Post:Crafting is only using base ranks - 12/06/2013 - 21:56

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Re: Crafting is only using base ranks · on 12/06/2013 09:56 PM CST 1794
The plan was to replace the straight rank buffs with different modifiers for crafting once those hooks were available. Not sure if anyone caught that in my post. But the spells are released, and I'd rather not screw over other GMs who spent weeks slaving away to write the damn things.

If combat can absorb multiple +100 rank buffs combined with -100 rank debuffs, I'm sure crafting can deal with a single buff providing 1/5th of that amount. A buff that was always planned and would have been accessible to anyone willing to spend the prestige.

Please understand that the same argument can be made for almost all of combat....

I can't hunt unless I have a pet X to buff me.

I can't hunt unless I have a pet X to increase the spawn.

I can't hunt unless I have a pet empath to heal me.

I can't hunt unless I have a pet trader to sell my crap.

I can't hunt incorporeal undead unless I have a cleric to bless me - aww damn. Finally found one that makes sense. Guess Clerics need to get whapped with the nerf bat!

Making abilities that players to make each others' lives easier should not

This message was originally posted in Lore \ Bugs - Lore, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.


Post was cut off on the forum.