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Post:Klus in Crossing - 5/12/2009 - 23:43:22

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Re: Klus in Crossing · on 5/12/2009 11:43:22 PM 4055
I found the log. Here it is edited down to speech including the peanut gallery. I've bolded the more salient points of Klusarlaik's.
* Klusarlaik was just struck down!

* Klusarlaik is slain before your eyes!
Powerhaus waves to Klusarlaik.
Powerhaus says, "nice..."
Powerhaus says, "clean up..."
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "Aaah..."
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "Wait, please."
You hear the voice of Ezly say, "i warned you"
You hear the ghostly voice of Langa say, "So close"
Moriath says, "She hears many a warning"
Jenealle says, "Hmm."
Moriath says, "one of these days maybe she will listen"
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "Listen to me... I don't have much time."
Korutu says, "Yeah"
Korutu says, "Take that"
Jenealle asks, "Is this one so different from the others?"
Korutu asks, "Can we be frikends now?"
Jenealle asks, "An undead Rakash, yes?"
Korutu says, "Friends even"
Szrael says, "I am listening."
Rejik says, "I want yer armor. I'll listen for it."
Korutu asks, "Hey she drop anything neat?"
Moriath says, "Speak then if you must"
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "Lyras has found what she is looking for. It was not in the Dunshade manor."
Khupo asks, "Oh, where is it?"
Khupo asks, "and what is she looking for?"
Valcrest asks, "oh?"
Korutu says, "Oh man I am missing body party"
Korutu says, "parts"
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "I fear what is soon to come."
You hear the voice of Rejik say, "Lyras has it."
You hear the voice of Rejik say, "Duh."
Khupo asks, "What is comming?"
Ternith says, "I fear lyras has a crush on me"
Moriath asks, "Then if even you can see what is coming why bother doing all this?"
Szrael asks Klusarlaik, "What can we do?"
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "I do not know if your gods will be able to save you, but I hope that they will."
Langa says, "That hurt"
Korutu says, "Everild will vrush her"
Korutu says, "Or another barb will"
Szrael says, "You mentioned something about priests having weapons once."
Korutu says, "We are the best"
Skilair kicks Klusarlaik!
Skilair exclaims, "Wench!"
Khupo says, "Not her fault"
Khupo says, "shes kinda possessed"
Moriath says, "leave her be"
Korutu says, "Really though"
Korutu says, "Can we be friends now"
Ternith says, "ya let her talk"
Szrael says, "She is as many of us might be, should Lyras prevail."
Korutu says, "We are kinda even"
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "The one named Tachid... there is nothing left at all of what he once was. He is merely the puppet of Lyras."
Korutu says, "I hate that guy"
Szrael says, "If we even have a world left to stand upon."
Korutu says, "He wants my parts"
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "If it makes you feel better, I hate him too."
Khupo says, "So, how can we break your curse, if there is a way"
Valcrest says, "we all do i believe"
Korutu says, "See we have stuff in common"
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "I have held on to a few shreds of what I once was, through sheer willpower."
Korutu says, "We coulda been friends"
Jenealle asks, "It must be an awful existence, no?"
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "I don't know how much longer I can continue helping you."
You hear the voice of Powerhaus ask, "Til there's nothing left?"
Korutu says, "You didnt really help me at all"
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say to Jenealle, "Oblivion would be preferable."
Korutu says, "You killed me and hurt my armor"
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "I am sorry."
Korutu says, "No your not"
Khupo asks, "So, when is Lyras comming for us?"
Valcrest says to Klusarlaik, "hopefully you won't have to for much longer"
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "I cannot control myself."
Samarah says, "Undead Rakash finally dead"
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "Very soon."
Korutu says, "Yeah no big deal"
Jamaru says something in Rakash.
Korutu says, "I put her down"
Khupo asks, "days? months? anlean? rois?"
Szrael asks, "What can we do? What weapon do we face? Can you give us some sort of...guidance?"
Ternith says, "Idon will come smite her easily"
Moriath says, "anything would help at this point, we need to know what you know."
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "You have to use what is holy, and use what is dark. There are a few among your kind that know."
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "...I'm slipping."
Korutu says, "I am tan"
Jamaru says something in Rakash.
Khupo says, "wonder what would happen if a cleric came to raise her.."
Korutu says, "I can be the dark"
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "I will try to say what I can."
Khupo says, "and soul bonded and such"
Langa says, "Can't bond"
Samarah exclaims, "then do slip and farthest back to the void!"
Korutu says, "Dont raise her"
Ternith says, "let Klusarlaik talk people"
Korutu says, "She crazy"
Langa says, "Just sayin'"
Moriath says, "then speak with haste"
Ternith says, "for I start smashing heads in"
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "Listen... I am little more than a puppet. So are the others."
Moriath says, "Ternith is right, just listen"
Korutu says, "Easy big guy"
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "The weapon... is also a puppet. Beware that one."
Jamaru asks something in Rakash.
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "It will be even worse than I."
Ternith asks, "what is the weapon?"
Ternith asks, "or who rather?"
Moriath says, "I dont think she knows...."
Kretos says to Klusarlaik, "Chadatru will save you."
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "Something that you failed to save."
You hear the ghostly voice of Klusarlaik say, "I can't...."
Ternith asks, "an elder that was guarding the barrier?"
Klusarlaik's body writhes as if feebly struggling against something unseen, foul wisps of corrupted red and green magic covering her corpse. Despite the movement, the necromantic taint soon swallows the corpse like a hungry beast, then begins thinning. When the tendrils disappate, Klusarlaik is completely gone.


This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia (13) \ Zoluren Events (14), by MOOK1 on the forums.