Post:Gwethsmasher Update - 10/20/2010 - 16:48:28

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Gwethsmasher Update · on 10/20/2010 16:48:28 3209
The usage of a gwethsmasher, successfully or not, will now set your PvP profile to Open and lock it there for a minimum of 4 hours. There is a very obvious warning and a need to confirm the command if you are not currently Open.

Like PvP stealing, your profile is locked regardless of the success of the action (and even whether the action could've been successful at all). This is not a punishment for successfully smashing someone, it is a matter of making sure your profile matches the behavior you have toward other players.

This is live in all versions of the game.


This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.