Post:Lichdom - 04/14/2012 - 10:03

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Re: Lichdom · on 04/14/2012 10:03 AM CDT 1193
It honestly will not take as much technical effort to set up the Lich state as you might think. The major obstruction to all three advanced states (Redemption, Lichdom, Transcendence) is going to be writing the quests and other related support systems to make acquiring them a suitable task and not just CHOOSE LICH CONFIRM.

Likewise, most of the mechanical effects of Redemption were written into the Outrage system when we originally built it. The major missing piece is a quest to turn it on (though writing a guildhall they can advance in would be nice too).


This message was originally posted in The Necromancers \ Suggestions - Necromancers, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.