Post:Is this bug abuse (100th ability)? - 05/31/2012 - 06:32

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Re: Is this bug abuse (100th ability)? · on 05/31/2012 07:32 AM EDT 619
I'm going to go ahead and say "maybe".

Due the gradation of how we measure distances you get some little funkiness from here to there, but if you're finding rooms that go to far afield of where you expect, or "These three particular rooms go to a different shard compared to the rest of this hunting area" please bring that to our attention so we can investigate. Maybe it's intended, maybe it's not.

I'm not going to set a hard and fast rule, but the first case -- Generally that's fine. The second case "Hey I found this one room in Crossing that takes me to M'Riss" is not so fine.

This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ Guild Abilities, by DR-RAESH on the forums.