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Post:Interactions with our own kind - 06/07/2011 - 00:49

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Re: Interactions with our own kind · on 06/07/2011 12:49 AM CDT 572
>>This is a very "What would Armifer say?" discussion. Haven't seen him around for awhile though...

Finishing my degree work, moving across country, and settling into my new life as a serial killer.

Handwave versus not-handwave is not a discussion that has a simple, binary answer. We ask you to handwave that guild training for a Commoner takes mere seconds in-game, or that you can quantify your character's potential for personal growth into actual numbers, but to not use SMILE to stab someone in the eye with a fork. The spirit comes down, whether handwaving or being literal with the mechanics, to honoring the narrative of the game.

'The narrative of the game,' as opposed to 'your personal narrative,' is important insofar as we care that roleplaying in DragonRealms is a cooperative venture supported by GameMasters that write material and design systems to adjudicate RP situations like, say, trying to stab someone in the eye with a fork. While nothing will physically stop you from saying you're a winged Elf from Middle Earth come to bring the light of Jesus Christ to Elanthians (and using SMILE toward that end), it is incorrect from the perspective of the setting we have tried to make.

Insofar as Necromancers go, it is intentional (and, in both the pre-guild events and the guild joining quest, wildly explicit) that the PC is a Commoner who is inducted into necromancy and receives his continuing education from Book's faction. A PC doesn't need to say that; he does not even need to believe that if his brain was sufficiently scrambled by the Attunement. But that is what we regard as the true state of the PC's history if "Necromancer" appears when his player types INFO.


This message was originally posted in The Necromancers \ Roleplaying the Necromancer, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.