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Post:Meeting log 4 (long) - 2/16/2009 - 8:33:22
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Meeting log 4 (long) · on 2/16/2009 8:33:22 AM | 1406 |
I got there ~10 min late because of my bad internet connection, but it seemed like I didn't miss any good parts, just list joining and general chatter... so here we go with the log of meeting 4.
You see Casimont Nalbiro, an Elothean. Casimont has tilted almond-shaped crystal blue eyes. His grey hair is short and fine, and is worn tousled. He has fair skin. He is in his prime for an Elothean. He has a short thin mustache on his upper lip and a sparse beard. He is in good shape. He is wearing a pair of leather sandals, a black leather book satchel scuffed grey with age, a black scholar's gown with a broad red velvet band on each sleeve and a pair of thick-lensed spectacles. Casimont says, "thank you." Casimont says, "I though tonight I might say a few words first..." Casimont says, "and then later on answer any questions you may have." Casimont says, "I'm here tonight really in my capacity as a publisher..." Casimont says, "rather than as a grammarian." Casimont says, "I am fortunate enough to be a partner in the largest publisher in Shard..." Casimont says, "Nalviro and Firegoat." Casimont says, "most of you have seen our dictionaries, I'm sure." Casimont says, "but we would like to branch out." Casimont says, "and move more into the role of the famous Elven books on marriage customs." Casimont says, "It occured to us that there was a sad lack of information on the customs of Gnomes and Kaldars..." Casimont says, "and we would like to remedy that, if we can." Casimont says, "so first, I'd like to enourage those of you with a flair for writing..." Casimont says, "to consider submitted something on the customs and life of your people." Casimont says, "stories and songs are particularly welcome." Casimont says, "fiction, of course, is fine." Casimont says, "and we never have enough humor." Casimont says, "perhaps you might like to explain how it came about that two such disparate races speak the same language." Casimont says, "or the little problems it might cause." Casimont says, "of course, we are not stopping our publication of dictionaries." Casimont says, "not a whit." Casimont says, "and in fact, I'm happy to announce to you tonight..." Casimont says, "that the next work in that line will be one-volume editions of Dwarven." Casimont says, "including a Haakish to Common version that has never been available before." Casimont says, "so you are the first to know." Casimont says, "the Dwarven grammar is not as streamlined or as complete as your Gorbesh grammar..." Casimont says, "but eventually we'll get their too." Casimont exclaims, "oops!" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "You mean you're announcing the introduction of something completely new to the world tonight to our modest gathering?" Casimont exclaims, "but eventually we'll get THERE too!" Casimont says, "yes, that's right." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I..we are honored, Casimont. I had no idea such an important work was in the, well, works." Casimont says, "it willo be out in a matter or days, or at the most, weeks." Casimont asks, "now, I'm sure that you have your own questions you'd like to ask, so Belladzia, would you handle the list, please?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Yes of course." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Greetings professor, quite an honor to have you here" Casimont says, "thank you. It's mutual." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "I'd had a question about written translations from common to gorbesh if you could" Casimont says, "of course." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Well, spoken it doesn't seen to make much of a difference, but I was wondering if the genitive suffix was different when adding it to nouns that already end in an 'a'" Casimont says, "the answer, I think, has several parts." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Specifially I was trying to translate 'Imperial' into Gorbesh, but wenaa just didn't look right" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "However no one ever accused me of being the most literate Gorbesh in the world, so I guess my spelling skills aren't to be trusted" Casimont asks, "ah, I see. Can you give me the whole phrase?" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Well I was translationg military divisions, in this case the Southern Imperial Cavalry" Aethyrr quietly says in Gorbesh, "Please excuse me." Casimont says, "ah, certainly. One moment." Casimont says, "best to be sure." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Aye thank you, quite appreciate the help" Casimont says, "you are quite in luck, and indeed, just about correct..." Casimont says, "the word for Imperial, 'wenaya', is an adjective. Just put it next to the noun for cavalry." Casimont says, "no further change is needed." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Ah wonderful, thank you again" Casimont says, "keep in mind that all that ghe genitive does is to allow a noun to function as an adjective." Casimont asks, "you're welcome. Who's next?" Ehon says in Gorbesh, "I wanted to thank you again, for not only coming here, but also letting us be part of your Work as well" Casimont says, "it's both my passion and my privilege." Ehon says in Gorbesh, "And when you mentioned Haakish, I remembered some Armor my wife had purchased me, during the festival of the gods, and I have not been able to find anyone that could translate it for me" Casimont says, "I'll certainly try." Ehon asks in Gorbesh, "if you wouldnt mind, could you tell me what the inscription says?" Casimont says, "all right. One moment." Draelan quietly says in Gorbesh, "'Nice lookin plate" Ehon says in Gorbesh, "it has saved my Kaldar hide more than once for sure" Casimont says, "I had to think a moment..." Casimont says, "but if I'm right (and I usually am)..." Ehon quietly says in Gorbesh, "please dont say I love shiprats" Casimont says, "sverth means 'honor'" Casimont says, "honor in something..." Casimont says, "let me think..." Casimont exclaims, "ah yes!" Casimont says, "that would be 'Honor in Saving,' or perhaps 'honor in preserving'." Casimont says, "posibly 'honor in protecting'." Casimont says, "it covers a lot of ground in Dwarven." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Translations are never exact are they?" Ehon asks Casimont in Gorbesh, "So basically it boils down to Context?" Casimont says, "well, one does the best one can." Casimont says, "I would say so." Casimont says, "here's what it is, literally..." Ehon says in Gorbesh, "I would say since it is inscribed on some armor...That Protecting would seem more appropriate? but then again, I am no Master like you." Casimont says, "the verb is halde, which means to protect, to save, to preserve..." Casimont says, "and the -lar ending changes, for example, 'protect' to 'protection'." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "I would like to add my thanks." Casimont says, "you're quite welcome, lady." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "We are very honored to have you at our meeting." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "My question is this..." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "I would like to change my name from common to gorbesh" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "My last name." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Which is Goldenhope" Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "Would that be....Roet Syata?" Casimont says, "I can translate it for you. But changing it..." Casimont says, "the traders would ship me off to Hara'jaal for poaching." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "No worries. I am a trader." Casimont says, "ah, then you know what is involved better than I." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Very well, sir." Casimont says, "let me see, now ... Goldenhope." Casimont says, "hope would be 'roek'..." Casimont says, "now for golden..." Casimont says, "I would say Syataroek is the name." Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "The adjective would go first?" Casimont says, "if you like Roeksyata better, some do it that way." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "No, I like rolls off the tongue better. But I wasn't sure if that was correct" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "First 'un flows a little better" Belladzia asks Casimont in Gorbesh, "Are there any general rules for combining two Gorbesh words into one name?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Say an adjective and a noun." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "I would love to know that too" Casimont says, "right." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "It's the most common question I get asked actually." Casimont says, "in prose, the usual order is noun + adjective..." Casimont asks, "does that help?" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Thank you, sir" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Yes I think it does. Combine and then mush it together a bit until it sounds right to you." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "That's what I usually do." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I have one final question if you wouldn't mind." Casimont says, "don' mind at end." Casimont says, "at all, I mean." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "You mentioned that your publishing firm was interested in new histories and stories of the Kaldar and Gnome people and/or experience." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "How would these be submitted to the firm? Through myself and then passed along or to you directly?" Casimont says, "the most effecient way..." Casimont says, "let me put it this way. I'll tell you, and you can pass it on to whoever would like to submit." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Excellent." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Do we have enough interest amoung those gathered for a short course on writing a book?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I'll try to arrange a brief class on the technical aspect of that if we do." Casimont says, "one last thing, Belladzia." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Aye that would be good" Casimont says, "I dislike carrying books back to the shop with me." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "They are very heavy to be sure." Casimont says, "so I would like to challenge our audience to tell me what the Gorbesh word for 'love' is." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I have a feeling someone will get something 'sweet' if they do." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Isdari" Casimont exclaims, "very good!" Ehon says to Jerecis in Gorbesh, "I call my wife that all the time, and he asked, and I drew a blank" Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "isde?" Casimont says, "here, Jerecis. May you enjoy it." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Wow!" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Sir this is quite a gift..." Quenal says in Gorbesh, "Definitely someone who will get good use out of it." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Thank you very much for joining us Casimont, I know I thoroughly enjoyed the discussion." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "I will keep it safe for as long as I breathe, hopefully for more than just my use" Casimont says, "thank you all for your kind attention. And the best of fortune to you wall." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "bar is gone" Ehon asks Belladzia in Gorbesh, "the sideboard is gone?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Yep" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I'll put it back eventually." Ehon says in Gorbesh, "But...but..." Ehon exclaims in Gorbesh, "im thirsty!" Jerecis asks in Gorbesh, "You really have a mean streak don'cha?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Okay, so for next meeting I thought we do something different." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Cause as much fun as that talk was and the ones in the past." Quenal asks in Gorbesh, "Dance party?" Maulem asks in Gorbesh, "Javelin toss?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "My ass is beginning to spread and I could use some excercise." Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "im curious what food was choosen thats why i came tonight" Maulem exclaims in Gorbesh, "Hunt!" Quenal loudly exclaims in Gorbesh, "Dance party?!" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "So, what say we do a rather deadly and dangerous scavenger hunt in and around the Ilithi area?" Ehon asks in Gorbesh, "Albarian Invasion?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Something nasty where most of you die." Maulem asks in Gorbesh, "Hmm. Portals?" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Oh sheesh, I'll have to defluff" Quenal exclaims in Gorbesh, "Absolutely!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Good prizes and no you gotta walk." Azhag says in Gorbesh, "We could do that" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Okay!" Azhag says in Gorbesh, "I'd love to" Marvok asks in Gorbesh, "Teams?" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "I can drag a bunch of ya back north" Maulem says in Gorbesh, "Sounds like fun." Ehon asks Belladzia in Gorbesh, "Sadist?" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "And sounds like a blast" Revildebul asks in Gorbesh, "There is a necromancer afoot in Shard...we going to bring back a piece of him?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Averiss is wearing off on me." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Mostly I wanted these meetings to do two things." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Provide you with access to me." Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "im lazy tonight ill wait for you to come back" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And access to each other." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "We can do that if you're all dead." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "best part of the week is being here." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Okay and on to the contest!" Ehon asks Jerecis in Gorbesh, "She wants us dead?" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Aye" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "That she does" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I am a GM people." Ehon says to Jerecis in Gorbesh, "too bad I am married..." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "You're easier to manage if you're dead." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "AKA...evil" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Easier to take our souls that way" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Totally." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Okay now lets do the winners." Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "the gm creedo "how do we kill them today"" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Sadly a lot of them aren't here tonight." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Awww" Ehon asks in Gorbesh, "Wait, which one of you GM's said it was ok if the deaths were in the name of Science?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "So lets just announce them and then split up their prizes." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Just kidding." Maulem asks Ehon in Gorbesh, "Which one didn't?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "First part of the contest was non-booze drink" Maulem says in Gorbesh, "You know you loved mine." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Wha's the point.." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "The third place winner...and I'll just be saying the items since it'll take a month or more to actually make them up...." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Is" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Lilabell Carley for her fragrant Albarian pine needle tea!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I'll post the full tap and taste on the forums in the morning." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I swear I will." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Cheering ain't as much fun when they're not 'ere" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Second place for the drinks is Tiso!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "For his Chanterelle Dream Tea." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "And the first place goes to Vyraka Giesa!" Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "Where is she?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "For her creamy Tolura Nut coffee." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And none of them are hear." Ehon says in Gorbesh, "allthree o em, no here" Maulem says in Gorbesh, "Aww. No mammoth milk." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "oh well" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "On to the savory!" Jerecis asks in Gorbesh, "Mammoth milk?" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Ugh" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Maulem I may put that milk in TF but it's a no go here." Maulem says in Gorbesh, "Bummer." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "fermented mammonth milk is more his stylke" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Yeah, the taste was "Are you sure this does a body good?"" Ehon says to Maulem in Gorbesh, "you go milk the Mammoth and see if we get any...or just Maulem Mush" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Bit too ooc for here but it was funny." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Now Maulem Mush.. that's tasty stuff" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Okay Savory contest.." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Third place goes to Rainea! For her glacial mammoth meatloaf!" Maulem says in Gorbesh, "Ooooh." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Second place..." Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "im not sure if i put mine in a catagory" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Oh OH someone that's actually present!" Maulem says in Gorbesh, "Remind me to demand she cook that when I see her." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Second place goes to Mavrvok for his rock hard sea biscuit!" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Ah, soldier's food" Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "Wow!!!!" Maulem says in Gorbesh, "Haven't had one of those in years." Ehon says in Gorbesh, "Either that or a dead Racing horse..." Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "wow a voucher" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Now, which would be the better prize? A special drinks case or a voucher for an alteration?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I couldn't decide myself." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Or a voucher for Unorina" Jerecis asks in Gorbesh, "Is the case full?" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Belladzia, after the contest...remind me to ask you about gemstones" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Full ish." Ehon says to Marvok in Gorbesh, "take door number 2" Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "voucher!" Marvok says in Gorbesh, "Door number 2" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Quick someone pick for him!" Ehon says in Gorbesh, "Caddy" Draelan exclaims in Gorbesh, "Voucher!" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Which hand is door 2?" Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "Voucher!" Ehon says in Gorbesh, "he seems a Drinker" Quenal exclaims in Gorbesh, "Monkeys!" Quenal exclaims in Gorbesh, "Choose the monkey!" Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "voucher is good caddies are plentiful" Marvok says in Gorbesh, "The voucher." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "So now we know what second place is" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "And first place goes to....!" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Jerecis!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "For his heavily spiced Kaldaran hunter's stew." Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "Alright Jerecis!" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Dun' cheer till you taste it" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And for first place prize its something rather special" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Might not be so happy with me" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And unbelievably rare." Medwardl asks in Gorbesh, "so even if what we made didnt win will some of it be included anyways?" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Ooooh" Quenal exclaims in Gorbesh, "You're rakin' tonight!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "As of the end of this contest there will be four examples of this gem in the realms." Zabadoo says in Gorbesh, "very nice" Ehon says in Gorbesh, "Wow" Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "wa" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "I'll get you.." Quenal says in Gorbesh, "Whee doggie." Songbird exclaims, "nice!" Maulem says to Jerecis in Gorbesh, "Melli wants to have your babies now." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "that's freakin' gorgeous" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Anything for that sochi" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Yes it is. Thank you so much" Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "holy crap" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "This gem will seldom be seen, just so you know." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "And Mell, hands off" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "That's what I wanted to ask you about...the lilac diamond" Ehon asks in Gorbesh, "tha Iridescent Amethyst?" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Aye, didn't think you were gonna let 'em go" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "I know you're already luck" Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "im definatly comming to everyone of these" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "The description of it is "Shaded purple as pale as shadows on snow the spectacular gem flickers deeper undertones when the light strikes it. " Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Alright and moving on to the sugary portion." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Third place goes to Songbird!" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Oh and she's here!" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "You will so score with your wife if you give her that" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "For her "sweet oliva roll filled with a creamy whippted ronaja sauce!" Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "scrore and then some" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Oooh, that sounds tasty" Songbird says, "thank you" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Now tha's a recipe I'd like" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Me too" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Would be a lovely appetizer at parties" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Second place goes to Lolali Lolelalu for her cardamom-spiced bun filled with layers of almond paste and whipped cream!" Quenal says in Gorbesh, "" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And our first place prize goes to Solantir for a "STonethrow Cookie!"" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "I'll take his prize" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Which is actually quite yummy. A sugar cookie rolled in dried fruit." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And the last portion of our contest is for the booze." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "God you people loved that portion." Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "You think?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Seriously loved it, I had about a zillion entries." Ehon says in Gorbesh, "uhm, cause its the best part" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Third place goes to....." Ehon asks in Gorbesh, "why breath if you cant drink right?" Medwardl asks in Gorbesh, "ok all this food has me wondering again will thier be a cooking system put in place some day so we can actualy cook some of this stuff?" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Halfstaff for his Sieben's mist!" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "come on people...give him a golf clap" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Much better" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Third place goes to." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Second place rather..." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I was so shocked..." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Maulem!" Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "Yes!" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "For a tankard of dark Albarian meed!" Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "Woo Hoo!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Which actually was pretty tasty." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Though I tested it on the dog first." Maulem says in Gorbesh, "Can't wait to taste some again." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "We make a good mead" Draelan says in Gorbesh, "Better safe than sorry." Belladzia says to Mellicent in Gorbesh, "Well it was Maulem after all." Maulem says in Gorbesh, "Thanks much folks." Maulem asks Mellicent in Gorbesh, "Did you know Bella loves me?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And First place in our booze contest is..." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "She secretly wants to have your children" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I'm not going to marry you and stop asking" Maulem says to Mellicent in Gorbesh, "She's gonna marry me." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Revildebul!" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "You'll wear her down. I have faith in you." Zabadoo says in Gorbesh, "well done" Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "woot!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "For what is actually something you're going to love and not cause it's nummy." Revildebul says in Gorbesh, "Thanks very much all..." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Hang on let me show you the taste." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Like an assault on the tongue, flavors mixxed together and indistinguishable, you are forcibly reminded that this beverage is used to fix squeeky catapults first, and quench thirst second." Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "How clever!" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Now that sounds like a proper drink" Ehon says in Gorbesh, "nice little pick you up eh" Maulem asks in Gorbesh, "And the name of my new favorite beverage is?" Revildebul says in Gorbesh, "It's good...for siege weapons and such." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Let me just fix this sochi a bit." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "I bet it'll take tarnish off a sword too" Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "Not another sochi!" Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "mine was more of a joke i came up with a taste first then drink second" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "I am soooo kicking myself for forgetting to send in my ideas" Maulem says to Mellicent in Gorbesh, "She said all four first place winners would get em." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Yes, thats the first place prize for each category." Maulem asks in Gorbesh, "What was the name of his drink, which I shall drown myself in?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "If you see that gem again it'll be a rare day I'm thinking." Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "You fish alot?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Well except on me." Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "i was hoping for something that would spontaniously combust if it was 100 feet within fire" Revildebul says in Gorbesh, "It's amazing..." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I'm dripping with it." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Thank you all for participating in the contest!" A fashionable factor nods and says to Azhag, "Excellent choice, sir. One moment while I take care of this." Ehon asks in Gorbesh, "Whats the name?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Most of the prize winners WILL be created and brought into the game." Azhag asks Mellicent in Gorbesh, "That better?" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Well thank you for having it, can't wait to have some of this stuff" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Much" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "the tuna scent was worrying me." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "That takes a bit of time though of course." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And I have to say several of those that didn't win are going to be seen eventually too." Medwardl asks in Gorbesh, "so any clues on a cooking system?" Ehon asks Revildebul in Gorbesh, "whats the name of your Drink?" Marvok asks in Gorbesh, "What's the name of the drink?" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "A cooking system?" Songbird says, "thank you it was fun" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Yes, you didnt' say the name of his drink" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "You'd have to ask someone in the know about that fraid." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I just make stuff and marry people off." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And of course I'm cheerful as hell." Maulem exclaims in Gorbesh, "Perfect!" Revildebul says in Gorbesh, "It's an all-purpose drink...the name does escape me." Ehon says to Maulem in Gorbesh, "this is killing me" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Oh sideboard" Ehon exclaims in Gorbesh, "Name!" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "I'm sure you'll know it when you have it" Belladzia asks Maulem in Gorbesh, "Hmmm?" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "what'd I forget?" Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "what sideboard, where?" Maulem says in Gorbesh, "Th' name of Rev's drink." Marvok says in Gorbesh, "The name of the catapult oil." Ehon says in Gorbesh, "unless its on the sideboard now..." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Gnomish all-purpose fluid." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Love it" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Pretty gross but it got the most votes." Maulem says in Gorbesh, "Beauty." Ehon says in Gorbesh, "Ohh, Catapult oil sounds good" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Which I should have mentioned by the way." Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "degreaser" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I assembled a panel of judges and they chose." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Nothing to do with me especially." With a courteous bow to Azhag, the fashionable factor says, "There you are, sir," and waits for further instruction. Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "At least they all had a sense of humor." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Except all the freaking paperwork." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Sideboard!" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Important with the likes of us" Revildebul says in Gorbesh, "Or an appreciation of versatility." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Okay while you're all stocking up, any quesitons?" Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "will we see other foods that werent picked for a prize" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Yes I will try to get a list of all of the entries up on the forums." Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "Okay, my question was....are we going to see more wonderful gems like that Lilac diamond???? And what's happening with gem stone hued eyes for us?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "It'll be a bit of work so don't look for it tomorrow." Marvok asks in Gorbesh, "How are the shops coming along?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Gem-hued eyes is in um" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Well review." Maulem says in Gorbesh, "Ok. I'ma needin ta head northward. Take care folks." Ehon says in Gorbesh, "Ahhh, Stocked up" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "thanks" Azhag asks in Gorbesh, "Figured I'd ask since somebody does every time, how soon til we get the Gnome village?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "The lilac diamond is very rare and does in fact come from the mountains of our home land." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "More gems like that? Maybe but probably not as rare, no." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "It's lovely" Tiso asks in Gorbesh, "Lilac diamond?" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "You keep your thugs away from me Mell" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "It took me months to mine." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Look its Tiso!" Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "Good luck!" Ehon exclaims to Belladzia in Gorbesh, "Thank ya much!" Tiso exclaims in Gorbesh, "Where!" Ehon says in Gorbesh, "im off to try my hands at Forging" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "YOu won second place for your tea." Tiso says in Gorbesh, "Ooo thank you." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Feel free to write me about the vouchers once you have your designs worked out." Tiso asks in Gorbesh, "Which drink won?" Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "speaking of mining i cant wait" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "The Chantelle Dream Tea." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Which is made of mushrooms." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Well don't ponder it in a crowd Mell, now everyone knows.." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Yes, mushrooms folks." Tiso exclaims in Gorbesh, "Its good!" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Watch out for those Rakash" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "It actually was delicious." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Which is why it won second!" Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "Chantelle...kind of like Chanterelles?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Shop is coming along." Tiso says in Gorbesh, "Chanterelle" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "More 'review' is required so it takes a bit longer." Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "Is Unorina going to make another visit?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I'm hoping Unorina will be able to add a foodie room to the wagon." Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "id love a still where we could throw a bunch of stuff in and see what the end product is" Marvok asks in Gorbesh, "How is P6/Albaria coming along?" Marvok asks in Gorbesh, "Almost done?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "YOu know, when I went up for the job of Champion." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "The response was sure, now finish p6-17" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "So I quit." Revildebul says in Gorbesh, "I cant wait for P15" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "They love their little jokes." Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "dont blame you" Quenal says in Gorbesh, "I got high hopes for 12." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "GM's are ebil" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I am sorry the Gnome Champ couldn't be here tonight." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "He had pressing business in the realm of reality." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Well, from what you've told us we'll die enough at the next one" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Which, frankly, he doesn't visit very often." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Just watch your sochi if you die." Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "i got halfway through the aplication and tests and withdrew i hate paperwork" Quenal asks in Gorbesh, "Re-al...ity?" Revildebul says in Gorbesh, "You're nearly as good anyway Belladzia." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Yes, I'll post the details of the next visit but if you could all watch the forums..." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Just kidding." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And maybe organize a moon mage or three to help with transport that would be wonderful." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "The ampitheater is handy for the portals but limits what we can do when we're here." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "That sampler could be a collectors item." Songbird exclaims, "really? wow!" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Anything special anyone wants to see happen during the hunt next month?" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Would you mind if I had a look inside? Promise I won' steal nothin'" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "An ocular..." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Yeah, anything within the realms of 'gonna actually happen'?" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Or a rimewolf... so I can skin it" Marvok asks in Gorbesh, "A few Gorbesh coming over the dark hand?" Quenal asks in Gorbesh, "A mammoth that sits on Maulem?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "So nothing special" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Oh!" Songbird says, "You rummage through a hand-painted libation caddy clasped with a mist-enshrouded white ironwood tree and see a sampler of Bosueqland Whiskey, a burnished silver key, a sampler of Albarian Armagnac, a sampler of Kaldaran Reserve and a sampler of Stormcrest Whiskey" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "That could happen." Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "Lovely!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "That might actually happen." Songbird says, "yes its very nice" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I'm pretty sure its going to happen." Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "We'll be hunting Mammoth!" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Oh good" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Who knows." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Hooray for Maulem" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Nobody tell 'im" Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "nice design i like that one more than the one from the estateholders girf" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Hope we can skin them" Tiso says in Gorbesh, "Gnomes and mammoths don't go." Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "Sure I can skin Maulem for ya" Medwardl says in Gorbesh, "gift rather" Jerecis says in Gorbesh, "If you can kill 'im for me" Marvok says in Gorbesh, "A Maulem skin coat." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "HE would so choke if he saw that" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Okay, I'm off to drink heavily for an hour." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "See you all next month and bring your friends!" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "More the better!" Quenal says in Gorbesh, "Thanks, was a festive first meeting for the likes of myself." Songbird says, "well thank you for the great contest was lots of fun" ~Hunter Hanryu | |
This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms (12) \ Kaldar - The Korner (13), by SAUVA on the forums. |