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Post:Mandatory shield for PVP - 01/02/2014 - 20:41

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Re: Mandatory shield for PVP · on 01/02/2014 08:41 PM CST 380
We have discussed that, but it also introduces some problems.

What if you want to use only shield because your shield is enchanted to do something fun when the arrow hits it? Removing stances prevents this.

What if you want to train only shield skill because you are backtraining? Removing stances prevents backtraining from being possible.

What if you want to stance down to die in a RP scenario.... nope!

I would like to make it more dynamic, but removing the choice from players will invariably cause the end of the world for many.

This message was originally posted in Dragon Realms 3.1 Test \ Combat, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.