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Post:Drogor asks, "What's Kraken?" - 11/23/2014 - 11:12

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Drogor asks, "What's Kraken?" · on 11/23/2014 11:12 AM CST 2489
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TLDR: DROGOR MAD! DROGOR SMASH! RAGERAGERAGE!!! So Drogor sends a kraken (the beast) to wreck the ships at the dock, so we sends loves and prayers at him. AND ZAP ZAP ZAP our hugs and prayers blasteed him in the face! EXPLOSION EXPLOSIONS! BOOOOOOM!!! and he fell backwards into the sea! YAAHHHHH!!!! and all was saved...

or maybe we just prayed a bunch, while other people killed stuff, and Gods talked to us, and said "hey! good job there buddy" and then the Kraken went away. There was a Kraken the NPC townspeople were reporting, but noone saw it. But we heard god voices in our heads(maybe) and then the rains stopped.

So it's okay for now, I think, maybe, probably, who knows!!!

True story:

Klines: We need more clerics at the Temple! Everyone, this isn't about Drogor...or any other Immortal, for that matter. This is about all thirty nine of them! We need people at all of the altars!

Klines: Meraud, Firulf, Kerenhappuch, Peri'el, Zachriedek, and Be'ort have all appeared to me! They are angry and sad that many of the thirty nine have been forgotten! We must remember them all! Not just some of them!

Telutci: Humble yourself all you want, but we need more bodies in the street squishin eels, not on their knees

[Eyes of the Thirteen, Eluned's Shrine] Glistening like cool water, a blue crystal platform leads toward a coral statue resting deeper within the Shrine of the Ocean Mother. Fashioned from the same material as the passage underfoot, a great oval dome curves down to cradle the shrine in the deep blue light found within the heart of the sea. An indigo glaze marks the center of the colored half-sphere above the far statue, as though this were the eye of Eluned herself, gazing down upon the High Altar below. You also see a flat shark's tooth, a broken shark's tooth, a bumpy shark's tooth, a knobby shark's tooth, a white rabbit that is sitting, a narrow archway, a sun-bleached driftwood altar decorated with strands of albatross feathers and a crude altar cobbled together from salt-stained oak planks. Also here: Zombie Slayer Hazzen who is kneeling, Finrin, Dark Illusionist Elabela who is sitting, Itaro, Doomsayer Zhirrisk who is kneeling, Safe Cracker Ezly who is kneeling, Ranger Arandrowse who is kneeling, Mageling Aerella who is kneeling, Klines, Mysterious Kintryn who is kneeling and Pilgrim Krononzeck who is kneeling. Obvious exits: none.

Klines yells, "No, we do not. But You have told me what must be done! I am trying to do that! Even if every single soul felt anger and sorrow, it likely would not equal the anger and sorrow you all feel. We understand that! There are many who want to remind people that all of you must not be forgotten! But many of those that wish to spread your message, are the same that your wrath strikes down! How can we spread your will?"

A booming triple voice echoes throughout the shrine, strong as a hurricane, yet tempered with just the smallest touch of motherly concern. It says, "The Lesson must be completed! They must See!"

Crackles of marine-hued lightning shoot from one surface to another, causing the entire shrine to blaze with Holy fury!

Yet more peasants and clerics come in, joining the kneeling crowd in prayer.

You begin to pray, kneeling before the empty altar. A sense of peace and tranquility fills you as you murmur softly.

A booming triple voice echoes throughout the shrine, strong as a hurricane, yet tempered with just the smallest touch of motherly concern. It says, "Give yourselves to Us!"

Crackles of marine-hued lightning shoot from one surface to another, causing the entire shrine to blaze with Holy fury!

Yet more peasants and clerics come in, joining the kneeling crowd in prayer.

Gemrardi loudly exclaims, "My offerings to the 39, not just the 13 of light! Not just the 13 of dark! Nor just the 13 Neutral, but all and one, the 39 Immortals!"

The gathered masses continue to pray, begging for mercy from all of the Immortals for the ignorance and pride of the unfaithful!

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Drogor, I am ready..."

Klines yells, "I offer myself to You! All Thirty Nine, so that this death and destruction may end! I offer my life, my soul, my connection to the Plane, my connection to lunar magic! I offer all so that this may end! If this is what is necessary, I offer myself to be the completion of your lesson!" > Kintryn yells, "I offer the same, All that I am too all of you as the thirty and nine in pure humility. I have learned my lesson. I give of myself as a lesson that others may see."

A silence falls across the shrine, hushing the crowd!

> A crack of wet thunder sounds, accompanied by the stagnant and pungent smell of brine. Within the blink of an eye, a blast of marine-blue forked lightning appears from above. > Kintryn prays fervently. > The smell of brine grows stronger, but is accompanied now by the stench of burnt flesh, as the marine-hued lightning seeks its target. As quickly as it appeared, the entity dissipates now that its divine work is complete.

  • Klines is slain before your eyes!

> A crack of wet thunder sounds, accompanied by the stagnant and pungent smell of brine. Within the blink of an eye, a blast of marine-blue forked lightning appears from above. > ponder You ponder. > Lennede blinks. > The smell of brine grows stronger, but is accompanied now by the stench of burnt flesh, as the marine-hued lightning seeks its target. As quickly as it appeared, the entity dissipates now that its divine work is complete.

  • Kintryn is slain before your eyes!

You see Mysterious Kintryn plodav, Whisper, a Human. Kintryn has sullenly glowing flame-hued eyes. Her golden brown hair is long and straight, and is worn loose. She has smooth skin and a curvaceous figure. She appears to be in her prime.

She appears to be dead! Other than that...

She has a completely destroyed chest area with nearly all flesh and bone torn away revealing a gaping hole, cuts and bruises about the back.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "They asked for it, I believe."

Aerella softly says, "Klines and Kintryn, you have given your life, may they know your sincerity."

The crackling lightning slams into several of the dark robed clerics as well, prayers and offerings of themselves to all of the Immortals upon their lips as they are struck down!

A sparkling mist forms above Klines's body and hangs there ever so briefly before descending around him, obscuring his body from your sight.

After a few moments, the mist dissipates, leaving Klines alive and breathing a deep gasp of air.

A sparkling mist forms above Kintryn's body and hangs there ever so briefly before descending around her, obscuring her body from your sight.

After a few moments, the mist dissipates, leaving Kintryn alive and breathing a deep gasp of air.

Just as quickly, yet more bolts of lightning begin to strike the corpses, and they stand alive once again before you all! >

Niobo says, "I pray that this day will be remembered and that the 39 will all be remembered."

Klines yells, "Thank You! All Thirty Nine of you! We will spread Your message! That All of You must be remembered and none forgotten!" > A reverant murmur passes through the crowd of peasants and clerics. You make out numerous declarations of devotion amongst it all! > A triple voice once again echoes through the area, now much softer than before. It says, "You, the faithful. You spared them. The beast will return to the ocean." >

Several of the dark robed clerics shout out in recognition of 'the beast' and fall back to their knees in thankful prayer! >

A warm, aquamarine hue suffuses the area, filling you with the feeling of a mother's regret and love.

Aislynn: There's a kraken at the docks. Or leaving it.

Recon time to all the docks/piers in Crossing: Many of the peasants begin to stand and exit the shrine, slowly at first, and with obvious hesitation, then bursts of joyous shouting are heard in the halls and yet more run from the room, thankful prayers on their lips! >

Aislynn: We need a stronger group to keep the docks from being destroyed by the kraken.

Skaen says, "Haven't seen any krakens attacking this dock nor the fishing dock."

Skaen asks, "Any other docks around?"

Your mind hears Aislynn thinking, "<to you>" "Just "Crossing Docks". That's all the messenger shouted."

> Khearkrash: no krakens from what ive seen

[Eyes of the Thirteen, Eluned's Shrine] Glistening like cool water, a blue crystal platform leads toward a coral statue resting deeper within the Shrine of the Ocean Mother. Fashioned from the same material as the passage underfoot, a great oval dome curves down to cradle the shrine in the deep blue light found within the heart of the sea. An indigo glaze marks the center of the colored half-sphere above the far statue, as though this were the eye of Eluned herself, gazing down upon the High Altar below. You also see a piece of dingy sharkskin, a piece of scruffy sharkskin, a piece of ratty sharkskin, an azure mikkhalbamar tree, a white rabbit that is sitting, a narrow archway, a sun-bleached driftwood altar decorated with strands of albatross feathers and a crude altar cobbled together from salt-stained oak planks. Also here: Sianilas, Doomsayer Zhirrisk, Peacemaker Marssi, Caregiver Ceindrech who is kneeling, Gemrardi who is kneeling, Niobo who is kneeling, Initiate Empath Bodie, Legionnaire Eyvve, Hodierna's Fist Lennede, Zombie Slayer Hazzen, Finrin, Dark Illusionist Elabela who is sitting, Safe Cracker Ezly, Mageling Aerella who is sitting, Klines and Mysterious Kintryn. Obvious exits: none. >

You say, "Reports of a kraken attacking the docks... no signs of anything but eels and sharks though."

You say, "Perhaps that was the beast."

A warm, motherly voice fills your mind, saying, "They will Know, children. You shall see to it." The voice morphs to a harsh, rasp and wails with the power of a raging storm, "And if not, the Lesson continues!" > Gemrardi: By the graces of the Immortals, the prayers have averted the Kraken.

You: I believe their prayers and sacrifices at the Temple were enough for it to turn around.

Klines asks you, "Are you able to confirm that someone actually saw a kraken?"

You say to Klines, "Townspeopole reported it."

You say, "People running about... peasants and commoners and such."

You say, "All the docks seemed safe, no massive creatures."

You say, "Just a lot of eels and sharks swarming around them."

A warm, motherly voice fills your mind, saying, "We do, child. You must, however, listen. We are in the air, the wind, the water, the earth. We are in the fire, the sky, the dance, the joy, the pain. We are ALWAYS speaking." > > Kintryn: You must all listen. You must all Remember, The thirty and nine are in the air, the wind, the water the earth. They are in the fire, the sky the dance the joy the pain. They are always speaking to us. We must listen and Remember them all!

Telutci: Prayers didn't stop the eels from killing people. Blades and arrows did. Pay your respects, but don't spend your life on your knees.

Aerella: look up everyone! The rain is gone! The clouds float in the summer sky again!

Zhirrisk observes you with fascination.

You strike a heroic pose.

You say, "I stopped a kraken."

You say, "Neat." You gaze at your fingernails.

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ General Discussions - Events in General (OOC), by POWERHAUS on the forums.