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Post:HE New Enchantment Info! - 10/28/2017 - 11:46

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HE New Enchantment Info! · on 10/28/2017 11:46 1499
Howdy folks. During HE you may encounter some enchanted items from the new Enchanting craft Core. These all operate very similarly, so I wanted to give a brief explanation of how they work.

You take the image in your hands and focus carefully upon it. You sense a matrix formed using Elemental mana, commonly referred to as the Radiant Glamour Trinket enchantment. The enchantment appears masterfully-crafted, has excellent potency, is very simple, and is amazingly precise. The matrix originally supported 149 charges, and has 149 charges remaining. You believe this item can be activated with rub, wave, tap, shake, point, get and touch.

Enchantment have the following properties:

Manatype Quality Complexity Precision Grade

Charges / Durability Potency Integrity Duration Modifier Color Verbs, etc

Many enchantments have a predetermined manatype. Others can have multiple mana types (Are AP-in-nature). This may affect the color or range of effects present.

Quality works just like other crafting. Qualities less than master-crafted after penalizing the end product.

Complexity reflects how difficult the enchantment was to make, or its chance to interact with other enchantments. This may change when we allow multiple enchantments per item.

Precision reflects the "hardness" of the materials. This includes sigils and the base material. It is also what determines the Tier we consider most enchantments to be at.

Grade reflects the skill check required to use the item. Higher grade enchantments often have better/stronger/flashier effects, but require more skill to get the most out of. For example with the new trinkets, having insufficient skill can result in failure to activate and wasted charges.

Charges/Durability result from the enchantment's quality and precision and any modifier applied to it.

Potency reflects the magnitude of effect. For trinkets this is usually capped because the effects are fluff in nature. For damaging and spell abilities, it would reflect the chance to proc, magnitude of damage or mana put into the spell.

Integrity and Duration work just like they do for magic items today, affecting the underlying spell or ability being cast.

Modifier - Each enchantment has several modifiers. These might be increased charges, reduced round time to use, or a better adjective for the effect.

Color - Some enchantments can have a custom color applied.

Verbs - Higher tier enchantments may unlock new verbs and effects.

The system is designed so everything can be repaired with infuser stones. At the moment these will fully repair any charge-based enchantments, or durability-based enchantments. One word of caution - charge-based items will lose their enchantment if you run them to 0. So be sure to recharge them before that happens!

Please respond in the Enchanting folder if you'd like to discuss things further. Thanks!

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players - Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.