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Post:Memorial Service Log. Long Long Long - 5/31/2009 - 18:39:16
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Memorial Service Log. Long Long Long · on 5/31/2009 6:39:16 PM | 733 |
>>Sorry about the apostrophes but I'm not going through to fix each one. I cut a few things out, if I left out anything huge you have permission to yell at me.
>>Again thanks to everyone who came, and participated. I was thrilled to have so many people involved. You step up onto the platform. [Ve Aevan Gaenan, The High Altar] High above, the temple's great iris skylight ushers in the stars' cool illumination, bathing the large metallic altar in pale light. Drawn as if to a lodestone, soft glints of color from the domed Eyes far overhead lend their prismatic overtones to the clarity of starlight. Sweeping majestically upwards from this raised platform, the stairways and benches lining the massive chamber dwindle into deepest shadow as they climb to meet the vague outlines of archways arrayed in a surrounding ring far above. You also see a purple hip pouch, a grumpy Shadow Servant and a ponderous Shadow Servant. Also here: Contemplator Kelnorree, Furrier Abison, Kirmiko Chaporal, Reborn in Flames Sylverus, Worshipper Tuulszeldi, Thorn of the Rose Halcier, Soothsayer Sionyl, Fateweaver Caelumia, Drifter Bahbtahrol, Court Assistant Celitha who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Court Mage Malzard, Fox Kit Evalaut, Dafo Zamara, Terra, Phantom Catrynnya, Sekoria, Swordsman Araine, Ambassador Sendithu, Quickblade Alyseanna, Nocturnica, Scavenger Tygor, Healer Artarus, Kashonna, Nomad Valcrest, Samarah who is kneeling, Sister Jaelia, Scryer Rieum, Caelfind who is kneeling, Spirit Dancer Basthet who is kneeling, Life Defender Szrael, G'nar Pethian Vansiil. Obvious exits: north, northeast, southeast, south, southwest, northwest. You gaze up at the Eyes of the Thirteen high above, taking note of their appearance. A beam of pale yellow light streams from Kertigen's Eye, bathing the altar in its gaze. A beam of milky white light streams from Hodierna's Eye, bathing the altar in its gaze. A beam of intense light streams from Meraud's Eye, bathing the altar in its gaze. A beam of dark light streams from Damaris's Eye, bathing the altar in its gaze. A beam of crimson light streams from Everild's Eye, bathing the altar in its gaze. A beam of silvery blue light streams from Truffenyi's Eye, bathing the altar in its gaze. A beam of emerald green light streams from Hav'roth's Eye, bathing the altar in its gaze. A beam of ocean blue light streams from Eluned's Eye, bathing the altar in its gaze. A beam of ale brown light streams from Glythtide's Eye, bathing the altar in its gaze. A beam of pale golden light streams from Tamsine's Eye, bathing the altar in its gaze. A beam of moonlit ruby light streams from Faenella's Eye, bathing the altar in its gaze. A beam of pale jade light streams from Chadatru's Eye, bathing the altar in its gaze. A beam of eerie black light streams from Urrem'tier's Eye, bathing the altar in its gaze. Bahbtahrol reaches up for a skylight but it is too high to touch. "Alrighty. You say, "Alrighty." Samarah lets out a deep sigh of contentment. Alyseanna gets a lilac butterfly blossom from inside a purple hip pouch. You curtsy gracefully. Jaelia beams! Conjurer Durandil just arrived, stepping up onto the platform. > Caelfind stands up. You get a stick of fragrant incense from inside your devotional pouch. You drop a stick of fragrant incense. You get a piece of black flint from inside your spidersilk backpack. You strike a piece of black flint against a curved ruby-hilted robe dagger, causing a shower of sparks over the fragrant incense which smolders, then bursts into flames. You put your dagger in your spidersilk backpack. > Basthet gets a pristine white altar candle swirled with silver and gold from inside her leather satchel You put your flint in your spidersilk backpack. Jaelia draws her fist to her heart, and mutters a stern prayer. You say, "I think we can begin now." > Caelumia adjusts her butterfly blossom into place. > Alyseanna puts on a lilac butterfly blossom. > Caelfind puts on a lilac butterfly blossom. > Bahbtahrol straightens his shoulders, tilts his chin upward, and gets a serious expression on his face. > Basthet puts her earrings in her gabardine cloak. > The fragrant incense on the floor glows faintly as it burns down. > Alyseanna puts her orb in her spidersilk backpack. You smile. > Basthet gets a darkened silver drake coiled around an Elven groom doll from inside her gabardine cloak. > Catrynnya smiles. > Samarah puts on a lilac butterfly blossom. You say, "I'd like to thank you all for coming again. I will begin with an opening invocation to the Immortals and then a short speech." > Basthet points her silver drake at a pristine white altar candle swirled with silver and gold and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the candle quickly catch fire. > Sylverus gets a lilac butterfly blossom from inside a purple hip pouch. > Szrael grows quiet, an intense look of introspection overtaking her features as her tail lowers slightly and stretches into stillness. > Kelnorree puts on a lilac butterfly blossom. You say, "From there we will begin offering the fallen Klusarlaik's items to the Immortals. Anyone else wishing to make an offering will be able to at this time. Please whisper to me if you would like to."" You ask Caelumia, "Are all of Klusarlaik's items spoken for?" Basthet prays fervently. > You say, "Excellent." > Flames waver off of Basthet's altar candle. You turn to face a metallic altar. > You see a faint glow from the bag on Sionyl. You get a set of thirteen brass bells each etched with a regal looking animal from inside your devotional pouch. You gently shake your brass bells, setting the air ringing with a beautiful arpeggio of chimes. You bow to a metallic altar. >. You recite: "Under the Eyes we gather again Calling to the Immortals that we may receive your blessings." > Tiny puffs of smoke rise from the fragrant incense on the floor as it burns. You recite: "May each of the Thirty-Nine look down upon us In these troubling times we look to You for your strength and your mercy." You recite: "Bless us with your many gifts Guide our blades and our magic Grant us wisdom and foresight as each day brings us new challenges" You recite: "Hear our prayers, omniscient Immortals Receive our offerings taken from the body of Klusarlaik Aid the souls of those departed to find their place among the Starry Road." You glance heavenward and murmur to yourself, "Meraud strengthen my magic that it not fail me in my time of need!" You recite: "Amen." A column of smoke trails off Basthet's altar candle. > Szrael bows her head and grows still for a moment. Caelumia tilts her head down. > Bahbtahrol kneels down. > Samarah continues praying fervently. > Alyseanna bows her head and grows still for a moment. Bahbtahrol gazes down at the floor. > Basthet prays fervently. > Catrynnya kneels down. > Catrynnya prays fervently. > Caelfind gazes upward. > A light haze of smoke wafts off the fragrant incense on the floor. > Celitha kneels down and begins to pray. > Zamara kneels down and begins to pray. > Valcrest kneels down and begins to pray. > Chaporal scratches his head and looks around with a confused expression. Rieum kneels down and begins to pray. > A tear runs down Samarah's face. You smile. > Sekoria kneels down and begins to pray. > Samarah continues praying fervently. > Evalaut gazes upward. (Caelane turns back to face the group assembled around her.) > Evalaut smiles. > A column of smoke trails off Basthet's altar candle. > Vansiil gazes upward. You intone: "There seems to be some confusion as to why this service is taking place. Though I surmise that there is no confusion amongst those gathered here today, I must take a moment to explain." Araine kneels down. > Araine bows to a metallic altar. You tilt your head up. You intone: "Beneath the Eyes of the Immortals we must be reminded of all that they encompass. Not just one thing or another. Not just blind faith and blind obedience. " You intone: "Instead, it is necessary to remember that the Thirty-Nine are everything we have come to be blessed with. From savage bloodlust to justice, bravery in battle to cunning and subterfuge in ambush, from the healing hand to the knife that spills blood, from ignorance and insanity to wisdom and knowledge, from order to chaos." You let out a long, contemplative breath. > An aura of peace settles over the room. You intone: "The Thirty-Nine represent a balance and the many ways one may choose to walk his or her path. It is all there. Though some of us have been chosen directly by the Gods and some of us only subtly, their influence is there." You intone: "So today, though I am not one for mercy and compassion- I am one for balance." You grin crookedly. You intone: "Today we stand here as part of that balance. To unite and remember that during the worst and most desperate of times we can call upon the Gods to strengthen us. And we stand here in compassion and mercy for those who have fallen to the Devourer. And for those such as Dzive who were forced to do the Devourer's bidding against her will." Bahbtahrol smiles. You intone: "It is this compassion and mercy that will allow us to rise above the desperation of the times and seek a higher path. May each of us keep our faith close to our hearts now and always, no matter which presence it may take." You say, "And NOW for the offerings" You chuckle. You say, "Each of these items we will now offer to the Immortals has been taking from the grave of the fallen Klusarlaik also known as Dzive. " You say, "We offer them in remembrance of who Dzive might have been before Lyras made her little more than a puppet, and in remembrance of all those who have died during the war. " You say, "Though we will see many more fall before the Devourer is destroyed, we ask the Gods to see to their souls and protect them from a fate worse than death. " You say, "As each of you present your offerings, I ask that you say a word or two, either asking for the blessings of the Immortals or a word in honor of those who have passed on. " > You get a steel-spiked morning star with a polished ivory handle from inside your spidersilk backpack. You say, "I will go first." > Szrael grows extremely still as she turns an intensely calculating look on you. Basthet stands up. > Terra fixes you with a serene, lofty stare. > Mister Issus just arrived, stepping up onto the platform. You kneel down upon the ground. (Caelane raises her star over the altar.) You recite: "Divine Immortals" >exa altar A masterful work molded from metallic alloys, this altar looks as indestructible as it is beautiful, rounded borders framing a surface untouched by line or blemish. Letters around the rim of the altar flow with a liquid grace, their edges as natural as an ancient and well-traveled path: "We live and are reborn under the Eyes of the Thirteen." You recite: "Bless those who are gathered here In the days ahead, that we might receive Your wisdom, your foresight Your strength, your courage Your compassion, and your patience. " You recite: "May we be granted your infinite gifts To bring down that which threatens us Accept my offering So that our battles ahead may be won in your name." You begin chanting a prayer to invoke the Bless spell. You gesture at a steel-spiked morning star with a polished ivory handle. A brilliant silver glow surrounds the morning star. You reverently place a steel-spiked morning star with a polished ivory handle on the metallic altar. You bow to a metallic altar. Quietly touching your lips with the tips of your fingers as you kneel, you make the cleric's sign with your hand. The morning star glows for a moment, then silently disappears in a brief flash of light. Kelnorree raises an eyebrow. You smile. You stand back up. (Caelane steps aside to stand next to the altar.) You say, "I believe Terra would like to go next." Terra smiles at Caelfind. An air of tranquility blankets the room, feeling a bit surreal. Terra nods to you. Kelnorree gingerly rests both hands on a metallic altar and closes his eyes in concentration. Caelfind smiles at Terra. Healer Kaeta's group just arrived, stepping up onto the altar's platform. Catrynnya smiles. Samarah continues praying fervently. Terra smiles warmly, stepping up to the altar with a stunning platinum bracelet cupped reverently in her hands. Terra says, "Today we recognize the spirit of Dzive and all of those that have fallen before us." Basthet's altar candle sputters as it burns. Terra says, "I make this offering today, in homage to the Thirty Nine. May the spirits of the fallen be guided to a peaceful end." Terra reverently places a twisted platinum bracelet set sporadically with delicate sky opals atop the metallic altar. Terra kneels down and begins to pray. The platinum bracelet glows for a moment, then silently disappears in a brief flash of light. You smile. Terra quietly says, "May the grace of Albreda be with us during these times of harsh war." Terra stands up. You say, "Thank you Terra." You motion to Jaelia. (Terra stands next to Caelane and away from the altar.) Jaelia gestures at a tarnished silver necklace depicting a vine of curling ivy leaves. Flames waver off of Basthet's altar candle. Although it could be your imagination, you believe you hear the flapping of dove's wings. Jaelia says, "A necklace... jewelry... things that we wear we wish others to notice... things that are of value to us." Kelnorree smiles. Caelfind cups her hand to her ear. Jaelia says, "May we wear our faith and devotion in the same way we do our most beloved possessions, if not moreso." Jaelia reverently places a tarnished silver necklace depicting a vine of curling ivy leaves atop the metallic altar. The silver necklace glows for a moment, then silently disappears in a brief flash of light. Jaelia says, "We praise each Immortal, that has brought so many opposing groups and faiths together." Tygor grins nervously. Nocturnica gets a tattered nightsilk gown edged in intricate ivy needlework from inside her spidersilk backpack. Jaelia says, "may we work as one to overcome this." Jaelia reaches out and touches a metallic altar. Jaelia shivers slightly. Jaelia kneels down and touches her lips with the tips of her fingers. . Jaelia continues praying. Jaelia stands up. Jaelia nods. Jaelia comes and stands near you. You smile at Jaelia. You say, "Celithia..." Celitha stands up. You are Warrior Priestess Caelane Oyace, Celebrant, an Elf.
You have a tattoo of a grey wolf howling at a moonlit sky on your neck. A brilliant orb of rippling cerulean light hovers like a will-o-wisp, following you diligently. You are in good shape. You are wearing a frayed grey mourning veil, a midnight black hooded cloak, some white ceremonial robes of samite embroidered with silver thread, a braided spidersilk backpack, an albredine crystal ring and some black silk sandals dangling tiny onyx charms. Celitha says, "Today i offer Dzive's slippers in the name of the Thirteen, may they represent the time she walked in her natural life with her children , the path she might have taken, may the Gods show mercy to the fallen and bring them rest and may this offering help use stand strong against the devourer and ther undead minions" Here: Battlefront Medic Heartsfyre, Conjurer Durandil, Healer Kaeta, Sophister Lvana, Mister Issus, Drifter Totendanz, Death's Grace Schvartzgonif, Contemplator Kelnorree, Furrier Abison, Reborn in Flames Sylverus, Worshipper Tuulszeldi, Thorn of the Rose Halcier, Soothsayer Sionyl, Fateweaver Caelumia, Drifter Bahbtahrol, Court Assistant Celitha, Court Mage Malzard, Fox Kit Evalaut, Dafo Zamara who is kneeling, Terra, Phantom Catrynnya who is kneeling, Sekoria who is kneeling, Swordsman Araine who is kneeling, Ambassador Sendithu, Quickblade Alyseanna, Nocturnica, Scavenger Tygor, Healer Artarus, Kashonna, Nomad Valcrest, Samarah who is kneeling, Sister Jaelia, Scryer Rieum who is kneeling, Caelfind, Spirit Dancer Basthet who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Life Defender Szrael, G'nar Pethian Vansiil. Jaelia smiles at Celitha. Celitha reverently places a pair of tattered slippers edged in faded silver ivy needlework atop the metallic altar. Celitha kneels down and begins to pray. Celitha continues praying fervently. Celitha prays fervently. The slippers glow for a moment, then silently disappear in a brief flash of light. You smile. Celitha stands up. You say, "Thank you Celitha." You motion to Tygor. Tygor lets out a long, contemplative breath. Tygor says, "Well, umm, Lyras attacked the West so many years ago and it destroyed a lot of families, and y'know lives." Tygor looks himself over. Catrynnya nods. Evalaut rubs her head. Sekoria nods to Tygor. Tygor says, "And I'm Prydaen and I was born in Riverhaven." Tygor says, "I wanted to thank the so many that made it to the East, and survived Lyras' onslaught for the rest of us." Jaelia nods to Tygor. Tygor nods. Tygor says, "So...yea." You chortle softly at some secret joke. Tygor asks, "I put it here?" You nod to Tygor. Tygor points at a metallic altar. You say, "On the altar, yes." Tygor reverently places a gilded leather sheath decorated with intricate patterns of swirling smoke atop the metallic altar. Tygor kneels down and begins to pray. The gilded leather sheath glows for a moment, then silently disappears in a brief flash of light. You say, "Thank you Tygor." Tygor rises to his feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat. You motion to Nocturnica. (Nocturnica takes a quiet step towards the altar) Nocturnica inhales a great swallow of air. Nocturnica says, "I offer this gown to the Thirty-nine, but Dzine was also a child of the Rakash God Mrod, it is to him I offer a prayer for the safe travel of her soul" You smile at Nocturnica. Nocturnica reverently places a tattered nightsilk gown edged in intricate ivy needlework atop the metallic altar. Nocturnica taps the center of her forehead as she prays, "Mrod guide." The nightsilk gown glows for a moment, then silently disappears in a brief flash of light. (Nocturnica steps back and stands quietly beside Jaelia) Jaelia lays her hand on Nocturnica's arm. You say, "Thank you." Nocturnica smiles at Jaelia. An air of peaceful tranquility settles over the room. Samarah continues praying. You ask, "Vansiil, you said you had something to offer the Immortals?" Vansiil nods. Vansiil stands near a metallic altar. Vansiil gets a bright green sweet and sour whole pickle from inside his shoulder satchel. Nocturnica appears to be trying hard not to grin. You scrunch your eyebrows together and furrow your brow. Jaelia coughs. Jaelia nibbles her lip thoughtfully. Nocturnica gazes down at the floor. Vansiil exclaims, "Many of you do not know the importance of the pickle!" Szrael's eyes darken with thought, and her tail grows very still. Nocturnica glances at Vansiil. Kelnorree smiles. Zamara covers her eyes with her hand. Bahbtahrol says, "I do." Jaelia says, "Amen." Bahbtahrol nods to Vansiil. Jaelia nods. Bahbtahrol licks his lips. Nocturnica chuckles at Bahbtahrol. Vansiil says, "This pickle represent both the sweetness of victory and the sourness of defeat." Vansiil reverently places a bright green sweet and sour whole pickle atop the metallic altar. Vansiil gazes at a bright green sweet and sour whole pickle. The pickle glows for a moment, then silently disappears in a brief flash of light. You can swear you just heard a hearty chuckle. You chuckle. Vansiil says, "Remeber also, a pickle a day keeps the Inqusitor away." Kelnorree smiles. Nocturnica chuckles to herself. Vansiil nods to you. You bow to a metallic altar. Caelumia laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Bahbtahrol grins. Vansiil stands near Jaelia. You say, "Thank you." Jaelia rests her hand on Vansiil's arm with a soft smile. Jaelia says to Vansiil, "Thanks for that." You ask, "Basthet?" Jaelia just hugged Vansiil. Basthet smiles. Basthet says, "I've offer the earrings of the Rakash Dzive to appease the thirty-nine and give peace to those who have fallen." Basthet reverently places a pair of diamond earrings in tarnished silver settings atop the metallic altar. Basthet kneels down and touches her lips with the tips of her fingers. The diamond earrings glow for a moment, then silently disappear in a brief flash of light. Nocturnica quietly says to Vansiil, "I bet you five plat Glythtide is the one who chuckled" Basthet draws her fist to her heart, and mutters a stern prayer. You nod at Nocturnica, in complete agreement with her views. Vansiil grins at Nocturnica. You say, "Thank you." You ask, "Szrael?" Szrael moves a lilac butterfly blossom to her left hand. Szrael stands near a metallic altar. Szrael slings a blackened steel shield emblazoned with an emblem depicting a silver wolf off from over her shoulder. Evalaut gazes upward. Szrael says, "To honor the fallen, I offer this shield." Szrael says, "There is a lesson in this shield, if we choose to acknowledge it." Szrael says, "Klusarlaik, lately called Dzive, ultimately could not protect herself from Lyras. The many symbols of devotion she bore, the insignia on this shield included, were not enough to prevent that horrific fate -- her remains conscripted and used as a weapon against her own people." Szrael says, "She seemed to struggle valiantly, but it was only through the prayer and blessings of others that she was ultimately able to throw off the yoke, to grasp some remnant of the person she once was." Szrael says, "Many of us are steadfastly individual. We prefer to work alone. In normal times, this strategy suffices. But not against Lyras." Jaelia nods to Szrael. Szrael says, "Lyras moves against us with an undead horde beyond comprehension. Her presence eats away at the connection between the spiritual planes and the plane of abiding. Each of us, strong willed though we are, cannot defend against her alone. We cannot stop the devourer individually. As Dzive discovered, one shield is not enough." Szrael gestures at a blackened steel shield emblazoned with an emblem depicting a silver wolf. Basthet prays fervently. Evalaut smiles. Szrael says, "It is only when we combine our efforts that we can hope to prevail. When we combine our efforts and make a sanctuary of this temple -- when we convene and pray together, or when we fight together and bring down one of her generals, though the sacrifices are dear." You give a slight nod. Szrael says, "One shield is not enough, but together, with our gods and our goddesses, we may have a chance. Let our combined prayer and our faith in our gods be our shield. Let that standard guide us to victory." Szrael reverently places a blackened steel shield emblazoned with an emblem depicting a silver wolf atop the metallic altar. Szrael nods emphatically. Szrael comes and stands near you. The blackened steel shield glows for a moment, then silently disappears in a brief flash of light. You say to Szrael, "A good lesson." Caelfind praises Szrael. Evalaut nods in agreement. Szrael bows. :::And Now Things Get Interesting::: You say, "And finally among Klusarlaik's possessions we have Caelumia. After, I have a few who would like to make their own offerings." You motion to Caelumia. Caelumia frowns and tentatively steps up to the altar. Caelumia slowly says, "In the past, I have not been a friend to gods, nor to their followers. I am...apparently well known even within this temple as a heretic and bringer of discord." Caelumia says, "But things change, places change, people change. Everything changes. A year ago we had peace. Now we face possible oblivion - the End of all things. And as I gain in knowledge, I gain in perspective as well." Caelumia says, "This anklet was once a fine thing, and it bears an inscription - 'To my beloved.' I look on it and I reflect upon what we all have seen, as well as what I alone have seen in fevered visions. I think of the horrors that have beset the victims of Lyras. Not only the woman and mother Dzive was before her subjugation and undeath, but the people all of those undead we strike down were before they became such." Caelumia says, "The Immortals have never shown great regard for me. I have not been privy to their mercy or comfort, even when I have asked for it. However..." You grin wryly. Caelumia says, "To honor the fallen today I offer this anklet, a symbol of love and life lost. With it, I offer an oath, to any Immortal that may be listening, that I will revenge her, her children, and the lives Lyras has destroyed. I will see her end myself, or I will be ended." Caelumia reverently places a tarnished silver anklet strung with crystal teardrops in platinum settings atop the metallic altar. Caelumia bows to a metallic altar. Although a brief glow surrounds it for a moment, as the light fades, the anklet remains in place as if it were never touched. Caelumia frowns. Catrynnya continues praying. You scrunch your eyebrows together and furrow your brow. Jaelia nods. Nocturnica glances at Caelumia. Caelumia asks, "What, I'm not good enough?" Nocturnica appears to be trying hard not to grin. Nocturnica pats Caelumia on the back. Kaeta laughs! You say, "Hmmm" Sendithu whistles low. Kaeta smirks at Caelfind. Basthet frets. Basthet prays fervently. Kaeta smirks at Caelumia. Nocturnica says to Caelumia, "Mayeb they wish you to keep it as a reminder of your oath" You kneel down upon the ground. Bahbtahrol observes a metallic altar with fascination. Artarus ponders. Kaeta just hugged Caelumia. Szrael nods at Nocturnica, obviously agreeing with her views. Caelumia raises an eyebrow. Catrynnya smiles. Durandil says, "Yeah, that's gotta be it." Tygor's tail undulates lazily through the air. Vansiil ponders. On the metallic altar you see a tarnished silver anklet. Caelumia slowly says, "I don't understand." Sionyl raises an eyebrow. Nocturnica smiles at Caelumia. Terra asks, "Perhaps one of the more faithful could try to offer it, and if it does not fade..the purpose is clear?" Terra glances at you. Issus says, "Couldn't hurt." Caelumia gets a tarnished silver anklet strung with crystal teardrops in platinum settings from atop a metallic altar. Sionyl quietly says, "It is not always Their way for us to understand. " Caelfind says, "perhaps the altar is suddenly dusty" You say, "Put it back Caelumia." Caelumia says, "The prayer was accepted but the anklet was not." Bahbtahrol ponders. Bahbtahrol scratches his head. Caelumia asks, "Why?" You say, "We'll try again" You flash a quick grin. Tygor quirks one ear sideways in confusion. A nervous tic starts up around Caelumia's eye. You stand back up. You ponder. Szrael rests her hand on Caelumia's arm with a soft smile. Jaelia says, "Maybe we should do another prayer to offer it again." You say, "Hmmm" Caelumia shrugs. Basthet asks, "Is it cursed somehow?" Nocturnica says to Caelumia, "Try again and if they do not accept then keep it as a reminder of the oath you just swore" Basthet raises an eyebrow. Caelfind folds her arms across her chest. Kelnorree softly asks, "might it need blessing?" Caelumia tilts her silver anklet side to side, making the light play off it. Caelfind folds her arms across her chest. You ask, "Shall we try again or shall we accept this as a sign the Immortals are going to hold you to your oath?" You raise an eyebrow in Caelumia's direction. Caelumia says, "I don't know. I didn't sense anything magical about it, then again I'm not a priest." Caelumia says, "I guess." Caelumia reverently places a tarnished silver anklet strung with crystal teardrops in platinum settings atop the metallic altar. Caelumia gazes upward. You kneel down upon the ground. Nocturnica appears to be trying hard not to grin. Kaeta mutters something into the air about all the Caels. Kelnorree gingerly rests both hands on a tarnished silver anklet strung with crystal teardrops in platinum settings and closes his eyes in concentration. Exiar says, "Perhaps with a dedication that revolves around the deceased to help it along this time." Exiar shrugs. Tygor wipes his nose. Jaelia says, "And to those she once loved and held her in such high regard." Although a white-hot glow surrounds it for a brief moment, the anklet continues to remain in place as if it were never touched. Caelumia frowns. You frown. Bahbtahrol makes a grunting noise. Sylverus shifts his weight. Kaeta frowns. Bahbtahrol squints at a metallic altar. Caelfind says to Kaeta, "the Immortals should not be confused by mere mortal names." Kaeta asks, "Was that glow brighter?" Caelumia asks, "Terra, Caelane, can either of you sense anything special about it?" You gesture at a tarnished silver anklet strung with crystal teardrops in platinum settings. A brilliant silver glow surrounds a tarnished silver anklet strung with crystal teardrops in platinum settings for a few moments, but nothing else seems to happen. You get a tarnished silver anklet strung with crystal teardrops in platinum settings from atop a metallic altar. You blink. Vansiil says, "Unclean." Vansiil shudders. Caelumia asks, "What is it?" Kelnorree says, "'I did see it glow hot for a moment" Kelnorree says, "just now" Basthet continues praying. You say, "I shouldn't have been able to take it off." Sionyl quietly says, "Mistress, you have made an oath to the Immortals, even if you do not have faith in them they may have faith in you. I would not question this and see is as a symbol like from our visions. We aren't always meant to understand them at first glimpse." You don't detect anything unusual about the silver anklet. Terra says, "Perhaps it is my optimism, but I do not think the offer was refused because it was unclean. I think it was stayed as a reminder to one who has not had particularly strong faith, to keep her current direction of unwavering resolve and dedication." Nocturnica says to Caelumia, "Seems to me the Gods are going to hold you to the oath you swore regardless of what may come" Terra gestures at Caelumia. Abison asks, "May I see the anklet?" Terra says, "A reminder that even in times of strife, all people can unite under one banner toward a common goal, despite their past." You recite: "We offer this anklet the last of Klusarlaik's possessions In honor of those who have died And in honor of our unshaken faith and the promise that Lyras's threat will be destroyed" You reverently place a tarnished silver anklet strung with crystal teardrops in platinum settings on the metallic altar. You pray fervently. Kelnorree asks Caelumia, "mayhap you are to wear it now?" Caelumia quietly says, "I don't think offering it again will work." You beseech your God for mercy. The sound of faint chanting fills the air. It grows steadily stronger, as if coming from somewhere nearby, then suddenly fades into silence. Caelfind kneels down and begins to pray. Jaelia says, "Then Maybe we should offer the anklet to the Holy Mother Tallis." Tygor casually observes the area. Tygor searches around for a moment. Evalaut casually observes the area. Terra gets a tarnished silver anklet strung with crystal teardrops in platinum settings from atop a metallic altar. Terra holds a tarnished silver anklet strung with crystal teardrops in platinum settings in both hands and closes her eyes in concentration. A brilliant white light surrounds the anklet for a long moment, but it continues to remain in place on the altar. Nocturnica nods at Jaelia, obviously agreeing with her views. Jaelia says, "And let her discern what the Immortals wish us to do with it." You stand back up. Basthet says, "For study." Basthet nods. Jaelia nods to Basthet. You say, "It appears this anklet is meant to stay with us." Caelfind stands up. Jaelia says, "Because if it an oath or bond, or if there is something more this piece can tell us." Jaelia nods. Issus says, "Maybe it's meant to remind us to keep faith in trying times, as perhaps the symbol of love it represented to Dzive may have been partly why she was able to resist as she did." Abison asks, "May I see the anklet?" Samarah continues praying fervently. Terra says, "I think the purpose is clear." Araine runs his fingers through his hair. Jaelia says, "She would be the best suited to divine such information." Caelumia asks Terra, "Can you discern anything? History? Something?" Terra says, "I am going to give this back to the new owner of this anklet, as the Gods have willed." Terra glances at her silver anklet with a look of rememberance. You nod at Terra, in complete agreement with her views. Jaelia says, "The Anklet must be given to the Holy Mother Tallis." Caelumia shifts her weight. You say, "I believe it should go to Caelumia." Terra says, "No traces of magical history cling to this anklet." Zamara twitches an ear nervously. Jaelia says, "If there is something they have willed upon it, she should be the one to discern it." Tygor flails his arms about. Kelnorree nods to you. Terra nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views. Terra offers Caelumia a tarnished silver anklet strung with crystal teardrops in platinum settings. You say, "It is not a holy object." Caelumia accepts Terra's silver anklet. Tygor says, "It is now." Caelumia asks Abison, "You wanted to see it?" Caelumia shrugs. Caelfind says, "Perhaps it holds some charm to be revealed at a later time." Abison nods to Caelumia. Terra says, "Nor are there any magical impressions from the past." Abison begins to carefully examine a tarnished silver anklet strung with crystal teardrops in platinum settings. Jaelia says, "There is no harm in letting the Holy Mother study it for a short bit and then return it to Caelumia." Abison says, "no maker marks" Jaelia says, "If she sees no value in it, then let the Magess keep the anklet." Tygor nods to Jaelia. Durandil says, "Maybe the gods wanted it polished first? It is kinda tarnished." Basthet says, "Or we should find that Book Fellow." Caelumia says, "If she wants to see it." You give Durandil a wry grin. Caelumia says, "I'm not good at this divinity stuff." Basthet says, "obviously" An aura of peace settles over the room. Kelnorree smiles. Szrael's tail undulates passively just above the ground. You say, "I shall send a letter to Tallis about the anklet." Evalaut rubs her head. You say, "And we will proceed from there." Jaelia nods to you. You raise an eyebrow in Caelumia's direction. Caelfind ponders. You raise an eyebrow in Jaelia's direction. You ask, "Agreed?" Jaelia says, "If she sees no purpose in it, then let it serve as the bond Caelumia now owes to the Immortals." Nocturnica nods at Jaelia, obviously agreeing with her views. Sionyl nods to Jaelia. You breathe very slowly and deliberately, calming yourself. You glance heavenward and murmur to yourself, "Meraud strengthen my magic that it not fail me in my time of need!" You ask, "Shall we proceed under these unlikely events?" You smile. You suddenly feel a jolt of power surge through your body and for a moment you feel as if your soul is spinning in an ecstatic embrace of life. :::Yay::: You ask, "Bahbtahrol would you like to make an offering?" Bahbtahrol clears his throat. A pained expression crosses Bahbtahrol's face. Bahbtahrol says, "I ... have a small one." Nocturnica asks, "Any other Cleric feel that?" Bahbtahrol says, "If the time has not flown us." You say to Nocturnica, "The blessings of the Immortals." Bahbtahrol nods. Bahbtahrol gets a mushroom beef potpie from inside a simple lunch pail painted with silvery stars. You flash a quick grin. Bahbtahrol stands near a metallic altar. You say, "Pickles and pies." Bahbtahrol says, "I offerin' up this dish a mixed ingredients thrown tergether jus' as we are in life, baked over fire fer a whole what's better 'en the parts alone." Bahbtahrol says, "The meat pie means full an' warm guts, it is bounty an' simple pleasure, a symbol a good supper an' home at the end a the long day." (Sionyl peers up towards the heavens and the comforting celestial bodies.) Bahbtahrol says, "Peace on yer, an' rest find you now, Dzive." Bahbtahrol just kissed a mushroom beef potpie! Bahbtahrol reverently places a mushroom beef potpie atop the metallic altar. Bahbtahrol bows to a metallic altar. Bahbtahrol stands near Catrynnya. Bahbtahrol gazes down at the floor. The mushroom beef potpie glows for a moment, then silently disappears in a brief flash of light. You can swear you just heard a hearty chuckle in the distance. Terra mumbles a word of general praise. Evalaut smiles. Sylverus grins. Issus opens his duffel bag. You say, "Glythtide smiles on us, I think." You chortle softly at some secret joke. Schvartzgonif says, "maybe the gods like pie." Caelfind says, "he is well fed" Sionyl snickers. You ask, "Evalaut?" Evalaut nods. Evalaut says, "I'd like to offer this tabard as a prayer to the Coshivi, the Rakash God of the hunt. Not to symbolize the ancient rivalry between the Rakash and the Prydaen but to symbolize all the races of Elanthia banding together to repel the forces of Lyras. May all the Rakash gods and the Eyes of the Thirteen watch over and help us through these dark times." Evalaut says, "Dawvs skatet asv viss dross." Evalaut reverently places a tawny brown tabard emblazoned with Coshivi's stalwart badger atop the metallic altar. Evalaut kneels down. Evalaut just kissed a metallic altar! Evalaut stands up. Evalaut smiles. The tawny brown tabard glows for a moment, then silently disappears in a brief flash of light. You say, "Thank you Evalaut" You ask, "Sionyl?" Evalaut nods to you. Sionyl says, "Yes, thank you." Sionyl stands up. (Sionyl approaches the altar and kneels.) Sionyl kneels down and begins to pray. Sionyl quietly says, "I come seeking supplication from the Gods. My offering is one of faith, of dedication, and courage." Sionyl stands up. (Sionyl faces those assembled before the altar.) Sionyl says, "As a Moon Mage we are blessed, or cursed as some may say, to See the different roads that may unfold before us." Sionyl emphatically says, "This war we face is insidious, for not only do we face the threat of a vile necromancer but also the heartache of maybe facing friends, family, or loved ones turned against us." Sionyl emphatically says, ""I pray that we are given guidance, and strength to face these trials. The choices we may be forced to make might be ones that seem distasteful, but have faith that there is a plan laid before us all." Sionyl firmly says, "We will overcome the enemy we face, victory is before us." You nod emphatically. (Sionyl bows her head and offers a final prayer before stepping down.) You say, "Thank you." Sionyl quietly says, "Thank you, Priestess." You motion to Kashonna. Kashonna gets an ithor potion from inside her hawking pouch. Kashonna says, "I offer this simple potion to heal the loss of friends and family." Kashonna reverently places an ithor potion atop the metallic altar. Kashonna continues praying. Caelumia frowns. Caelumia tilts her head, clearly curious about something. You say, "Thank you." Kashonna nods politely to you. Schvartzgonif nods. You motion to Schvartzgonif. Schvartzgonif gets a master's iron lockpick from inside her lockpick case. Schvartzgonif says, "something dedicated to the master who unlocks all doors... may Damaris continue to guide us through the peril we face" Schvartzgonif reverently places a master's iron lockpick atop the metallic altar. Evalaut smiles at Schvartzgonif. The iron lockpick glows for a moment, then silently disappears in a brief flash of light. You say, "Thank you Schvartzgonif." You motion to Samarah. Samarah rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat. altar. Samarah says, "This rumpled black kitten, a child's toy and once greatly loved." Samarah reverently places a rumpled black velvet kitten atop the metallic altar. Samarah says, "This I humbly place upon the altar to beg Tamsine who protects hearth and home, for the love of the innocent, the little ones, I beg her help." The velvet kitten glows for a moment, then silently disappears in a brief flash of light. You think you hear a cat mewling nearby. Samarah says, "I beg the 13, to look favorably upon each one of us here, to strenghthen our resolve and maintain our unity." You flash a wide grin. Samarah says, "To look favorably upon all who have given so much to protect and defend." Samarah says, "I beg them all to give strenght to Safhra, to little sister" A tear runs down Samarah's face. Samarah says, "that she be set free, that Lyras be defeated." Samarah kneels down. Samarah says, "This I beg, these I thank." Samarah prays fervently. Samarah rubs her eyes. Samarah rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat. You say, "Thank you Samarah." An aura of stillness accompanies the cat's mewling, which slowly fades into silence again. Nocturnica rubs Samarah in a friendly manner. You ask, "Caelfind?" Caelfind nods to you. Nocturnica says to Samarah, "Tamsine smiles on you" (Caelfind steps up to the altar) Caelfind reverently places a fiery rhodonite runestone atop the metallic altar. Caelfind says, "I offer this runestone as a symbol of the holy fire which will rid us of the undead plague." Caelfind kneels down. Caelfind continues praying fervently. Caelfind raises her chin slightly in a show of defiance. The runestone bursts into flames, then silently disappears in a brief flash of light. (Caelfind steps back) You smile at Issus. You motion to Issus. Issus says, "Idon knows I'm not typically one for prayer, but I offer these blades in hopes that the Gods see fit to grace us with unfailing aim and unfaltering resolve in this fight." Issus reverently places some throwing blades atop the metallic altar. Issus says, "May the help us to catch our cocky foe unaware, and overcome her." Issus kneels down and begins to pray. The throwing blades seem to hover in the air for a moment, then each one silently disappears in a brief flash of light. Terra praises Issus. Issus stands up. :::I cut out the discussion between me and Caelumia about what wed forgotten, but here is what wed forgotten::: You say, "We have one final item of Klusarliaks that we er... forgot about." You tap a leather backpack that you are holding. You say, "Much to our dismay" Zenialor's ears droop for a moment. You fret. You say, "So I will offer it now." Sionyl raises an eyebrow. You turn to face a metallic altar. Zamara says, "Containers are meant to hold, not to be thought about." Jaelia says, "It will be a fitting offer, the burden she carried, finally being at last offered" You kneel down upon the ground. You recite: "Recite Gracious Immortals Accept this offering Hold us to our oaths and our promises Strengthen and Guide us Grant us Unity and Resolve " Bahbtahrol tilts his head down. You recite: "Take this backpack and lessen the burden we all carry and the burden released of those who have passed on." You reverently place a leather backpack on the metallic altar. You continue praying for guidance. The leather backpack glows for a moment, then silently disappears in a brief flash of light. You smile. ::Which ends up leading to THIS: <3 Caelumia.::: The silver anklet in Caelumia's hand begins glowing white-hot, then disappears in a flash of light. Caelumia grimaces a bit and clutches at her palm where the anklet once was. Caelumia winces. Malzard gazes thoughtfully at Caelumia. You flash a quick grin. Alyseanna raises an eyebrow. Totendanz stares blankly into the distance. Caelumia exclaims, "Ow!" You say, "Well" Bahbtahrol says, "Oof." Jaelia raises an eyebrow. Zamara peers quizzically at Caelumia. Bahbtahrol gawks at Caelfind. You say, "Now we know what you had forgotten" Tygor blinks. Caelfind grins at Bahbtahrol. Caelumia says, "What the bloody..." Nocturnica chuckles. Evalaut blinks. Terra asks Caelumia, "Redeemed?" Bahbtahrol gawks at Caelumia. Szrael says, "Your hand." Caelumia mutters to herself. Caelumia works carefully at tending her wounded right hand. Caelumia firmly says, "I'm fine." You say, "The Immortals are forever teaching us to be aware" You see Fateweaver Caelumia Y'laeth, Unbound of the Gypsies, an Elf. Caelumia has an oval face, slightly pointed ears, tilted blue-grey eyes and a pointy nose. Her silver-gilt hair is long and fine, and is worn coiled in an upswept twist. She has freckled skin and a slender figure. She is short for an Elf. She is adult for an Elf. She has a tattoo of a tiny blue crescent moon cradled inside a shadow black star inked simply on her left wrist. >>She has deep cuts across the right hand. Jaelia says, "And it is with your right hand they have now blessed you in keeping your oath, caelumia." Jaelia says, "It is the withered claw of Tenemlor that she is most honored for." You chuckle. Caelumia says to Jaelia, "Painful bloody blessing." You motion to Lvana. Lvana says, "may this help the gods to defeat the blight on our land" Malzard fixes Lvana with a calm, clear stare. Lvana reverently places a bottle of naphtha atop the metallic altar. Malzard says to Lvana, "Now, the runestone exploded...think about thi..." Malzard glances at a metallic altar. Caelfind ducks her head. Nocturnica slinks noiselessly past Malzard to the left. Zamara covers her eyes with her hand. You say, "That could be deadly..." Nocturnica glances at a metallic altar. Alyseanna gnaws on her lip. Tygor wipes his nose. Rieum peers quizzically at Zamara. Catrynnya stands near Sekoria. Evalaut stands near Malykai. Vansiil ducks his head. The bottle of naphtha glows for a moment, then shatters, drenching the altar completely. The liquid bursts into flames of its own accord, shrouding the altar in flames for a long moment before extinguishing. Kaeta says, "Well" Caelumia mutters something into the air about burning. Caelumia scowls. You grin at Lvana. Terra sniffs the air around her. Caelumia rubs her right hand. Terra wrinkles her nose. Nocturnica praises Lvana. Kelnorree says, "wicked" You say, "Thank you Lvana." Lvana smiles. Kelnorree asks you, "if I may?" You nod to Kelnorree. You say, "Please do so." Kelnorree nods. Kelnorree gets an engraved lion-pommel shashqa from inside his ornate scabbard. Kelnorree rubs an engraved lion-pommel shashqa. Kelnorree says, "this blade was given to me shortly after I first arrived in Crossing" Kelnorree says, "I value it far more than the price it would fetch" Kelnorree says, "for while it was given to me freely, it is priceless to me nevetheless" Kelnorree says, "I offer it up now that in some way it may protect us all" Kelnorree reverently places an engraved lion-pommel shashqa atop the metallic altar. Kelnorree kneels down. Kelnorree continues praying. The lion-pommel shashqa lifts slowly itself off the altar and hovers in the air, then silently disappears in a brief flash of light. Kelnorree stands up. You say, "Thank you Kelnorree." You ask, "Is there anyone else who would like to make an offering?" You say, "I am pleased so many have already" You nod to Jaelia. Jaelia reverently places a golden mongoose charm atop the metallic altar. Jaelia recites: "Now I offer myself, as I have with Phelim and Damaris, into the service of Rutilor. For while the descruction of Necromancy pleases the Immortals, there are the innocents and survivors of these wars that are nearly destroyed of their lives, their possessions, and more. These I will serve and seek to restore a better society when our Victory comes." Jaelia draws her fist to her heart, and mutters a stern prayer. A white-hot flame surrounds Jaelia for a long moment. When it subsides, you see that she is completely unharmed. Evalaut gazes at Jaelia. You praise Jaelia's efforts, supporting her with your approval. Valcrest pats Jaelia on the back. Szrael smiles. Vansiil gazes intently at Jaelia. Samarah rests her hand on Jaelia's arm with a soft smile. Basthet smiles at Jaelia. Caelumia looks over Jaelia very closely. Caelumia says to you, "She's not bleeding." You say, "You have been blessed." You say, "Praise Rutilor." You grin at Caelumia. Zamara rubs a golden mongoose charm. Basthet draws her fist to her heart, and mutters a stern prayer. Sylverus asks you, "May I?" You nod to Sylverus. You say, "Please do." Sylverus says, "I offer this Shorka's Venom. This drink I used to soak in the memories of the villages in our town being destoryed. The Families even children running and screaming running from their burning homes that would could not protect. Let not their pain not be forgotten. An offering for the unity bring end to the malice of Lyras. May the thirteen seek to show us peace on our lands that we charrish or demonish, it is our home." Sylverus tilts his head down. Sylverus recites: "This I pray, Amen" Sylverus reverently places a dram of Shorka's Venom atop the metallic altar. Sylverus kneels down. Sylverus prays fervently. Sylverus stands up. The Shorka's Venom glows for a moment, then silently disappears in a brief flash of light. You can swear you just heard a hearty chuckle in the distance. You say, "Thank you" Sylverus smiles. You chuckle. You motion to Kaeta. Kaeta says, "Ah, I've pretty much thrown myself into Triage when we've been attacked, here in Zoluren, and particularly Leth Deriel. I suppose it's a bit selfish, working hardest when it's been my own home attacked, but watching Dzive's struggle, and Sahfra's indulgences makes me realize that, there are fates worse than death. I only wish to say that I hope my goddess Albreda watches over her and grants her peace, wherever she is." Jaelia nods to Kaeta. Kaeta reverently places a rose atop the metallic altar. Szrael smiles. You smile at Kaeta. Kaeta says, "And hopefully, I'll remember that there are others suffering in other places. And remember that, as much as we'd like, we cannot save everyone" Samarah hugs Kaeta, who wraps her arms around Samarah with a warm smile. Kaeta kneels down. Kaeta continues praying. The rose lifts slowly itself off the altar and turns about in the air, then silently disappears in a spray of petals. . Kaeta stands up. You say, "Thank you Kaeta. We are here today for those we could not save" You intone serenely, "Albreda send us peace and prosperity, and grant long life to our nation. May her gentle blessings bring healing to our lands." You ask Zamara, "Would you like to make an offering?" Zamara twitches an ear nervously. Zamara nods. Zamara says, "This symbol is the symbol of Tenemlor, a god of the prydean many of our kind have forgotten when our homeland was taken from us." You gaze upward. Jaelia beams at Zamara! Zamara says, "However, there are many gods and many people which all must face the same threat. New and old, all ways must be used to help the people." Zamara twitches an ear nervously. Rieum nods at Zamara, obviously agreeing with her views. Zamara says, "It is important that we move forward, but never lose sight of where we came from." You say, "Thank you Zamara." Nocturnica says to Zamara, "may Tenemlor show you favor and place her blessing on you" You flash a wide grin. You say, "I would like to make the final offering in honor of all of those who have died as a closing prayer." You motion to Tyler. You say, "Though Tyler...." You arch your eyebrow. Tyler frowns at Caelumia. Caelumia frowns at Tyler. Caelumia waves her hand distractedly. Tyler gets a satinwood unicorn from inside a small silver box. Tyler says, "May those who have sacrificed themselves in this struggle find peace." Tyler reverently places a satinwood unicorn atop the metallic altar. A bright light flickers around the unicorn, and it is gone. You say, "Thank you Tyler." Tyler gives a slight nod. You say, "I will be making the final offering then. A somewhat unconventional one." You get a mahogany brown basin from inside your spidersilk backpack. You open your mahogany brown basin. You smile. You intone: "It is a Rakash tradition that after a person dies their body is doused with water. The family will then watch over the body until all the water has evaporated. As the water dries it is said that the soul is detaching from the body and returning to the Gods." Jaelia nods to you. Terra fixes you with a serene, lofty stare. You intone: "This practice was all but abandoned when Lyras ravaged the lands to the west." You intone: "Of course as all of you know, Dzive's body was that of a Rakash. And though we have no body to offer the Immortals, nor am I Rakash. In honor of all those on both sides of the barrier who have fallen to Lyras, I offer unto the Gods this basin of holy water in the hope that as it evaporates those whose souls were not destroyed may find their way to the Starry Road. " You turn to face a metallic altar. (Caelane raises the mahogany brown basin high above her head and over the altar.) You recite: "Accept my humble offering, gracious Immortals See that those who have suffered now walk their new path" You recite: "As this water becomes one with the air May those who are lost find their way back to your side." You reverently place a mahogany brown basin on the metallic altar. You bow to a metallic altar. Quietly touching your lips with the tips of your fingers as you kneel, you make the cleric's sign with your hand. Nocturnica kneels down and touches her lips with the tips of her fingers. Szrael bows her head and grows still for a moment. Kashonna kneels down. A bright light flickers around Caelane and the basin. In a flash the basin is gone. Kashonna bows her head. Basthet kneels down. Terra brings her neithrel band to her lips, closing her eyes as she seems to draw upon an inner strength. Basthet continues praying. Jaelia kneels down. Jaelia continues praying fervently. Jaelia waves some burnt incense over herself. A wisp of smoke settles around Jaelia, surrounding her with the scent of smoke. You recite: "We give thanks for receiving our blessings For looking down upon us and granting us a moment of peace May our faith remain undiminished in the coming days Your guiding hands always by our side." You recite: "Amen." You gently shake your brass bells, setting the air ringing with a beautiful arpeggio of chimes.
People Present: Battlefront Medic Heartsfyre, Conjurer Durandil, Healer Kaeta, Sophister Lvana, Mister Issus, Drifter Totendanz, Death's Grace Schvartzgonif, Contemplator Kelnorree, Furrier Abison, Reborn in Flames Sylverus, Worshipper Tuulszeldi, Thorn of the Rose Halcier, Soothsayer Sionyl, Fateweaver Caelumia, Drifter Bahbtahrol, Court Assistant Celitha, Court Mage Malzard, Fox Kit Evalaut, Dafo Zamara who is kneeling, Terra, Phantom Catrynnya who is kneeling, Sekoria who is kneeling, Swordsman Araine who is kneeling, Ambassador Sendithu, Quickblade Alyseanna, Nocturnica, Scavenger Tygor, Healer Artarus, Kashonna, Nomad Valcrest, Samarah who is kneeling, Sister Jaelia, Scryer Rieum who is kneeling, Caelfind, Spirit Dancer Basthet who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Life Defender Szrael, G'nar Pethian Vansiil. (And a few more who came later) Caelane runs off to the light the Eyes of the Thirteen. When she comes back says an invocation prayer, then a sermon on why we love the Gods, and how compassion and mercy is as important as bloodshed and battle. Offerings begin: Caelane- Klusarlaiks steel-spiked morning star with a polished ivory handle . Terra - Klusarlaiks twisted platinum bracelet set sporadically with delicate sky opals Jaelia- Klusarlaiks tarnished silver necklace depicting a vine of curling ivy leaves Celitha - Klusarlaiks pair of tattered slippers edged in faded silver ivy needlework Tygor - Klusarlaik's gilded leather sheath decorated with intricate patterns of swirling smoke Nocturnica - Klusarlaiks tattered nightsilk gown edged in intricate ivy needlework Vansiil - a bright green sweet and sour whole pickle Basthet - Klusarlaiks pair of diamond earrings in tarnished silver settings Szrael - Klusarlaiks blackened steel shield emblazoned with an emblem depicting a silver wolf Caelumia - Klusarlaiks tarnished silver anklet strung with crystal teardrops in platinum settings Caelumias offering is the last of Klusarlaiks possessions and is shockingly rejected. We all stare at the altar for a few minutes trying to figure out what happened. Chaos ensues. A couple of us examine the anklet and we try to reoffer it two more times, with no success. It is finally agreed that we should send a message to Tallis about the anklet but let Caelumia hang on to it for the time being. Offerings continue: Bahbtahrol- a mushroom beef potpie Evalaut - a tawny brown tabard emblazoned with Coshivi's stalwart badger Sionyl - says a short prayer Kashonna - an ithor potion Schvartzgonif- a master's iron lockpick Samarah - a rumpled black velvet kitten Around here Caelumia starts thinking shes forgotten something and asks Caelane about it. Caelanes only advice is that it obviously has something to do with the anklet. We mull it over for a while. Caelfind - a fiery rhodonite runestone Issus -some throwing blades Caelumia remembers that we forgot about Klusarlaiks backpack, which she then give to Caelane to offer on the altar. It is accepted and this happens: >>The silver anklet in Caelumia's hand begins glowing white-hot, then disappears in a flash of light. Caelumia grimaces a bit and clutches at her palm where the anklet once was And Caelumia has her hand burned off. Mystery of the anklet solved. We all gawk and grin for a while, and remind Caelumia of her oath. Tyler fixes Caelumias hand. Offerings continue: Lvana -a bottle of naphtha (much to everyones apprehension.) Kelnorree -an engraved lion-pommel shashqa. Jaelia -a golden mongoose charm Sylverus - a dram of Shorka's Venom (It was Glythtides lucky day today) Kaeta -a rose Zamara- a shariza symbol Tyler -a satinwood unicorn And Finally Caelane - a basin of holy water to symbolize the souls yearning to find their way back to the Gods. Then we all mill about for a bit. Caelane is happy everyone came. Szrael suggests we check on the temple defenses. People spend a little time praying in front of the altar, stretch, chat, etc. Caelanes player fixes the log and goes out for a drink. ~Player of "One of the Caels." | |
This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia (13) \ Community Events (13), by SCHWARTZH6 on the forums. |