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Post:Mandatory shield for PVP - 01/10/2014 - 17:03

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Re: Mandatory shield for PVP · on 01/10/2014 05:03 PM CST 518
>>We were talking about this months ago, and you said the math had the staff stumped and it was unlikely to happen ever (or something to that effect).

Two different problems.

Problem 1 - Player is stanced 100 evasion / 80 parry, gets shot by an arrow.
Solution - Swap parry stance points to shield stance points when parry is ignored by an attack.

Problem 2 - Player is stanced 100 evasion / 80 shield, gets hit with a DFA attack.
Solution - Impossible math

This message was originally posted in Dragon Realms 3.1 Test \ Combat, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.