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Post:Making Steel - 5/6/2011 - 11:12:17

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Re: Making Steel · on 5/6/2011 11:12:17 AM 8629
Don't assume that the coal is 100% carbon. It isn't, and much of the carbon ends up being burned off and deposited as slag. Hence the need for skill with smelting, if you don't carefully manage the distribution of the carbon throughout the mix, its quality reduces.

90% of the player base couldn't figure out the old % system. I wanted something simpler, so more people are going to enjoy the forging process. However, %s are still important in the other, more advanced aspects of forging (such as hitting specific weights for things).

This message was originally posted in Lore (5) \ Smithing Skill (16), by DR-KODIUS on the forums.