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Post:Meeting of the Mighty Moon Mages in Throne - 01/14/2013 - 22:59

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Meeting of the Mighty Moon Mages in Throne · on 01/14/2013 10:59 PM CST 630
1/14/2013 roughly around 10pm CST - I didn't get there in time to catch Daldruk's warning and murder of Osus

[Imperial Palace, Conference Chambers]
Hanging from the center of the vaulted ceiling is a massive gold and crystal chandelier, its gaethzen orbs glowing with a muted light. Below it, a large marble table stretches down the length of the room, accompanied by a full compliment of velvet-cushioned chairs. Portraits line the walls, most showing signs of water damage or minor ruin but all set in elegant wood frames.
Also here: Guildleader Mortom, Guildleader Kssarh, Guildleader Tiv, Gylwyn, Guildleader Lomtaun, Guildleader Cherulisa, Tozu, Valabrina, Lirs, Guildmaster Prime Taramaine, Erzebet, Daldruk, Dothrein, Frelurne, Annisean, Demosel and Jonela.
Obvious exits: south.

I caught the description of Taramaine and Mortom - the other moon mages and Y'shai used another exit

You see Guildmaster Prime Taramaine Ennis-Braun, an Elf.

Taramaine has silver eyes. His white hair is shoulder length and straight, and is worn loose. He has pale skin.
He appears to be mature.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a moonstone gwethdesuan, a dusky leather tome satchel, regal robes woven from rich purple and golden silks, a belt of finely woven platinum chain and a golden medallion engraved with the seal of the Moon Mage Guild.

You see Guildleader Mortom Saist of Elanthia, a Human Moon Mage.

Mortom has silver eyes. He has thinning grey hair, with pale skin.
He appears to be elderly.

He has a scruffy growth of stubble on his face.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a pair of doeskin slippers, a leather tome satchel, some ornate crimson robestrimmed with a pattern of white and black triangles, a tinted bone-rimmed monocle and a moonstone gwethdesuan.

during the closed meeting we heard through the doors:

You hear a male voice yell from the north, "It's your own bloody fault for letting it come to this you know!"

You hear a male voice yell from the north, "How could you be so foolish?"

Meeting ended, Taramaine walked past and Mortom was left in the chambers

go arch
[Imperial Palace, Conference Chambers]
Hanging from the center of the vaulted ceiling is a massive gold and crystal chandelier, its gaethzen orbs glowing with a muted light. Below it, a large marble table stretches down the length of the room, accompanied by a full compliment of velvet-cushioned chairs. Portraits line the walls, most showing signs of water damage or minor ruin but all set in elegant wood frames.
Also here: Elusive Zynara, Eyuve, Traim, Enlightened Geometer Vansiil, Cyiarriah, Life Tender Martee, Doomsayer Addrius and Guildleader Mortom.
Obvious exits: south.

Addrius asks, "Everything alright?"

Mortom smirks.

look mortom
You see Guildleader Mortom Saist of Elanthia, a Human Moon Mage.
Mortom has silver eyes. He has thinning grey hair, with pale skin.
He appears to be elderly.
He has a scruffy growth of stubble on his face.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a pair of doeskin slippers, a leather tome satchel, some ornate crimson robes trimmed with a pattern of white and black triangles, a tinted bone-rimmed monocle and a moonstone gwethdesuan.

Traim bows to Mortom.

Traim raises an eyebrow.


Mortom says, "Everything is just fine. He's always had a flair for the dramatic."

[Imperial Palace, Conference Chambers]
Hanging from the center of the vaulted ceiling is a massive gold and crystal chandelier, its gaethzen orbs glowing with a muted light. Below it, a large marble table stretches down the length of the room, accompanied by a full compliment of velvet-cushioned chairs. Portraits line the walls, most showing signs of water damage or minor ruin but all set in elegant wood frames.
Also here: Elusive Zynara, Eyuve, Traim, Enlightened Geometer Vansiil, Cyiarriah, Life

Tender Martee, Doomsayer Addrius and Guildleader Mortom.
Obvious exits: south.

Witch Jassarian just arrived.

Traim rubs his head.

Traim says, "It seemed like there was a very concerned Goldcap about too."

Traim says, "From what I hear."

Mortom says, "Nothing you need worry about, everything is perfectly under control."

Cyiarriah raises an eyebrow.

Vansiil asks, "So the artifact has been recovered?"

Addrius says, "Not what it sounded like."

Cyiarriah says to Martee, "I somehow doubt that."

Addrius says, "No offense."

Mortom says, "I'm not sure what you're all so worried about."

Addrius asks, "If there's nothing to worry about, why did the Goldcap threaten us?"

Addrius asks, "And kill Osus?"

Mortom says, "I'm sure he had his reasons."

Visionist Miskton just arrived.

Mortom says, "And it was the Y'Shai that ended your sewer dwelling friend's life."

Eyuve asks Mortom, "What would you have us do?"

Zynara quietly asks, "So if there were a lead to the recovery of one of the artifacts, that would be nothing to worry about either then?"

Mortom says to Eyuve, "What is there to do? As I said, it's all under control."

Eyuve gives a slight nod.

Vansiil scoffs.

Traim flashes a quick grin.

Traim says, "Well, that's a relief."

Addrius asks, "So what was resolved at the meeting?"

Cyiarriah takes a sip of her coffee.

Mortom says to Zynara, "I am, as always, happy to study any artifacts you may find."

Traim says, "Still, might be nice to have a chat with that gnome, gnome I think it was? That they spotted heading west with the stuff."

Traim asks, "Am I remembering the Y'shai's words right?"

Traim casually observes the area.

> Vansiil paces back and forth.

> Cyiarriah ponders.

Traim asks Miskton, "He said it was a gnome, didn't he?"

l Traim rubs his head.

Mortom says, "Is there anything else you all need? It's been a long day."

Cyiarriah nods to Traim.

Miskton says, "That's what I recall."

Miskton nods to Traim.

Jassarian joins Zynara's group.

Vansiil asks, "What does this device do?"

Zynara quietly says, "It's a mystery."

Zynara nods to Vansiil.

Zynara grins.

Mortom says to Vansiil, "You'll need to be more specific."

Vansiil asks, "The Hand of Meraud?"

Cyiarriah asks, "Ya know.. the one the Gnome stole?"

Cyiarriah asks, "Probably the reason for this big meeting?"

Cyiarriah casually observes the area.

Mortom says, "Several artifacts were stolen, yes, but it's nothing to worry about."

Cyiarriah says, "Uh huh."

Mortom says, "They're entirely inert."

Martee asks, "How come I dont believe that?"

Addrius asks, "If it's nothing to worry about, why the big meeting then? Why's everyone getting upset?"

Vansiil says, "You keep saying that. But with Y'shai afoot and a gathering like this.."

Miskton says, "Well, someone getting past the wards seems like a big deal in itself."

Traim nods in agreement.

Mortom says to Addrius, "You are assuming an awful lot there."

Addrius says, "I'm open to any other interpretations given the circumstances."

Cyiarriah asks, "Are you saying they were let past the wards?"

Zynara raises an eyebrow.

Mortom says, "The Grandmaster called a meeting to order - the itinerary was quite long, and I do say, mostly boring."

Mortom says, "It's nothing out of the ordinary, I'm surprised you are all making such a fuss."

Cyiarriah rolls her eyes.

Traim asks, "Did Tozu attend?"

Mortom says, "I brought my apprentice, yes."

Mortom asks, "Why do you ask after him?"

Traim says, "No particular reason. All under control. But it occured to me, that as a gnome, he might have leads on things."

Traim says, "Knowledge perhaps of other gnomes talented enough to get through those wards."

Mortom says to Traim, "I'll keep your logic in mind the next time I wish to slip into the Barony."

Addrius asks, "If the item stolen was not inert, what would it do?"

Zynara raises an eyebrow in Mortom's direction.

Cyiarriah asks, "And how can you be sure it will stay inert?"

Mortom asks Addrius, "If the sky was periwinkle what would it do?"

Addrius says, "Considering the warnings to not mess with it or focus on it, I don't think they're so sure of that."

Addrius laughs at Mortom.

Mortom says, "I have been studying the arcane since before many of you crawled from the womb."

Mortom says, "I know what I speak of when I say they're inert devices."

Mortom says, "I'm sorry that you don't believe me."

Addrius asks, "If it's inert, why are we warned not to focus on it then?"

Vansiil asks, "Is Thee Mottl'd Tyxte still in the guild's control?"

Mortom says to Addrius, "A little prudence never hurt anybody."

Addrius asks, "So it's a potentially dangerous device then?"

Mortom says, "No, it's inert."

Mortom asks, "When you hand a child a butter knife do you not tell them to be careful or

they'll poke their eye out or cut themselves or some such?"

Mortom asks, "And yet, what is the real risk? Is there a real danger?"

Mortom says, "Not really, yet you warn them anyhow."

Martee says, "I wouldnt give a child a butter knife."

Addrius says, "I'd argue in the right hands, a butter knife is plenty dangerous."

Addrius says, "Similar to that device."

Traim asks, "If this item is activated, what does it do?"

Zynara quietly says, "Me either... and a butter knife can be quite dangerous, even in the hands of a "child."

Traim says, "Not that there's any danger of that happening."

Vansiil asks, "If one were to focus on this inert device, what would be the result?"

Mortom says, "It is a useless hunk of metal. A useless hunk of very expensive metal with some rather interesting markings on it, but a useless hunk of metal none the less."

Cyiarriah asks, "They why would someone steal it?"

Mortom says to Vansiil, "One would be focusing on an inert hunk of metal."

Cyiarriah says, "You make no sense."

Mortom asks Cyiarriah, "Did you miss the part about being expensive?"

Cyiarriah says to Mortom, "You're dodging."

Vansiil asks, "Is there a story behind its name, the Hand of Meraud?"

Addrius says, "I don't understand the need for prudence then."

Mortom says, "I am not some Gnomish pickpocket, I do not pretend to know his mind. I assume he grabbed whatever caught his eye and ran with it."

Mortom says, "Look, if you are all this interested in helping the guild protect itself against the theft of items of questionable worth."

Martee shakes her head at Cyiarriah.

Mortom says, "There is a Museum here, I hear it has quite the problem with it's artifacts being stolen."

Mortom says, "Perhaps you should offer your services to them."

Zynara quietly says, "I wonder if it's inert if it's even in it's form.. if it hasn't already been smelted into an ingot."

Mortom says to Zynara, "That would be unfortunate, but it may be the case."

Osus says, "There is a penchant around Ilithi to melt things of great value down..."

Osus chuckles.

Traim chuckles.

Zynara quietly says, "That isn't what I was told .. but it's possible."

Zynara nods to Osus.

Zynara grins.

Mortom says to Zynara, "And I'm standing here telling you it's harmless."

Mortom says, "Either you trust me or you do not."

Zynara quietly says, "Guildleader, it is not a case of trust."

Mortom says, "It is unfortunate when one cannot trust the leadership of their own guild."

Mortom sighs.

Osus asks, "Cannot or wont?"

Zynara quietly says, "I was merely pointing out that my friend has not said it's been melted yet, but that it may yet be that way... who knows."

Mortom glares at Vansiil.

Mortom says, "Returning it intact would be best, as I said it has some rather interesting designs on it that are quite old."

Mortom says, "If that is not possible..."

Mortom shrugs.

Mortom says, "I made copies long ago for study, but it's not the same."

Martee says, "Im quite old too and no one is stealing me."

Traim says, "What's it made of? Maybe that will help the search."

Miskton asks, "Does it have any particular historical value, or is it just an interesting piece of art?"

Mortom says to Martee, "You do not appear to be made of precious metals."

Zynara taps an orichalcum bracelet prominently featuring a white grazhite with hairline fractures that she is wearing.

Zynara quietly says to Traim, "I heard it was made of orichalcum."

Mortom nods to Zynara.

Mortom says to Miskton, "It may have once been more, but at this point it's little more than a historical curiosity."

Zynara quietly says, "What of that ripple in the probability.. there have been a few of those recently."

Eyuve glances at Zynara.

Mortom says to Zynara, "Fate is ever changing, visions ever occur to those with the gift."

Eyuve asks, "Ripples in the river?"

Eyuve frowns.

Zynara quietly says to Eyuve, "As they were meeting we felt one.."

Mortom says to Zynara, "You have certainly been trained long enough to know that."

Zynara nods.

Zynara quietly says to Mortom, "And yet, they still make me uneasy."

Zynara grins.

Cyiarriah says, "An answer for everything..."

Cyiarriah rolls her eyes.

Mortom says, "Much of what we see is unpleasant, it is a price we pay."

Mortom says to Cyiarriah, "They did not make me a Guildleader as a reward for ignorance."

Mortom says, "Now, as I've said, it has been a long and dull day and I still have much to do."

Mortom says, "Should any of the artifacts surface, or any other interesting items of the arcane, I will be happy to look them over and secure them."

Mortom says, "Good day."

Martee says, "Yeah you secured the last one well."

Eyuve nods to Mortom.

Addrius asks, "Since the artifact is inert and unimportant, can we keep it if we find it?"

Traim says, "Of course. All under control."

Miskton nods politely to Mortom.

Traim bows to Mortom.

Mortom says to Vansiil, "Oh, as an aside, you should really reconsider your reading habits."

Vansiil sighs.

Zynara raises an eyebrow in Vansiil's direction.

Mortom exclaims to Vansiil, "Such blatant interest is likely to catch someone's eye. Discretion my dear boy!"

Addrius ponders.

Jassarian gazes at Vansiil.

Mortom smiles.

Vansiil chortles softly at some secret joke.

Guildleader Mortom goes south.

shortly after...

An insane cackle flutters through the air as shadowy bats briefly swirl about you.

This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ Guild Events, by FLINT-TIPPED on the forums.