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Post:I love (new) predictions. - 05/19/2013 - 22:52

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Re: I love (new) predictions. · on 05/19/2013 10:52 PM CDT 1190
Without hard numbers in front of me I'd guess you should be in the low 70% change both for a bonus vs a curse and for hitting the right skill with your skill level and tool. Tool is a very large factor and while it's got decent power and duration going on the other two aren't so hot.

>>If I was walking into a fight with a Gorteous/Pendus/Hackett etc, I wouldn't think of risking the curse without TF as an outlet. That may be intended, and it may not.

I'm not sure I'd say it's intended so much as perfectly acceptable to me. I find the scenario where a mage plans in advance and as uses the outcome of that planning to decide how they're going to engage the enemy more compelling than "Angry Barbarian at 6'o'clock! Raise Evasion Prediction!"

>>I've had one bond increase rate message in the past seven weeks, so I am under the impression that my tool damage/age (does age matter?) has reached the "no more bonding" stage.

Age does not matter.

Tool bonding generally works like this:

You make a prediction. Some voodoo happens that determines if it's possible for them to bond (There's a lot of factors that go into this, but pool size is by far the dominant one). Once it figures out bonding is possible a check is performed against the physical quality of your tool - if this fails the bonding doesn't occur. The short version of this is that while technically the chance for your tool to bond never goes to zero over time it will become an extremely rare occurrence. That said your tool should have some life left in it, but it's going to be sluggish.

As an aside damage works similarly. There's a flat chance of damage being possible every prediction, if it is determined to be possible on a specific prediction it then checks against the craftsmanship to determine if it actually happens.

Basically better craftsmanship = longer time for your physical qualities to decay = better bond level when the chance to bond starts to curve towards zero.

>>Question: I have a great set of unbonded "curse bones" and I'm wondering whether I need to align curse to bond them, or whether they will bond the same way via normal boost attempts. I don't want to wreck this set of unique bones, so I'm willing to purposely curse myself a bunch to boost them if need be. However, if the tool bonding only "fails" on fumbles, regardless of curse/boost choice, I'll try my luck at boosts in the quest to improve the tool.

This is something that didn't convert very well into the new system since tools can no longer be misaligned. What actually happens is if you align curse it uses the same modifier you'd use to try and bonus and tries to curse instead - so a "curse tool" and a "bonus tool" are really the same thing.

That said, if you're really into curses I strongly recommend you look into mirrors. You should be pleased with the results.


This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ The Heavens, Predictions, and Divination Tools, by DR-RAESH on the forums.