed part" Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "Life is too short for sleep. If you sleep you might miss something." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Haha! Angry Human lady always make lots good joke." Your mind hears Phii thinking, "Hibernating then? I suppose winter is near." Your mind hears Ireane thinking, "anyone on the STR or near leth I can shift to?" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Old cranky ogre say lots bad winter come. Need lots good food for people." Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "Can't be much worse than the last couple winters." Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "Also why not just learn how to throw a net in the water. Dump some salt on the fish you catch and you will have food a plenty all winter." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg think then you not need foods. Naarg take all. Leave at bottom of cliff." Your mind hears Cyiarriah thinking, "We're not leaving you food" Your mind hears Juulmon thinking, "Come down from your perch and we will give you something.." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg forget way." Your mind hears Arandrowse thinking, "Naarg should command Ogres to show way." Your mind hears Aryanea thinking, "everything" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg like lots good foods. Angry farmer chicken Naarg's favorite." Your mind hears Shaleenah thinking, "anything that don't eat them" Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "Chicken? Go to Haven then. They got giant chickens there just east of town. I think they call em boobries" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg say he agree. Naarg not remember you at all." Your mind hears Shaleenah thinking, "naarg remember xixist?" Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "There is also an empath called Quanette there. She is very kind to even the outcasts like ogres. I am sure she would get you lots of food." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg not want lots more ugly wife." Your mind hears Rucent thinking, "More importantly, what's in that greasy stew you've got there, Naarg?" Your mind hears Glizten thinking, "Naarg has stew?" Your mind hears Rucent thinking, "And some sort of barricade." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg not know. But Naarg think lots good stew." Your mind hears Glizten thinking, "Barricade?" Your mind hears Cyiarriah thinking, "Yes, he has a partial one in his Camp" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg build lots good treestopper. Keep angry people from take Naarg land." Your mind hears Phalena thinking, "hey sexy lady...feel up to a lil compony?" Your mind hears Glizten thinking, "Oh? Is he afraid we'd come steal his chickens?" Your mind hears Cyiarriah thinking, "He's definately afraid" Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "Naarg, do you worship and know of the Immortals?" Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "We don't want your land. We just want you to stay out of ours. Oh yea and we kinda want your head. So please be sure to bath before we kill you. Make sure your hair is nice and shiney when it is on display on a pike." Your mind hears Zawarudo thinking, "left some chicken for the stew if that helps any" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg say already took land. Not take more." Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "Yes, but does Naarg know about the Immortals>?" Your mind hears Karissa thinking, "Vyraal can you stop by the ranger guild if you have a minute please" Your mind hears Vyraal thinking, "{faintly}" "Sure, be there in a minute" Your mind hears Mellicent thinking, "Jaelia, hun. I don't think it would be wise to play missionary with ogres." Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "Anyone know where Ienna is? Got a human saying he owes money and wants to pay it." Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "I believe that all sentient beings should have a chance to accept the chance of redemption." Your mind hears Mellicent thinking, "Don't ogres have their own deity?" Your mind hears Phalena thinking, "hi melli" Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "How can they have a diety outside of the Immortals Pantheon of our own and the West since they created all in Elanthia?" Your mind hears Mellicent thinking, "Hey there Phalena" Your mind hears Sebastienne thinking, "I wish I could convince people what a tiresome bore you are Jaelia, but everyone is just going to assume bias and ignore it if I try." Your mind hears Gennieve thinking, "Hello Phalena" Your mind hears Ignifera thinking, "I imagine the Kaldar and Gnomes might take some tiny issue with that statement, regardless." Your mind hears Phalena thinking, "hi gennie" Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "How can anything to do with the Immortals be a bore? TO dance in the light and faith of the Immortals is the greatest joy, the most fantastic joyful awesome amazing experience any can every hope to attain." Your mind hears Mellicent thinking, "Well put, Ignifera" Your mind hears Sebastienne thinking, "I beg to differ. But that is beside the point. The point is there are so many of us who would like you to just shut up about it for once." Your mind hears Glizten thinking, "Hello Hackett, byr Hackett" Your mind hears Deaglan thinking, "Heyo Gliz" Your mind hears Glizten thinking, "Hello Deaglan" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg like lots good full belly." Your mind hears Sebastienne thinking, "I rather doubt that the ogre gentleman who is apparently having trouble even finding enough food for himself and his people is going to be terribly concerned about the Immortals, but here you are trying to force it down his throat anyway. Have some common sense." Your mind hears Trinean thinking, "Mercantile malfunction, Bard + Warrior Mage who were my class. Don't wait for me." Your mind hears Ignifera thinking, "by the by, Naarg, there are lovely pickled eggs up Dirge way, if you're still looting." Your mind hears Aryanea thinking, "thank you Trinean!" Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "Where is Meirias gems and jewelry?" Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "Unfortunately, my task is to bring faith to the masses. It is a task given to me by the Immortals, and I am certainly not going to let one who is alongside necromancers advise me on how I should behave. If anything I should do the opposite." Your mind hears Ignifera thinking, "Then live a long and healthy life, Jaelia." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg take lots good foods and stuffs from dirty goblin. They do hard work when take from angry Humans." Your mind hears Sebastienne thinking, "I am going to cut you sometime soon, Jaelia." Your mind hears Ignifera thinking, "Ahh, good call Naarg. Still, poke them toward Dirge. Those eggs really are the second best thing to ever come from that town." Your mind hears Ignifera thinking, "Myself, of course" Your mind hears Trinean thinking, "So when the goblins invade we should look for you?" Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "I will go to Fostras Haven, then cross into what is beyond. I hope to have a Service on Fostras Haven and have other guests speakers on it, Including the thoughts of Prydaen and Rakash on the Afterlife because so few know anything about it." Your mind hears Karissa thinking, "Vyraal I need some leucro skins, what you dont use I'll buy from you" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg say lots good thanks for meat rolls. Lots big weapons nice, too." Your mind hears Vyraal thinking, "{faintly}" "You can have them for free" Your mind hears Sebastienne thinking, "I think I like you a little Zawarudo." Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "There is a wonder book that discusses Fostras Haven and the various races and their beliefs on the afterlife. You may want to check it out." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg say never trust dirty troll. Almost as bad as dirty goblin." Your mind hears Mellicent thinking, "Couldn't agree with you more, Naarg." Your mind hears Marmic thinking, "{faintly}" "if Naarg is on the gweth.. I'm assuming there is trouble in town?" Your mind hears Sebastienne thinking, "I believe hypocrisy and senseless blood lust are two of the founding principles of Jaelia's pantheon." Your mind hears Mialeigh thinking, "I havent seen any trouble Marmic.....just hearing a lot" Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "I really wonder why everyone assumes everything I do is in the name of the Immortals. While that is very flattering, the raids on trolls and ogres was to avenge that poor merchant who was slaughtered in front of their family for no reason but cruelty." Your mind hears Phalena thinking, "hi mia" Your mind hears Mialeigh thinking, "hi Phalena" Your mind hears Kaybril thinking, "any empath around crossing that isn't currently with a patient" Your mind hears Phalena thinking, "hi kay hun" Your mind hears Naraya thinking, "Good evening, Zoluren!" Your mind hears Mellicent thinking, "Marmic, Naarg has been quite chatty these past few days. Which means he's definitely up to something...but what that something is we've yet to discover." Your mind hears Mialeigh thinking, "I am Kaybril, I'm in willow walk a few east of the gate" Your mind hears Kaybril thinking, "hey" Your mind hears Rozze thinking, "Hiya Naraya" Your mind hears Kadriya thinking, "I can try Kaybril. but I am young." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg already say up to getting lots good food for lots bad winter." Your mind hears Mellicent thinking, "Oh sheesh Ryber, I totally forgot about selling your pouches for you! My apologies. Still need help?" Your mind hears Naraya thinking, "What reason is there to believe that this winter will be any worse than the last?" Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "Mujaki already say you full of it Naarg." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Old cranky ogre tell Naarg." Your mind hears Naraya thinking, "So eloquent, Mujaki." Your mind hears Aasria thinking, "Anyone in the market for a sleek, finely crafted, ebonwood fiddle?" Your mind hears Mellicent thinking, "Ryber?" Your mind hears Jaelia thinking, "I held the belief long before it was popular that to execute our enemies, we should do it quickly and swiftly. To torture them is to bring ourselves to their level, and thus makes it no longer something of a higher moral ground. It is merely vengence." Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "Also, prolonged torture allows them time to escape. Very inefficient, torture." Your mind hears Purnay thinking, "any bowyers out there able to give me an idea of what wood is a step below Ebony as far as crafting?" Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "Aye but sometimes if you torture someone they are comforted by death. If you just execute em they fear it and die with that fear. " Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "Uh huh. I never walk into light conversation." Your mind hears Phalena thinking, "hello mazrian" Your mind hears Mialeigh thinking, "Hey Mazrian" Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "Heyo." Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "Has Tirsten behaved himself?" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg say little cat not get not puny now." Your mind hears Zawarudo thinking, "is that a just action?" Your mind hears Arandrowse thinking, "Purnay, the answer you are looking for is Cedar." Your mind hears Mialeigh thinking, "I avoid him so I wouldn't know Mazrian" Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "Is Naarg behaving himself?" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg say that Naarg too fat and lazy to do angry." Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "Fat enough to last through the winter?" Your mind hears Zawarudo thinking, "perhaps Naarg I offer you more chicken for the stew from my family should you calm down the raiding" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg only raid dirty goblin. Naarg help angry farmer pick food." Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "Well according to Naarg he isn't raiding. He is killing the raiders and taking what they raided. " Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "Because the goblins raided the farm" Your mind hears Ignifera thinking, "A few eggs and such for you, Naarg. In a sack by the cliff." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg say angry farmer always angry. Angry farmer not like lots bad heat with pick. So Naarg help." Your mind hears Ignifera thinking, "Except Cyiarriag seems to have stolen them, so perhaps you'll have to take them off of her corpse." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Hah! Naarg say angry Human lady will give him later. She like Naarg lots good." Your mind hears Juulmon thinking, "where is cyiarrah" Your mind hears Nicolet thinking, "{faintly}" "What can you use dragon arum for?" Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Naarg say his angry Human lady fall down. Naarg think he go rest and mourn now. Naarg like angry Human lady lots good, too." Your mind hears Ignifera thinking, "I liked her just fine until she stole the snacks I brought." Your mind hears Aasria thinking, "Caelumia was an elf, Naarg." Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "Have resting from all that exhausting eating." Your mind hears Mialeigh thinking, "I think he's talking abotu Cyiarriah not Caelumia" Your mind hears Zawarudo thinking, "please accept my family's donation of chicken for the stew with goodwill" Your mind hears Mazrian thinking, "I'm not sure feeding an ogre is the best way to dissuade him from camping at your doorstep." Your mind hears Ignifera thinking, "Oh, I really don't mind if he camps at my doorstep or not. They're just fine eggs and I thought he might appreciate them." Your mind hears Sebastienne thinking, "we really just thought feeding an ogre might be fun." Your mind hears Zawarudo thinking, "that's why I brought it to his doorstep and not mine" Your mind hears Sebastienne thinking, "Unfortunately Cyiarriah decided to be a killjoy. But that matter has been settled." Your mind hears Ignifera thinking, "Pretty much that" Your mind hears Juulmon thinking, "for now...." Your mind hears Juulmon thinking, "need empath and cleric to guild please" Your mind hears Mujaki thinking, "Anyways time will take care of Naarg. Sure Naarg is scheming but who really cares? He is doing us a favor. All of us that hate him are brought together. All of those that like him are brought together. Having an advesary is what makes adventuring fun." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Haha! Naarg say that angry Human leader make lots angry for people that help Naarg people. Naarg still win." Your mind hears Naarg thinking, "Angry people make lots angry at each other and ignore Naarg!" Your mind hears Mialeigh thinking, "let me know if you don't get an empath Juulmon" Your mind hears Ignifera thinking, "Oh come now, she stole a gift. Hardly untoward of us to bleed her out for it. Plus, also still fun. If I was removed of having the fun of feeding an ogre, I might as well find some amusement for my troubles." Your mind hears Juulmon thinking, "need empath to clerics" Your mind hears Juulmon thinking, "says the supporters of necromancers? now assosiating with ogres.... how low can one sink..." Your mind hears Sebastienne thinking, "we could join Fervid Shade, I guess." Your mind hears Ignifera thinking, "Oh, I see I've been downgraded to a mere 'supporter' now." Your mind hears Juulmon thinking, "Make a mistake.... all i ask... make one mistake and I will bring the white hot fury of the gods down upon you" Your mind hears Aryanea thinking, "hmmm" Your mind hears Sebastienne thinking, "I bet you have been waiting a long time to use that line. Really well said." Your mind hears Purnay thinking, "roll out" Your mind hears Juulmon thinking, "More waiting for someone worthy to say it to... " Your mind hears Sebastienne thinking, "Do keep in mind you are speaking to the necromancer and to her wife, who Aldauth himself failed to eliminate. The white hot fury of the gods is not particularly frightening to either one of us." Your mind hears Juulmon thinking, "We shall see... we shall see..." Your mind hears Eostre thinking, "I'm just all skert." Your mind hears Sebastienne thinking, "In any case, Cyiarriah stole a sack and was punished for it. That is really the summation of the issue here." Your mind hears Sebastienne thinking, "if it was me who had stolen the sack you all would be up in arms over it. The double standard is alive and well." Your mind hears Cyiarriah thinking, "And I'd do the same again. " Your mind hears Sebastienne thinking, "I know you would dear. I respect you for that and did not particularly enjoy what I just had to do." Your mind hears Asrea thinking, "Naarg, I have a something for you. The last remaining trace of your goblin friend." Your mind hears Naraya thinking, "Naarg is sleeping now." Your mind hears Asrea thinking, "Hmph. Hibernating." Your mind hears Juulmon thinking, "Just let it known I am gathering all the food left for that sorry ogre

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia (13) \ Zoluren Events (14), by LERASHA on the forums.