Post:Merchant List Updates - 05/13/2012 - 16:56

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Merchant List Updates · on 05/13/2012 04:56 PM CDT 1288
We've released an update to the merchant waiting lists used at Fests and alteration sessions.

These lists will now limit the number of times a person can be picked for an alteration. It'll be tracked globally over all lists used, and over the entire course of large events like Guild Fest or Hollow Eve. For the current event, the limit is set at 2 per account.

The way it'll work is, each time you are picked your tally is incremented. After your name has been drawn twice, you will not be allowed to join another list until we either find that most players have been satisfied (no one able to join our lists) or we reset the tracking at the end of the event.

We're hopeful that this will help spread the wealth a little bit when it comes to merchant alterations at Fests, but reserve the right to throw it in the bucket if it does not turn out how we'd planned.

In addition to this update, we've added another feature to merchant lists. A merchant can now use an optional setting on their list that will allow the character to leave the room, and if their name is chosen they'll be alerted in a nifty way (not telling how, can't wait for you to see!).

A couple of things to bear in mind about this setting:

- It can only be used on lists that charge a fee to join. Being charged a fee does not guarantee that you will receive work, just that you will be notified and given an opportunity to return within a designated amount of time to claim your spot.

- Ths feature is not guaranteed on lists that charge. It is simply an optional setting that a merchant can add if they choose to.

- The default time setting is 5 minutes. Go wander, but don't wander TOO far.

- If your name is chosen and you do not make it back to the list before the designated amount of time expires, you lose your chance to work with this merchant AND it increments your alteration tally, so you lose an alteration slot entirely. The reasoning is you've potentially held up the alterer, had him or her standing around waiting on you as well as other customers. Our merchants value their time!

I don't know if we'll have an opportunity to see these in action this week or not, but I am hopeful that it'll be a great addition to the system! We'll see, and again - we reserve the right to toss it in the bucket if we don't like how it ends up working in practice!

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Festivals / Merchants, by DR-LYNEYA on the forums.