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Post:Meeting log - 8/31/2009 - 8:14:27

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Re: Meeting log · on 8/31/2009 8:14:27 AM 1484
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Belladzia says, "Greetings, greetings, and you know..." Mellicent exclaims, "Good to see you Belladzia!" Belladzia says, "Greetings." Belladzia asks, "How is everyone doing to this evening?" Halfstaff asks in Gorbesh, "Great..and yourself?" Vyraka says, "Sore, but well." Mellicent says, "Devoon." Evran asks in Gorbesh, "Anyone else notice that the majority of Gnomes here are moon mages?" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Its a trend for the evening perhaps?" Evran says in Gorbesh, "On that note... I'd like one of these for real." Mellicent asks, "Or an omen?" Evran says in Gorbesh, "Make it so." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Okay, for tonight we have a trivia contest, a special announcement and the usually "Questions and Evasive Answer" session." Mellicent says, "Well, I have my questions ready." Oritaibeng asks in Gorbesh, "Soon and maybe?" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Would you prefer the contest or the session first?" Mellicent asks, "Let's save the contest for the latecomers?" Evran asks in Gorbesh, "Whatabout earlygoers?" Mellicent says, "We get the questions and answers cuz we were prompt." Evran says in Gorbesh, "Thats what forums are for." Unsphoren asks, "Was I prompt or late?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And on an OOC note, I'm lagging badly so this could get interesting." Mellicent says, "Sorry to hear that." Mellicent asks, "Are you going to open the list for questions?" Vyraka says in Gorbesh, "Uh oh." Evran exclaims in Gorbesh, "I can do that too!" Suraek says in Gorbesh, "She called it...." Mellicent says, "Dang." Squanto says in Gorbesh, "Hello." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Man thats annoying." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Okay, lets do the Q A first and hope I get better." Gazlo asks, "Greetings Squanto! I am GameMaster Gazlo here to answer your request for assistance. How can I help you today?" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "List is open folks." Savvine says in Gorbesh, "I havent thought of a question yet." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Well shoot." Squanto asks in Gorbesh, "This is my first meeting. What is the general structure?" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Dang...again." Vyraka says in Gorbesh, "Well, typically the gamemaster sits in one spot." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Well, we have a q and a session, get news about upcoming things Kaldarish, and then sometimes we have a trivia game, or someone lectures on Kaldar history, etc..." Vyraka says in Gorbesh, "In this meeting, we are having questions and evasions first. Although sometimes we have games first. There is no struction." Vyraka says in Gorbesh, "Structure too." Savvine says in Gorbesh, "Structure is for organized people." Squanto says in Gorbesh, "Thanks." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Well, what we'll be doing could be a moot point if Belladzia can't stay awake." Savvine says in Gorbesh, "We can always go to the bar." Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "How is that different from any other day?" Savvine asks in Gorbesh, "True, but why stop a good thing?" Savvine says in Gorbesh, "Its a nice way to pass time when not killing." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Or, in my case, selling." Savvine says in Gorbesh, "We dont even have any snacks." Savvine says in Gorbesh, "Why thank you." Squanto says in Gorbesh, "All I ever eat is yak jerky." Marssi says in Gorbesh, "You're welcome." Squanto says in Gorbesh, "I know." Savvine says in Gorbesh, "Oh lovely." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "No wonder I keep losing caravans." Savvine says in Gorbesh, "This is better than jerky today, have a sweet tooth apparently." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Okay that is super annoying." Savvine says in Gorbesh, "Shes bac." Savvine says in Gorbesh, "Rejoyce." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Melli, quick as your question." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Embroidery patterns." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "You know what I mean." Vyraka exclaims in Gorbesh, "Good question!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, ""Soon." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Is the best I can do today I'm afraid." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Okay, I knew there would be evasions." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Although I was livid to see Prydaen patterns at the Magma Falls fest...and nothing Kaldar." Evran asks in Gorbesh, "Just wondering if there were any plans for more goats?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Yes it is called the "Evasive Answers" for a reason." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "More goats." Savvine says in Gorbesh, "Prydaens get everything." Evran says in Gorbesh, "Non-auction prices hopefully." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Not currently, no." Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "Goats for gnomes?" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "What kind of pet could we Kaldars get." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "But you should post your desire on the Gnomes board." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Never can tell." Evran says in Gorbesh, "They were designed for gnomes but most went to non-Gnomes." Marssi says in Gorbesh, "I'd love a goat." Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "What?" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Okay, any more of you need an evasive answer to something before we move on the to contest?" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Let's get to the news." Evran exclaims in Gorbesh, "Village!" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "I'm honest, no?" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "And on to the contest!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "This contest was written by our very own Vyraka." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Big hand for all her work." Evran exclaims in Gorbesh, "Fixed!" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Good thing I didn't say anything rude about contests." Belladzia asks Vyraka in Gorbesh, "Will you keep score for us?" Vyraka exclaims in Gorbesh, "Sure!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Alright, this is a trivia contest." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "You have 30 seconds to answer." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "WHISPER your answers to me." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "WHISPER, WHISPER, WHISPER." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Any questions?" Aourn asks in Gorbesh, "What do we do with our answers?" Marssi asks in Gorbesh, "So we shout them out?" Suraek says to Marssi in Gorbesh, "That's what I heard..." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Okay first question!" Evran says in Gorbesh, "Shout em in Prydaenese." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "What is the name of the area that the Kaldar and Gnome Refugees passed through to get to Kermoria?" You whisper to Belladzia, "The hand" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Times up." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Hanryu for a point." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "The answer is The Dark Hand." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "What continent do Kaldars originally hail from?" Evran says in Gorbesh, "I'm so gonna lose." You whisper to Belladzia, "Kremoria" Vyraka exclaims to Evran in Gorbesh, "Have Faith!" You whisper to Belladzia, "oops! lol Albaria, minus 1 point for Hanryu lol" Evran says in Gorbesh, "Whisper the answers to me and I might." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Time's up!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Or probably, I don't have a watch." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Point to Unsphoren!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "The correct answer is Albaria." Evran says in Gorbesh, "Erm." Aourn exclaims in Gorbesh, "Woo, I got one right!" Riani says in Gorbesh, "I was so thinking that." Evran asks in Gorbesh, "Is it first answer only?" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "And here I was thinking it was something other than Albaria." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Oh I forgot she even gave me hints." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "What monstrous hairy four-legged mammal is often associated with Albaria and Kaldar?" You whisper to Belladzia, "mammoths, and boo" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Point to Beledona!" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Mammoth!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Pity Maulem's not here." Aourn says in Gorbesh, "Man, I'm slow." Riani says in Gorbesh, "I'm just going to start guessing randomly." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "I was too slow." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Darn." Evran says to Riani in Gorbesh, "I am." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Here's a hard one." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "What is the Gorbesh word for Kaldar?" Riani says in Gorbesh, "It's the way to go, really." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Point to Aourn!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Satiyon." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Now one for you history buffs." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "I need a refresher history course." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Besides skirmishes with their kinsmen, the Alaudian Gorbesh, who - or what - was the #1 adversary of the Kaldar in Albaria?" Evran says in Gorbesh, "I find the irony in saying that question in Gorbesh rich." You whisper to Belladzia, "occular" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Point to Hanryu!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "The Ocular." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Evran was close though." Evran says in Gorbesh, "I'm always late on the ones I know." You say in Gorbesh, "Empty ale flash is also accepted." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "What former Gorbesh Prelate served as the Voice of the first Kaldar settlers?" You whisper to Belladzia, "Akrian Dein" Vyraka says in Gorbesh, "Hint: He has a book somewhere in Kermoria." Riani says in Gorbesh, "Umm..." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Another hint is....He eventually takes the title Elder." You whisper to Belladzia, "Duveus" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Point to Hanryu." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Duveus." Savvine says in Gorbesh, "I am too slow." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Halfstaff knew it too." Evran whispers, "Yay for google!" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "How about one for the Gnomes?" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "What tradeskill are Gnomes most known for?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "POint to Halfstaff." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Tinkering." Riani asks in Gorbesh, "Does inventering count?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "The really obvious ones are the hardest." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Beat me to the punch." Aourn says in Gorbesh, "Trick question." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "True or False - The average height for gnomes is 6 inches?" You whisper to Belladzia, "true" Evran exclaims in Gorbesh, "Ha!" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Evran got a point!!" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Hee hee." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "False, they're usually a couple feet tall." Evran exclaims in Gorbesh, "I'm 1 foot 6!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "As you can see if you look around." Aourn says in Gorbesh, "I can't see any gnomes when I look around. They're too low." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "BAck to history." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "What is the name of the Gnome Moon Mage whose visions inspired Kaldar and Gnomes to emmigrate from Albaria?" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Ha! come on you gnomish moon mages." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Point to Halfstaff again!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Prophet Trimbolt was that great mage." Aourn exclaims to Halfstaff in Gorbesh, "Be slower!" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "How many known Gnome Clans come from Albaria?" You whisper to Belladzia, "5" Evran says in Gorbesh, "Yay for random numbers." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Let's see if Halfstaff has enough fingers to count on." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Was that a random guess Hanryu?" Evran asks in Gorbesh, "Does that count the lost clans?" You say in Gorbesh, "I was looking it up a few days ago." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Point to Hanryu." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "5 (Cip'uja, Tloticuc Gnomes, Bosueq Gnomes, Opirks Gnomes, Iyqaromos)." You say in Gorbesh, "Yea I didn't remember that." Savvine says in Gorbesh, "Lots of gnomes." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Okay, this is an easy one." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "How many Immortals are there in the Gorbesh Religion?" You whisper to Belladzia, "10" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Hanryu again." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "This is seeming fixed somehow." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "I"m pointless." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Wait, I'm in charge." Evran says in Gorbesh, "You said it." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "The answer is 10!" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Which Gorbesh God is known as the Father of the Ocular?" Evran says in Gorbesh, "Argh... I know this one." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Woot! POint to Aourn!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "The God Sieben." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Hang in there." Squanto asks in Gorbesh, "Is there a sliding average?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "This one is very hard I think." Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "Bell curve?" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Which best describes the early Gorbesh settlement of Ixaem located in Albaria?" Evran says in Gorbesh, "Cabn't divide by zero sorryu." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "City of the Builder, City of Love, City of Dead, City of Gnomes." You whisper to Belladzia, "city of dead" Vyraka exclaims in Gorbesh, "Ooo. Ooo. I know!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Point to...." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Hanryu!" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Seriously, is he the only who read that one book?" You say in Gorbesh, "I always thought that was super creepy." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Someone tie him up next time we do this...oh...and gag him." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "City of the Dead." Riani asks in Gorbesh, "Where is this book anyway?" Evran says in Gorbesh, "Library." You say in Gorbesh, "Shard's got a copy." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Ask Hanryu." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "You know I love you, hun." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Okay here's a really hard one." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "What type of mines were destroyed during the Second Gorbesh-Kermoria." You whisper to Belladzia, "gweth" Vyraka says in Gorbesh, "If you are an old timer, you remember." Riani says in Gorbesh, "Looks like I need to take a scholarly trip to Shard sometime then." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Point to Unsphoren!" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "If he says gweth stones, I'll choke." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "A lot of you said gweth but didn't say "gweth stones" or name the stones." Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "Was it?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Jadeite and kyanite." Evran exclaims in Gorbesh, "I did!" Evran says in Gorbesh, "But late it appears." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Yup, just couldn't spit it out fast enough." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And back to a hard history one." Savvine says in Gorbesh, "Know the feeling." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "What race was Akiren Dien, the Kermorian Missionary who was imprisoned by the Gorbesh and then later banished to the West of Albaria with the Kaldar?" You whisper to Belladzia, "elf" You say in Gorbesh, "Damn pointy ears." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Point to Hanryu." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Elf!" Evran says in Gorbesh, "Or not..." You say in Gorbesh, "Course I up and marry one so...." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Last question..." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And this was on a backpack I think that Unorina painted." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "What was the name of the S'kra Mur Navy's Ship that battled the Gorbesh Armada?" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "At least an elf is our size." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "No disrespect intended to our gnomish brethren. of course." You whisper to Belladzia, "Fangs of Ushnish" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Point to Aourn." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Fangs of Ushnish." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I may not have pronounced that correctly." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Its a hard one." Evran exclaims in Gorbesh, "Woohoo! I know that Gnomes aren't 6 inches!" Belladzia asks Vyraka in Gorbesh, "And who is our winner?" Riani says in Gorbesh, "That...actually sounds familiar." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Fangs...for the memories." Savvine says in Gorbesh, "Jee i wonder." You say in Gorbesh, "There's also an area near Skeleton's Crook named that." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "I predict, although I'm no moon mage.....Hanryu." Squanto asks in Gorbesh, "So no curve?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Did she say? I missed it." Vyraka says in Gorbesh, "Hanryu - (7)." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Oh still counting!" Vyraka says in Gorbesh, "Followed by Aourn - (3)." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Definitely gag him next time." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "He wins a trip to the isolation ward!" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Nicely done!" Halfstaff says in Gorbesh, "Well done Hanryu." You exclaim in Gorbesh, "Thank!" Savvine says in Gorbesh, "He knows his stuff." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "He does." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "We've been trying to get rid of him for years and he totally fell into that trap." Riani says in Gorbesh, "Practically threw himself right in." Belladzia asks Vyraka in Gorbesh, "Who was second and third please?" Evran says in Gorbesh, "Second was Aourn with 3." Vyraka says in Gorbesh, "Aourn - (3 Halfstaff - (2) Unsphoren - (2)." Evran says in Gorbesh, "Pay attention." Vyraka says in Gorbesh, "Split for 3rd." Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "And last....Mellicent with Zippo!" Savvine says to Mellicent in Gorbesh, "Your not the only one." Vyraka says in Gorbesh, "Fourth is Beledona - (1) Evran - (1)." Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "I have to share my dead last position!" Evran says in Gorbesh, "I didn't even win the booby prize." Squanto asks in Gorbesh, "Will there be a redistribution of points?" Evran says in Gorbesh, "So you're one up on me." Aindriu asks in Gorbesh, "I was grandfathered in right?" Vyraka says in Gorbesh, "The idea behind it was to be educational.." Savvine says to Mellicent in Gorbesh, "Ill let you be last if you want." Riani says in Gorbesh, "And everyone else... no, no need to embarrass us by calling out our scores." Unsphoren says, "Oh! I can really use this." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Prizes would have been better but I had a month you wouldn't believe." Unsphoren says, "Thanks." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Ooooooh, food and drink." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Have some refreshments for a minute and I'll announce the anouncement." Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "Yeeeeee Haaaaaaaa!" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Good whisky." Aindriu says in Gorbesh, "Oh yeah." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Its basically a room full of dwarves." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "All this guzzling and burping." Riani asks in Gorbesh, "Why is there water wasting counter space?" Aindriu exclaims in Gorbesh, "Nae a dwarb!" Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "I like water!" Evran exclaims in Gorbesh, "Because its lemon water!" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "All 3 whiskeys are good." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Actually I really hate it when they put lemon in my water." Squanto says to Belladzia in Gorbesh, "Me too." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "You never can get the thing out before it flavors it." Evran asks in Gorbesh, "Then ask them not to?" Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Wuss?" Squanto says in Gorbesh, "Tastes like fingers." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "I don't want the chef to spit in my soup?" Aourn says to Unsphoren in Gorbesh, "You need it more than I." Riani says in Gorbesh, "You've been had. Someone nicked the fourth kind of whisky and put lemon water in its place." Evran asks in Gorbesh, "The chef cooks your water?" Oritaibeng asks in Gorbesh, "I hate it when they don't put sugar in your tea. Who's never heard of sweet tea?" Evran says in Gorbesh, "Strange restaurant." Unsphoren says to Aourn, "You earned your prize, brother. You should have it." Aindriu says in Gorbesh, "Ah, forgot my horn from the last meeting." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Okay, quiet down and let me do this announcement thing." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "I feel sleepy." Aourn says in Gorbesh, "I have no need for money." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "You can suck down whiskey afterwards too." Unsphoren says to Aourn, "Thanks." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "One thing that was originally requested by you people in our first meeting last fall was..." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Racial.." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Pre-titles." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And they're here." Evran exclaims in Gorbesh, "Ha!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Gorbesh actually." Evran exclaims in Gorbesh, "Take that cats!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And YOU will decide some of them." Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "Wooot!!!" Evran says in Gorbesh, "Elves are going to hate us..." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "Cause we're holding a contest!" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Oh yeah." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Or I am anyway." Vyraka exclaims in Gorbesh, "Hurray!" Evran says in Gorbesh, "Oh... I was checking my title list." Mellicent exclaims in Gorbesh, "YAY!" Aourn says in Gorbesh, "So, Belladzia. Quick question for you." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Shoot, Aourn." Aourn asks in Gorbesh, "Did I put my last name together properly?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I'll do the rules in a second." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "I was hoping for gem eye color, but I'll gladly take titles." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Actually, I think you did. Yes." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Well done." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Okay, there will be 3 prizes." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "I took my kaldar name too." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Third place

I haven't decided yet."

Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Second place

I haven't decided yet."

Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Never fear, I make great prizes." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "First place

." Evran asks in Gorbesh, "How about a custom title?" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "She does..." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Why thats a great idea." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Lets do that." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "First Place

A custom title."

Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Thats truth, I already got that prize cleared." Aourn says in Gorbesh, "Oooh." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Refugee should be one." Evran says in Gorbesh, "I'm a moon mage mage." Evran says in Gorbesh, "Psychiuc and all." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Naturally the custom title will have to be cleared by those that clear that sort of thing." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "So you can't be something...dirty or whatever." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Elf lover." Riani says in Gorbesh, "Domis elipsa. I bet that'll be popular." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Tailed wonder." Vyraka says in Gorbesh, "Naughty Nymph Vyraka." Evran says in Gorbesh, "You forgot the o." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "I guess that measn stuff muffin is out too." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Er, stud muffin." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "A custom title is a pretty good prize if I do say so myself." Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Not for me...the guys." Evran says in Gorbesh, "Stuff muffin is what the halflings do." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I think it takes a couple of years to earn that in LTB's." Aourn asks in Gorbesh, "Are these titles going to be in the Gorbesh language?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "No, and I'm going to quiet the room for a couple minutes while I recite the rules." Aourn asks in Gorbesh, "Or just Gorbesh titles in general?" Aourn says in Gorbesh, "Oops.." Evran exclaims in Gorbesh, "Oh the Gnomanity!" Mellicent says in Gorbesh, "Shaddup and listen." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "If I can figure out how." Evran says in Gorbesh, "Thumping me might help." Mellicent asks in Gorbesh, "Did it work?" Vyraka asks in Gorbesh, "What?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Okay, there we go." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I'll take more questions after." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Entries MUST be original creations of your own design." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Entries MUST be submitted in ENGLISH. Any entry submitted in ANY other language, including Gorbesh, will be considered invalid and WILL BE DISCARDED." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "The winning entries will be translated into Gorbesh by staff. All titles will be translated utilizing the Kaldaran dialect unless otherwise specified IN the entry submission." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Along with the title please include an explanation of what the title means." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "For example: If the title is BEAR KILLER, do you mean that it is a person that kills bears or a bear that kills." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "This will directly affect the translation so please be crystal clear." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "If using the name of an animal or item in the title, that animal or item MUST be something that already exists within Dragonrealms." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "No title that hints, states or implies that the title wearer is of a specific guild will be considered for this contest (i.e., Albarian Knight, Kaldaran Barbarian, Singing Kaldar, Sneaky Gnome.)." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Feel free to specify IN the entry who you visualize this title being used by, but the final requirement decisions will be left entirely up to staff." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "You may submit multiple entries in one email, but please utilize the above formatting example for EACH title submission." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "This contest is open to all Kaldars and Gnomes in Prime, Plat and TF. You must have an active Dragonrealms account at the time of judging in order to be considered a winner." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Submit your entries to DR-BELLADZIA@PLAY.NET, and please be sure to use the subject of "GORBESH TITLE CONTEST." Use all capital letters please. This will help me sort them as they come in from regular mail and help keep your entry from being buried under the avalanche of the other email that I receive." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "You MUST include your character name, character's race (Kaldar OR Gnome), character's circle, your account name and a current email address." Belladzia exclaims in Gorbesh, "If I can't contact you I can't tell you that you won!" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Deadline for entries is September 30th. Winners and prizes will be announced at October's Prime Kaldar Gathering and afterwards on the forums." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Standard submission/property rights listed under PREMIUM 8 apply." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I will be posting all of this information on the forums after the meeting." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And finally, the winning prize is NOT transferable." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Anyone have any questions about the rules?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Melli and Evran's names were on there from last time so if either of you don't have questions just say you don't." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Cleaning is too hard." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Okay closing the list now." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Darn Mell left." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Okay first question from Vyraka." Vyraka asks in Gorbesh, "So, am I understanding this right that we can make "suggestions" for what skills, stats, whatever, you need to have a certain title?" Evran says in Gorbesh, "Erm." Evran says in Gorbesh, "I was skipped." Vyraka says in Gorbesh, "Eep! Sorry." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Yes you can suggest who you think should have that title." Evran says in Gorbesh, "I'll go whenever." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "You can go next." Belladzia asks Vyraka in Gorbesh, "Did that answer your question?" Vyraka says in Gorbesh, "It did. Thanks." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Excellent." Evran asks in Gorbesh, "Title dialect... that just means whether you want it to be in the Gnome or Kaldar dialect when translated? As simple as that?" Evran says in Gorbesh, "Okay." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Yes, Gnomish dialect is slightly different from Kaldaran." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And the linguist will take all requests into consideration." Riani says in Gorbesh, "Heheh, nevermind. I see now that multiple entries are permitted, just one at a time. That's all I had." Aourn says in Gorbesh, "Can we add a suggested translation? Some titles could be really nice in Common, but a mouthful in Gorbesh. I had that problem when coming up with my last name. I didn't want it to look like a random jumble of letters to non-Gorbesh folks." Aourn asks in Gorbesh, "Also, what if I circle a bunch between time of submission and, the contest ends?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "The circle is just a guideline." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Oh that's a good question acutally." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I had meant to put in a circle requirement." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "So you must be at least 10 circle to be considered for the winning slots." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Thats simply to keep this in character with those that actually play Gnomes and Kaldar." Riani says in Gorbesh, "Sounds fair." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Rather than just roll-up a character to win." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "If you're a commoner thats fine, but note it in your entry." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "And the suggested translation question." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "No." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "The translator is super fussy and I had to promise stuff you don't want to know just to get him to agree." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I do not want to tick him off." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "That would actually be hard but you get the idea." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "Any more questions?" Aourn says in Gorbesh, "Well, perhaps he just needs a beer at next year's Con." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "You can post them on the forums if you think of them later." Aourn says in Gorbesh, "That's all from me." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I do keep an eye on those." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "I thank you all for coming and help yourselves to the food and drink." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "It'll be here for a little bit longer." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Teeny bit." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Done." Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Just kidding." Belladzia asks in Gorbesh, "What was I doing?" Belladzia says in Gorbesh, "Oh right." Oritaibeng asks in Gorbesh, "Getting me plats?" Halfstaff says in Gorbesh, "Safe paths all." Vyraka exclaims in Gorbesh, "Take care everyone!" Oritaibeng says in Gorbesh, "I like this champion. Short and to the point." Halfstaff says in Gorbesh, "Well done on the contest Vyraka." Evran says in Gorbesh, "She's Kaldar... hardly short." Vyraka exclaims in Gorbesh, "Thank you Halfstaff!" Evran says in Gorbesh, "Alright back to navel-gazing." Aourn asks Unsphoren in Gorbesh, "May I take a look at your bow?" You say in Gorbesh, "Well I'm off, safe paths everyone." A guard steps in front of you and says, "I do apologize, but you are going to have to return via the portal." From the seating area you hear Aourn say in Gorbesh, "This won't do."

~Hunter Hanryu

This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms (12) \ Kaldar - The Korner (13), by SAUVA on the forums.