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Post:Fire and skin - 05/14/2017 - 05:34

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Fire and skin · on 05/14/2017 05:34 1467
Important dates:

Saturday June 3rd at 10:30 AM Eastern - Fire and Skin - Part 1: Are you Barbarian enough?

Wednesday June 7th at 9 PM Eastern - Fire and Skin - Part 2: Return of the Trophies

Friday June 9th at 8 PM Eastern - Fire and Skin - Part 3: Brands

Saturday June 10th at 12 PM Eastern - Fire and Skin - Part 3: Brands

Important Information:

This event is only for Barbarians who have earned 100th circle or higher by the start of the event.

This event will allow the Barbarians who complete the challenges to help design a brand that they will receive.

Rules will be gone over fully before the list opens.

Joining the list will cost 500 platinum Lirum.

Joining the list does NOT guarantee a brand.

Getting picked from the list does NOT guarantee a brand.

If you complete the challenges but do not show up for Part 2, you will not get a brand.

If you win a brand but do not sure up at either of the times for Part 3, you will not get a brand.

If you annoy, aggravate, complain at, whine near, or argue with the GMNPC, you will not get a brand.

If you win a brand, you will have to pay 5k platinum Lirum to get it.

You may die during this event.

Please remember that this is a Roleplay event, you do not have to agree with, get along with, or be polite to the GMNPC, but you take the risk of losing out if they decide they don't like you.

This is event isn't for the faint of heart, weak stomached, or those who feel they should have been a Barbarian. If you regret your choices I fully understand but this is for BARBS ONLY.

~FGM Kaarina~ Wedding Lead

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players/Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-KAARINA on the forums.