Post:Increase in skinning difficulty - 03/18/2012 - 13:34

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Re: Increase in skinning difficulty · on 03/18/2012 01:34 PM CDT 1565
The first arrange now increases the difficulty by a larger amount to reduce the number of times you have to arrange for getting an experience bonus while training. For example using made up numbers:

Old system:

Arrange 1 +6%
Arrange 2 +12%
Arrange 3 +18%
Arrange 4 +24%
Arrange 5 +30%

New system

Arrange 1 +20%
Arrange 2 +24%
Arrange 3 +26%
Arrange 4 +28%
Arrange 5 +30%

So just back off on the # of arranges and you should be fine in terms of both training and getting good quality pels. Note that tanning gives a quality bonus if you choose not to speed up the process, so you can likely get perfect tanned leather even with just one or two arranges.

This message was originally posted in Lore \ Outfitting Skill, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.