Post:Iron constitution issues - 06/11/2014 - 04:22

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Re: iron constitution issues · on 06/11/2014 04:22 AM CDT 1843
Iron constitution caps the amount of damage that a blow can do. At the low end the cap is 1/2 max, and the high end is 1/4 max.

So if you cast IC at the min prep, it will cap any damage that comes through to 1/2 of the max. Anything bigger gets rounded down.

I honestly really enjoy this spell, but I can see how it'd be kind of lackluster to lower empaths. We're supposed to be revisiting barriers soon, I'd want to see how that shakes out before making any changes to IC. I'm not opposed to a metaspell that lets you change how the barrier is applied, but I can't even really speculate as to the merit of that idea until after we have a better handle on how barriers are going to work.


This message was originally posted in The Empaths \ General Discussions - Empaths, by DR-MELETE on the forums.