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Post:Mandatory shield for PVP - 01/02/2014 - 22:22

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Re: Mandatory shield for PVP · on 01/02/2014 10:22 PM CST 388
>>It'd already generally be suicide to do that now since evasion helps so much. Parry can't block arrows anyway so it'd be just like using 100 evasion / 80 shield stance right now that people do when they wanna block something.

Evasion helps less than shield in many cases today where the two skills are comparable and a medium or large shield is being used. Armor hindrance and MO penalty hits evasion harder, and evasion is also a bit more penalized from certain things. Evasion is just more convenient, tends to be trained better among the player population, doesn't require a shield and folks are convinced that it is still the best defense.

>>Why would it prevent backtraining? You'd basically just be at 100% shield stance at all times and it would train just like it would right now if you were backtraining.

I don't want to prevent backtraining. I am explaining why having things magically choose for you in the background can cause other issues (or be quite difficult to code).


Really liking the idea of making Parry an exceptional defense when overwhelmed. It does give it a better niche.

This message was originally posted in Dragon Realms 3.1 Test \ Combat, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.