Post:Fun animal hides - 04/04/2012 - 12:04

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Re: fun animal hides · on 04/04/2012 12:04 PM CDT 1755
Various quests auto-gen their own names. We have plans for adding additional adjective types in the future, but I know not which ones.

As for the "color", I changed nothing in that area. Old leather and new leather should have pretty much the same naming convention used.

Once dye making is out you'll be able to dye your items various colors as follows:

some thick gargoyle-hide leathers reinforced with cloth padding (or whatever reinforcing looks like)

some thick midnight black leathers reinforced with cloth padding

some thick gargoyle-hide leathers dyed a midnight black

some thick reinforced leathers dyed a midnight black

and so on depending on what enhancements have been added.

This message was originally posted in Lore \ Outfitting Skill, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.