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Post:Conversion Event - 01/18/2013 - 23:03
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Re: Conversion Event · on 01/18/2013 11:03 PM CST | 1948 |
I was watching via Shadewatch Mirror. HEAVILY edited to cut back on all the chatter on extraneous nonsense going on....
Collector Kolosin just arrived, leading his group. Kolosin dives toward a small rock formation, wresting the icosahedron from a hole. Vinjince lands a demolishing hit that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest. The throwing axe lodges itself deeply into Kolosin! * Kolosin was just struck down!
Kolosin's hickory crossbow and orichalcum icosahedron fall to the ground. Rifkinn picks up a stellate orichalcum icosahedron engraved with a complex self-similar pattern. Daldruk barrels toward Kolosin like a charging bear, attempting to wrest the icosahedron from his grasp. >I think I missed some stuff and Daldruk was running around for a while... Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, " wrong with this object." Daldruk's voice echoes hollowly as he says, "It has been damaged." Daldruk holds a stellate orichalcum icosahedron engraved with a complex self-similar pattern in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration. Daldruk frowns.
The icosahedron lands at Daldruk's feet with a hollow THUD. Though the Y'Shai's expression is hidden by his featureless cambrinth helm, his whole body seems to flinch as he takes a deliberate step away from the artifact on the ground before him. Your unconscious mind screams out a warning, as some great force shifts across the Web of Fate. The red moonbeam is now too faint to be seen. Vahlissa says, "Seems to be taking orders from Rifkinn." Powerhaus squints.
The substance of Kolosin's body shimmers, as if covered by a veil of crystal tears. A moment later he fades away, leaving nothing but empty air where his body had once lain. Astral Guardian Aysta just arrived. Vansiil nods to Powerhaus. Nurvembarr says, "Oh." A sensation of sudden nausea grips you, as if the earth is dropping away beneath your feet. A hot odor, like ozone, heated metal or burning hair assaults your nostrils and brings stinging tears to your eyes.
* Zynara just disintegrated! * Zynara was just struck down!
Zynara's cage of shadows shatters, the fragments dissipating as they fall away. Zynara sighs softly as the pale yellow sparks surrounding her body fade away. * Heartsfyre just disintegrated! * Heartsfyre was just struck down!
* Aysta just disintegrated! * Aysta was just struck down!
* Vahlissa just disintegrated! * Vahlissa was just struck down!
Vahlissa's purple amethyst falls to the ground. * Evro just disintegrated! * Evro was just struck down!
A dancing aura of spectral flame begins to waver about Evro's lifeless body. * Daldruk just disintegrated! * Daldruk was just struck down!
* Vansiil just disintegrated! * Vansiil was just struck down!
Vansiil sighs softly as the pale yellow sparks surrounding his body fade away. * Ruea just disintegrated! * Ruea was just struck down!
* Osus just disintegrated! * Osus was just struck down!
Osus's throwing axe falls to the ground. * Powerhaus just disintegrated! * Powerhaus was just struck down!
The flames surrounding Powerhaus fade away. The shimmering ethereal shield fades from around Powerhaus. * Vinjince just disintegrated! * Vinjince was just struck down!
* Meantermel just disintegrated! * Meantermel was just struck down!
Meantermel's scimitar falls to the ground. * Marssi just disintegrated! * Marssi was just struck down!
* Nurvembarr just disintegrated! * Nurvembarr was just struck down!
The powerful divine aura slowly wanes from about Nurvembarr. * Mistanna just disintegrated! * Mistanna was just struck down!
Mistanna's scimitar falls to the ground. You hear the ghostly voice of Vahlissa say, "Gahh." You hear the ghostly voice of Powerhaus say, "Owch." The air around Zynara shimmers with a weak yellow light that quickly disperses. A hammer-strike of force bludgeons at your brain as probability twists and skews obscenely. A terrible, roiling fire burns through your mind, threatening to overwhelm your prophetic senses.
Reality itself seems to ring like a soundless bell, the fabric of the world vibrating around you. You are struck with the disquieting sensation that everything has been changed indelibly. Suddenly, you are weightless, carried aloft by a massive wave of heat and force. Consciousness flees. You hear the ghostly voice of Zynara ask, "Seriously?" You hear the ghostly voice of Marssi say, "Ouch." The earth around Daldruk's body seems to awaken, opening up and curling around him, pulling the lifeless form downward, covering him until nothing is left except a memory of his corpse.
Your visions due to the Shadewatch Mirror cease. A shadowy mirror shudders and splits into a thousand shards that quickly melt away.
-Coralin | |
This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ General Discussions - Events in General (OOC), by HAPLO82 on the forums. |